Who made this song?

Who made this song?


Why is being Anthony Burch the worse case scenario when you could be a homeless alcoholic cunt who panhandles online? Yes, I could provide an example.

Burch still had a job. He still earns a living. He had a wife. How is this a complete failure at life?

what video game is this?

Because he has good things going for him but ultimately resents himself and prostrates how pathetic he is with a completely insincere transparency. Not because he believes it, Burch has no serious convictions of his own, his every bit a vapid mainstream consumerist who thinks he goes against the grain, he just does it because that's what he thinks cool, smart people will like.

You could be a homeless loser but so long as you are a sincere person, you at least won't be Anthony Burch.

>had a wife

You hating on shoenice and dsp?? Cmon bro LOL

>yfw you're not anthony burch

It feels good


first post best post

>Burch still had a job. He still earns a living. He had a wife. How is this a complete failure at life?
Yeah but on the other hand he was Anthony Burch.

No, trust me, I'd rather be Anthony Burch than a homeless alcoholic mama's boy who constantly begs for money on websites such as Tinychan with a "world owes me shit because I am a U.S. patriotic former gay navy boy" attitude who has confirmed to have sucked dick to fund my drug and booze money. Bert sincerely should kill himself.

Yes obviously being homeless is worse but it wouldn't be funny if we didn't exaggerate. Lighten up.

You're not fooling anyone Anthony


>Who made this song?
It's literally under the video.


>Who made this song?


This is legitimately more catchy than the original

t. anothony burch
you're pathetic
i've seen crackheads strealing from walmart with more self respect than anthony burch

Covert Sup Forums the musical thread, I see.

What's the stuff you guys want to see this year, considering it's right around the corner?

What's the story behind this picture?



>homeless alcoholic cunt who panhandles online?

>atleast im not Anthony Burch

Hi Anthony


I know the original, but what convinced someone to draw Hitler feeding Kirby with whipped cream?



the lulz
