what are some current gen games that you consider to be "hidden gems"?
What are some current gen games that you consider to be "hidden gems"?
indie or mainstream?
whatever, I'm just interested to discover good games that flew under the radar
describe tastes/desires, because 'good' is subjective
ok, well due to the fact that there's a huge influx of indie games, i'm gonna start there, just gimme a moment to wrack my brain a bit
Valdis Story: Abyssal City is a cool indie metroidvania that for some reason never caught that much attention.
Yo Noid 2! Even its a game jam game, its platforming was fuckin nice.
breath of the wild
Duck Game is an unexpectedly hilarious and intense combat party game by adult swim games. check it out and play with some friends. it gets really old without them!
Hover: Revolt of Gamers
I believe you are on the wrong board, Pajeet
Furi was hidden until it went on PSN+
Crypt of the Necrodancer is phenomenal
That's all I've got for "hidden gems"
Dungeons of dredmor -roguelike
Grandia 2 - JRPG
Hard Reset - interesting Cyberpunk shooter that never got its sequel
Hector: Badge of Carnage - point and clicker published by telltale games
Penumbra - Horror game series developed by same companies as Amnesia
Arx Fatalis - Western RPG with a fascinating magic system, prepare to troubleshoot though
God Wars: Future Past
Grand Kingdom
Transformers Devastation
Kromaia Omega
Exist Archive
>current gen games
Avadon 1 & 2 - REALLY oldschool CRPG
Blade Kitten - Cute, girl-powery cringe Platformer by the devs of Ty the tasmanian tiger
Blood: One Unit Whole Blood - That doomlike you keep seeing webms of, comes with expansion campaigns
Din's Curse - An interesting Diablolike that frustrates and satisfies in equal measure, play with friends
Fallout 4™
so you want best graphics AND gameplay?
While it takes inspiration from those that preceded it, it does enough different to establish it's own identity.
Dungeon Travelers 2
I feel like along with Bloodborne this game is a good reason to own a PS4. The gravity gimmick is really fun along with the beautifully crafted world and music. I haven't played the sequel yet but I've heard that it's even better.
isn't it the most well known indie metroidvania? hardly a hidden gem
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines Reinstall
Thinking of picking this up, is it really that good?
If it's mainstream then it's not hidden.
Perhaps by "mainstream" you mean simply "not indie", i.e., publisher-supported.
and butcher, you can fap in that game. no really, you can