ITT Villains that did nothing wrong inb4 dyson sphere

ITT Villains that did nothing wrong inb4 dyson sphere

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dr. bean haha

Breen's a sympathetic antagonist, whether or not you want to call him a "villain" is another matter, but he WAS objectively wrong during the events of HL2.

Breen was totally right to surrender during the Seven Hour War, as humanity stood no chance against the greater Combine Empire.

However, at the time that HL2 starts and it becomes apparent that Gordon Freeman (a primary leader for the impending insurrection) has returned, he should have used his influence to subvert the Combine defense effort and aid the Resistance. After all, a sufficient coup of the Citadel was all it would take to forever isolate the earth from the Combine for good.

Alas, by the events of HL2 Breen was so cucked that he was willing to sacrifice his species for himself. He deluded himself into pretending that humanity would be able to join the greater empire, but he was a pawn in the game and died like a bitch for it.

>totally right to surrender
I'd rather go down fighting than become the Combine's bitch.
Breen did everything wrong

Have fun being a mindless hunter.


Shit. I'm retarded.

>I'd rather go down fighting
Nah, you would pick up that can like a real coward, same as the rest of us.

If humanity didn't surrender then it would have been annihilated. A part of the bigger point of HL2 onward's story is that we literally cannot fight the empire proper and that making us impossible to find is the best we can hope for (the point of the Episodes)

Had Breen not surrendered, the seven hour war would have become, say, a fourteen hour war, where any pocket of humanity lucky enough to survive would have gone extinct within a generation or two. His initial actions sowed the seeds for any opportunity at a resistance at all.

So all of humanity should go down with you because you lack basic common sense? Use your head.

It was an unwinnable fight. The correct course of action would be to surrender while you can still salvage some fighting forces. Then study your enemy, find their weaknesses, make them think you are cooperating. Then destroy them from within when the right moment presents itself.

Breen did the first part but then failed to do the second part.


So how come destroying the citadel "severs" the combines connection to earth.

How the fuck did they get here in the first place then?

>A part of the bigger point of HL2 onward's story is that we literally cannot fight the empire proper and that making us impossible to find is the best we can hope for (the point of the Episodes)

But they had already found us. They know exactly where we are. How can we make them unfind us?


The portal storms that happened across earth

What are some games where the villain is 200% right but we have to fight them anyway

He didn't think he was wrong though is the main thing. He believed that the only way for humanity to survive was to cooperate with the Combine, rather than wager it all on a coup that could very well have failed.

Bioshock Infinite

If you were paying any attention, Combine portal technology is interdimensional, brute forced, and largely uncontrolled. They happened to luck into finding earth following the portal storms, and we got fucked for it.

Following the Combine's initial discovery of a new habitable planet, they set up camp by setting up a Citadel, which functions as an anchor point for the combine to be able to find the planet/dimension again.

This is the point of the Episodes. The Combine Occupying force (i.e the pussy force they left behind comparatively) manages to open a superportal which could allow the proper empire to find and resubjugate earth. If the superportal is closed and the occupying force defeated before finding better portal technology, the Empire proper will NEVER EVER be able to find earth again.

The combine are not permanently cut off from the main organism, I'm sure it wasn't stated anywhere.

>A monkey man named Cave Johnsons company made interdimensional/time traveling portal technology before a galactic super civilization capable of dyson spheres could

Are the combine a meme civilization?

That sounds, achievable, I guess? How did we go from this to fucking dyson spheres

That kinda depends. In Tales of Phantasia, you find out that the main villain is actually an alien trying to find a way to save his own people, making his actions just an righteous in his eyes. Hell, the backbone of Nier's story is about killing an enemy because you think you're right in doing so.


>that high

I'm just waiting for Valve to confirm if Team Fortress 2 and Left 4 Dead also take place in the same Universe.

Gordon got a look at the greater Combine empire.

L4D cant obviously.

Metal Gear Rising

If I had to guess, the rough point of HL3 was very unrefined, where they wanted a glimpse of the proper combine without the earth consequences. Ergo, the ending.

But then you have the Vorts bailing Gordon again, showing Valve's reluctance to definitively end any of their games in case of sequels.


>L4D cant obviously.
No it can if it's like video related:

The Combine is actually just Glados trying to reform humanity.

Because that's a shit script from an ex-employee that wouldn't have passed first company meeting.

You're looking for a game where your antagonist is the hero, e.g. Cyrus Temple in SR3. Is he an asshole? Yeah. Does he lie some? Sure. But his grand goal is to stop gang crime, not to line his pockets or gain power.

I was thinking of that, I've been meaning to play it for a while, if only for the soundtrack and memes

MGS2. You only kill Solidus because if you don't, Olga's child and Rose dies. They would get killed by the people the "villain" is trying to end.

MGS 2.
The patriots outright admit that they lied and mindcontrolled you to fight the one man that can prevent their dystopia. But you still fight him because apparently he killed your parents (one of the most retarded forced plot device I've seen). Kojima is a hack.

No it just cant because Half Life 1 takes place in the year 200x. L4D and L4D2 obviously take place after wards

You didn't play the game

That's the most pussy evil list ever.

Sup Forums - Collective Consciousness

Solidus isn't a straight up hero, though. He sacrifices a lot of innocent people for the sake of a vendetta rather than out of any true altruism.

It can be explained easily:
>Gordon is frozen
>Green Flu becomes an epidemic
>Either humans finally find a cure/kill all the infected or the combine gets rid of it
>Gordon comes back

Far Cry 4. Pagan Min is literally the only chance Kyrat has at stability and a modern society, and you're forced to depose him unless you pick the secret meme ending.

Cant be because the Combine arrive right after the cascade because of all the portal storms which you see none of during L4D or L4D2.


>Hannibal in meh tier when high describes him perfectly
Looks like somebody once napped through Silence of the Lambs on TNT and never went any further.

Team Fortress 2 could be another Aperture Science test with clones running endlessly.

>shit script from ex employee
Literally the lead writer
His word is Canon BY DEFAULT

So what you're saying is that C0DA is canon

Came here to post this.

Someone didn't read Epistle 3.

Meh, I wouldn't call that a real existence. If you want to split hairs, then sure, he turned into a monstrosity and then presumably died for it later.

Well if he is the lead writer, sure..

Sup Forums BTFO

Borderlands 2


>he WAS objectively wrong during the events of HL2

How? Without Breen as the mediator the Combine would've just assimilated every single human outright instead of letting humanity retain some freewill.



Because he was given a lot of oversight within the earth operations of the Combine. Many of the resistance's issues e.g. the abduction of Eli Vance and the near-surrender of better portal technology to the combine such that there was no hope of escape were all his fault.

If he'd played double agent from the top things would have been much easier.

There was never any hope of escape, Freeman appearing didn't change any of that, it only accelerated humanity becoming extinct.

Given the ending of episode 2 that's patently false. Despite Breen's resistance, the Combine is unable at that time to contact the Empire, and will be forever if they can't attain the Borealis.

>the Combine is unable at that time to contact the Empire, and will be forever

That is pure speculation on your part. That's like saying if you destroy a satellite dish it will never be possible to contact that place ever again.

Someone didn't read the pastebin.

Pay more attention to what Dr. Mossman says to you over the course of the game. She explains exactly why the resistance teleportation technology is worth a damn to the Combine (precision) and over the episodes you're spoonfed (until the discovery of the Borealis) that the Combine can't come back if the earthside occupying force can't help them back.

I swear that some of you were the ten-year-old cutscene-skipping kind of players when these games come out, because these are basic details.

final fantasy 12. theres basically zero reason for the final boss fight

They may had fucked with his brain to make him loyal.

>the Combine can't come back if the earthside occupying force can't help them back.

And the Earth still has a massive Combine presence.

That, and the fact that he tells you he's going to kill you to get at the nanomachines in your brain. It's tough to blame raiden, and snake for going against Solidus when he makes it clear several times that he wants both of them dead.

Is it clear exactly how Dr. Wallace Breen came to be the intermediary between the human race and the combine? Seems like a rather sudden jump from Black Mesa admin to Earth's mouthpiece for the multiverse's ruling totalian government.

Would almost make more sense if they chose some universally loved celeb like Tom Hanks or something.

The original Breen did die, though.
Grub Breen was a flawed copy.

*totalitarian, sorry.

No direct offence intended towards Italians.

G-man was probably involved.

Yeah, that's the big dilemma: he's a hunk of shit but he and the protags also knows he's 200% right, your interests just happen to oppose his in the moment. Plus he puts a low value on human rights and happiness in the short term.

He represents the cruelty of working for the greater good. Hence Sup Forums's long term obsession with him and his version of humanitarianism.

The earth occupying force is comparatively tough for the resistance compared to prior historical battles, but they're pussy shit compared to the combine proper.

For a verbaitm quote about the superportal opening from Eli Vance...

>it'll be the Seven Hour War all over again... except this time we won't last seven minutes!

He brokered an agreement on behalf of humanity, with negotiations taking place in the UN building in New York.

It isn't exactly clear exactly how he managed it given that you only glean this information from the titles of Newspaper clippings and the like.

The town of Silent Hill

Why would the Combine open up to humanity's surrender in the first place?

It went a little too far to just teach a lesson

I forget what's the combine's deal again? I know they are a huge interplanetary empire and shit. But I remember they were like inter dimensional too to some extent right? Hence the Vortigaunts hiding out on Xen after getting butt fucked by them?

Man its been so long since I played any HL game I think its time for a replay.

>be head of company/facility which caused the portal storms and allowed the Combine to invade
>accept responsibility because of your position, and the fact that you know better than anyone else the scale of the BM experiments/research
There was literally nobody better.

>Are they interdimensional?

Yes. That's why humanity stands a chance if the portal is closed and is fucked if it's left open.

>Hence the vortigaunts hiding?

Yes, but unfortunately they were able to follow in the portal storms back to Earth.

Sniper Elite 4

fuck that, Combine tech is horrifying. Better to keep your head down until absolutely necessary unless you want a fate worse than death.

but coda was always canon

they're even putting elements of those shit in TESO

Oh, forgot to mention that they exploit lesser species and their planets for labor/resources. Hence the oceans being so drained (they took a great deal of water) and the conversion of humans into Overwatch Soldiers/Stalkers/Etc.

Hell, half the combine vehicles and the like you see are other species that have been forced into a military capacity.

I'd like to hear Breen's argument for the validity of the human race's continued existence (or rather the continued existence of our DNA.)
I have to wonder if the data he was able to glean from Black Mesa's servers indicated something special, something of value in our bodies, brains, and spiritual selves to the Combine.

But that sounds a little too humanist to be realistic. Are we just adaptive, half-competent inventors who can survive in diverse climates? Seems like we'd be destined to be integrated into the DNA of lower-middle-class worker-admins, whoever those are. Probably integrated the same species Breen was transferred to.

The speech about not needing reproduction because humanity would soon transcend mortality, as well as his end speech directly to Gordon about "what [he's] created" are nice complimentary points to Breen's character. He's gotten so comfortable with the idea that he saved humanity that he's unable to remove himself from it and look at the situation objectively.

James went a little too far in killing his wife. Unconventional therapy for unconventional clients.

If finding earth is impossible for them due to the random nature of their inter dimensional travel how have they managed to subjugate all these other planets? Did they just get lucky every time? Or I guess we can assume they are just hella old and take a long ass time combing dimensions for this shit and just get really happy when they do stumble across one?

I can imagine if they had any reliable way to scan for intelligent life finding earth again wouldn't be so hard and then it would just be a matter of time before they came back. Even if it was a thousand years, not like we could progress enough to stop them.


They used their technology to bore into other dimensions, and when they happened to find a useful planet with or without intelligent life, they made use of whatever resources they could steal from it.

Earth was an astronomically grain of sand plucked from a desert at least the size of our planet. Is it theoretically possible they could happen into it again? Yes, but it's astronomically unlikely.

Man this looks fucking stupid

S'alright lad

t. signed up for civil protection
would enjoy the shit out of crowbarring collaborators and cowards like you

Just seems odd then with how lucky it was for them that they would make their entire grasp on earth stem from just one single citadel/portal. Would not two be a better idea, you know a failsafe?

Combine portal technology is super-expensive and thus you could argue that a second citadel was cost-prohibitive. That's about the only thing that makes any sense assuming you take it as granted that other species haven't had the same success in escaping the Combine.