Dragon Ball FighterZ

Will our dude Goku Black make the cut?

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you mean Super Saiyan HOT PINK?


I honestly expect Fused Zamasu over Black.

no FighterZ sucks. He only wants to be a part of a franchise suited for Gods.

DB Xenoverse and Dokkan Battle.

Teen Gohan > Future Gohan > Super Saiyaman > Kid Gohan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Adult Gohan

We wont get any fusion characters except Gotenks.


Hopefully not, he was a shit character, same with zamasu. Garbage filler, written so badly they erased it all in one episode when goku presses a red go away button.
Literally forgotten like it was 50 years ago the next day they all go on living their lives.

A fucking nothingness. Fuck these two characters, low IQ color swap, evil ryu bullshit.
Fuck no.

There are far better characters that deserve a slot in the game over these two clowns.

Seeing as there isnt' a single Super character released yet.
super saiyan god and blue showed up in Movies labeled under the Z moniker before Super even started. Look it up.

supershit is for fags, user

wow truly epic post Sup Forumsro

ding-dong diddly cringe


Who cares about him? We want Janemba.

Saiyaman is the best Gohan though. Also the true Gohan that is seemingly forever lost now, Mystic Gohan and Jobber Gohan are just masks he wears.

>wanting one of the worst villains to get in

No we don't fuck him too.

DLC negro

Will /ourguy/ Jackie Chun make the cut?

No fuck YOU

Don't worry, you're fucking irrelevant an that shit isn't going to happen anyways. Bye.

No, one goku is too much as it is and we already have 2. (That nobody asked for)

Hand-swords magoo doesn't deserve to be in the roster, MAYBE as a DLC like a year down the line but that's it.

Of course. He's one of the best DB villains of all time.

we dont need him roshi has all the same powers as him but more

What if they paired him up with Zamasu like with 17/18 and could fuse for a transformation?

>He's one of the best DB villains of all time.

Are you really 9 years old? Tell the truth.

Until they actually break this stride. It's Showing up as nothing but Z characters.

>wanting another goku clone

If goku black makes it in the game it will be as an Assist move for Zamasu

black fights nothing like goku

> Implying that Black isn't perfect

Shit ningen taste confirmed

This nigger will be in it


I don't. Goku Black is more popular.

He would be really interesting if he was weak as fuck, but fast with slowly auto regenning health.

turning himself into Goku was the best thing zamasu ever did to himself. He sucks on his own.
Goku Black is the only good thing out of that whole arc and he'd make for a good addition to the game, both moveset and personality wise.

This. Everything he said about humans were right, goku is the main cause of this tournament, and zamasu predicted it so easy

I honestly think Zamasu has enough moves to be his own character and should not be a partner character.

Of course, and he will have immortal Zamasu as an assist character because that's how they fought in the anime.


Zamasu barely has anything to his name, Black carried him during the entire thing.

Super sucks

With Black's moveset potential, I hope he makes it

no super characters, the ssgss forms are from the movies which are counted as Z

I want Ultimate Cuckhan and Super Buu in just so I can BTFO you faggots in game.

t. ningen


If they must add another Goku it should be Kid Goku with the blue gi, nimbus and the power pole.

I love seeing them shilling together

You're right, he fights like Zamasu.

Which is why he should be nothing more than a costume for Zamasu. Same moves, same purple ki, same little stabby hands bullshit.

But Zamasu has no staying power, he's already a "literally who" character. Fasha is probably more well liked and has more fans than him.

And Yamcha easily has more fans than both combined.

>muh pink goko

that hurts to watch

Black's moveset:

> Black Kamehameha
> Rose Blade
> Rose Blade Dance
> Rose Scythe
> Shadow Clones
> Ripping dimensional holes
> Tag-team attack with Zamasu

He's a pallet swap

There's only one slot I care about.


> Passive ability: Increasing in power as you take damage

>high popularity
>good moveset
There's really no reason he shouldn't get in.

They really need to tone down the scaling for supers. They suck now and the matches are too long.

>Fasha is probably more well liked and has more fans than him
Nobody cares about this "character" and shes only brought up when people are scraping the bottom of the barrel for female dragon ball representation.

But you still take DAMAGE!

rumor says hes dlcin the sequel hopefully never hes a shit character. everything after gt is shit fan fiction. toriyama is senile and gt was better than anything that hack could have made

>literally had to google who fasha was
>implying a side character from a non-canon movie from the early 90s is more well known than the main antagonist from the most recently finished arc

>Which is why he should be nothing more than a costume for Zamasu.
>Fasha is probably more well liked and has more fans than him
>And Yamcha easily has more fans than both combined

They could make it like Raven's excitement meter

The sheer desperation of nostalgiafags to keep this game Z only is hilarious.

Can't wait until its time to make the donuts.

Black sounded like a fan-fiction villain at first, but eventually became one of my favorite DB villains of all time

Too bad he wasn't resurrected for Team Universe 10 in the current arc.

>gt was better

>Rose Blade Dance
Did you mean Divine Lasso?

This would be cool if they balanced it properly. Way too easy to build in Rev 2

Seriously, there is no other explanation for it. You have to be a literal child to enjoy the zamasu/black arc/story/characters. Such a dumb fucking character I'm glad he was erased and forgotten. Shit was a mistake an everyone knew it.
Writers were desperate to take themselves out of the pidgin hole the wrote themselves into.

>even more goku clones
>rainbow hair
the less super shit, the better

Why didn't he catch the bullet mid air or dodge it or something

>everything after gt is shit fan fiction
Good thing this is set before GT.

>Too bad he wasn't resurrected for Team Universe 10 in the current arc.
he's from an alternate future where everything was erased from existence. how would that even work?

No one ever said Z only, they just said no super characters. And as far as anyone sane is concerned, there aren't any super characters yet.

Nah go play MvC Infinite if you want to touch of death little kids with minimal button presses.

That's not skill, lots of health and fair damage scaling makes fighting games more likely to reward the better player not just "TEEHEEHEE YOU GUESSED WRONG ONCE I WIN :^)"

GT is literal fan fiction. It's not canon

this would be a godlike intro. just imagine



He stands a chance and would probably have some pretty good gameplay.

He's retarded.

All I want is Master Roshi, and Beerus.

>previously Frozen
Just like his planet huh



Just look at this.It looks like garbage.


Nigger we already have SIX Saiyans assuming I'm understanding correctly that SSB Goku and SSB Vegeta are separate characters and not just ultimate formes for the regular SSJ versions
I'm not a fan of anything from Super getting in honestly but shit like Beerus and Hit would be a lot better than a seventh Saiyan.

For the 3000th time, yes
He was too popular to not make it in

What are the chances they're ones to be announced at TGS?

We was busy talking with himself

No he isn't. He's retarded.

Goku isn't a human. Plus they were going to destroy the universes that have low mortality anyway. The gods are the ones that stink. Zamasu was plainly wrong.

The sad part is this is one of the better animated scenes in the whole series.

Why the fuck do people complain about Saiyans? You know what series this is right?


GT is canon to the Z anime series, Super is canon to Kai.

How popular is Black and Zamasu with the nips?

That one shot of Black 3 seconds in always looks out of place to me.

Reminder that this game won E3's award for best fighting game when it was purely showing off DBZ characters and that hamfisting "Super" shit into it constitutes a bait and switch. Which is not only immoral, but illogical and potentially hype-killing.

If Z characters are what made this game popular, than that's the roster pool the deva should pull from. Not contrived "Pink Goku and Purple Piccolo"