Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a New Vegas thread
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a New Vegas thread
Edwin Robert House is the best hope not only for the Mojave,but for America.
t. Cuck
>New Vegas
Your list is backwards
I can see liking the map from Fallout 3 more, but there's no contest between 3 and New Vegas. New Vegas is a much better game.
Did you kill every Powder Ganger in the prison on your first run?
>my opinion > yours
Not an argument
Nobody wishes for a new vegas thread. Saged.
>implying 4 is better than 3
I'm siding with the NCR this time
Stop me.
No reason not to
It's consequence free and you get a shit ton of supplies
>stop discussing video games on Sup Forums - Video Games
how low can life be
Ok, in your opinion, what does 3 do better than New vegas? I can concede that 4 has better shooting and graphics are nicer (Expected of a sequel), but all the stuff that made Fallout well... Fallout were missing.
>The characters I've beat the game with run at 144fps
>Any new character I create struggles to run higher than 30fps
I have no fucking clue what's going on with my game.
>my opinion instantly trumps your opinion because i said so
Quickest way to get a Trail Carbine or Brush Gun that doesn't involve console commands?
Pretty sure Bonnie Springs has a raider carrying a Trail Carbine. No idea on the Brush Gun
>be Oliver Swansick
>about to raid Nipton and ambush the NCR
>suddenly the Legion appears and rounds us all up
>they give each of us a lottery number
>managed to win the lottery and was let go unharmed
>Boxcars won second and got his legs broken
>the rest were either crucified or burned
>about to enjoy my freedom when suddenly one faggot appears in Nipton and decides to kill me for no reason
I haven't played New Vegas much, I just did a Caesar's legion playthrough.
What do I do next? The only DLC I've completed is Honest Hearts, which I sided with Joshua.
>No good reason
But you are the only NPC that can feel pain.
>But you are the only NPC that can feel pain.
What is that supposed to mean?
>let's continue to spout the exact same shit with no movement in conversation about the exact same video game every single day because muh autism
>did a Legion playthrough
>sided with Joshua
hope Caesar doesn't hear about this
I'd recommend doing the rest of the DLC in this order:
Old World Blues
Dead Money
Lonesome Road
Thanks user, what main faction do you think I should side with next?
why'd you click on this thread senpai?
Personally I prefer the NCR, but you can't really go wrong since every main faction has more content than the Legion.
Try House next. After that, up to you. NCR has the most quests but Yesman is fun in the fact you can decide which factions you want in YOUR Vegas.
You can't choose who you side with, if you kill joshua or his cuck friend you fail the main quest at Zion
Break the casinos then go to Gun Runners. Spend those caps on your rifle instead of implants. The real problem would be getting enough ammo.
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish to buy Fallout 4 instead. It's the better game anyway!
Also we now have mods you can buy
Get your new power armor for only 500 Toddcoins™!
Realllly fucking bothers me that Honest Hearts didn't give you the option of siding with the White Legs against Graham. Completely goes against the 'choice and consequences' philosophy of Obsidian.
Also reeeeeaaaalllly bothers me that you can't brag about killing Graham to Caesar, and then proceeding to get rewarded by drowning in Legion sex slave pussy for eliminating the Legion's worst nightmare.
Lads what's mr house like? What's his ideals? Is he "good" or "bad"?
I use to like the independent ending but then I realised it's all just anarchy.
Side with Joshua and wipe out the white legs or side with the other chump and help the sorrows escape instead
>if you kill joshua or his cuck friend you fail the main quest at Zion
pretty sure that's the point
that being said, I wouldn't kill Joshua even if I went Legion
>Also reeeeeaaaalllly bothers me that you can't brag about killing Graham to Caesar, and then proceeding to get rewarded by drowning in Legion sex slave pussy for eliminating the Legion's worst nightmare.
speedplayer confirmed
Why is this.
just like every other thread, fuck off retard
Legion assassins usually carry them
Wild Wasteland add anything or take out anything besides YCS/Alien Blaster?
He's the only faction leader you lose karma for killing. He wants to start space traveling and eventually move humanity to a new, non-irradiated planet
it adds a couple of really weird events that youll probs miss unless you look them up but i recall giant rat and 3 old women with rolling pins chasing me thanks to the trait
Kill em all and let god sort them out
I was once attacked by 3 evil grannies.
a tiny deathclaw will come out of a dog house in OWB
friendly reminder to not reply to shitposters and underages
keep new vegas threads comfy or ill snipe you with gunfu
As whole he only wants good for humanity in the long term, but that doesn't mean that he's a good person in the typical sense. He doesn't have compassion for single humans and regards them only as tools to get his will done.
But then again, even if he isn't a nice person and his rule would be an autocracy, his plan also doesn't entail any meaningless cruelty or other nasty shit. And best of all, it most likely could even work in long term, unlike Legion's hopeless dream.
House is the old 'enlightened absolutism' fallacy, but he's not bad considering the other options for Mojave are
1)taxed by NCR, get nothing in return and get driven off your land if a brahmin baron fancies it,
2)lolanarchy or enlightened absolutism with the Courier instead of House, or
3)being enslaved by a swarm of evil mongoloids who think you are successfully rebuilding the world wrong and need to be nailed to a utility pole for that.
He also isn't interested in forcing ideology on people and largely leaves areas outside of Vegas alone.
>Is he "good" or "bad"
I'd say him and NCR are equal light gray. NCR is a massively corrupt and failing republic, but it's still a republic. House is a local dictator, but focused on restoring pre-war technological backbone, and won't meddle in your affairs as long as you pay taxes and don't cause trouble.
Three holy hand grenades replace two mini nukes in Searchlight.
Trigger Discipline or Fast Shot?
Trigger discipline if you're going to be using high spread weapon in VATS. Fast shot if you're going to be using sniper rifles or avoid VATS completely.
Specifically the Trail Carbine, Brush Gun and Medicine Stick
Skilled and Small Frame.
Destroy the ncr and legion at lonesome road and you get this
wouldn´t the proper picture be the statues among an intact civilization?
>The couriers finally, really did it. They blew up the lands west and east of the Mojave, damning them all to hell.
Fucking Ulysses.
It's a planet of the apes reference you silly person
>project brazil is almost done
Does anyone else really think Intelligence is OP as fuck? The game really becomes generous with its skill points and whenever I'm doing a high INT run I feel like I actively have to nerf by distributing them in the most inane ways possible and getting useless perks (or shutting them off entirely) to prevent myself from being a god.
Honestly, I feel like making INT effecting experience gained might be one of the few things 4 did right.
The Fallout games have always had pretty imperfect stat systems, going back to Fallout 1 and 2 where having less than 8 agility meant that you were essentially playing a wheelchair-bound pacifist who can't fight or even run from fights.
I always make sure to be shunned and not vilified to then after the goodsprings shootout so i can do i fought the law questline and betray then in the last segment...always Feels soo good doing it
Sure but I always felt NV was really close on making it all fairly balanced together (for the most part). Not perfectly mind you but to a point that all Special and skills are all viable in what's expected of them.
If they were to just limit the amount of skills given to you, rework INT to something what 4 did but maybe better and decrease the damage of Critical Hits whilst Sneaking I'd consider it as close to perfect as it could feasibly be.
I don't know if F4's system is much better, getting EXP/Leveling faster is always pretty useless which is why nobody ever takes perks like "Here and Now".
Half the problem is that charisma is underpowered, so there's no reason not to treat it as a dump stat to max out intelligence with.
>t. cuck
Oh, right, let's go over the rewards each faction gives you. The NCR gives you a shiny metal wreath. The Legion puts your face on a coin. Mr. House gives you, as the ending slide states, "Every luxury at his disposal", meaning you're the second most affluent man in the west, and you get free booze, meals, water, and hookers in vegas. Compared to having your face on the nickel in a society of savages, or having a "thank you for your cervix" award, what makes you think Mr. House is the shittiest option?
I have over 500 hours in New Vegas and never installed a single mod. What should I install?
Is WXM good?
Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle or Christine's CoS Sniper Rifle?
What is the best version of this ton download and from where? I've barely used the Internet in 6 here and things have changed. Keep in mind I have bought this game twice on clonsoles and all the dlc. I want to pirate this bitch just to see if it even works on my kinda crappy laptop.
INT barely contributes to skill points in NV. The difference between a genus and a retard is one extra maxed skill at level 50.
One is silenced, other isn't.
Because user would rather rule in shit than serve in heaven.
would you pimp your ass out to lanius if it meant not getting gangraped by legion soldiers
I'd never get caught by a bunch of Sodomite raider faggots.
You responded to a brainlet who has no idea why House is the best and most likely canon ending of the game.
empty goals
But what if he cannibilizes me before or after?
I never travel without the firepower of a small army so those football pad wearing faggots are welcome to try and enslave me, there'd just be another corpse field in the Wasteland feeding the buzzards.
You know someone is retarded when they make a statement like this without elaborating or giving any reasons for it.
>t. NCR cuck
You don't even serve in Caesar's ending, you're just the new aberham lincoln. Help fought a war, probably assassinated by your own side, and your face is on a penny.
actually you know someone is a retard when they take a confirmed lying egomaniac's statements at face value
I can't play New Vegas with mods on. It crashes before the mouse is even enabled. What should I do?
All he needs to do is swing his halberd and you're on your knees taking his thicc dicc up your boipucci/ass
Obsidian is apparently working on a "secret project." Fallout?
>industrialization of the wasteland? pfft what an empty goal.
>how could people benefit from the technology of the world being returned to the level it was before the war?
>a confirmed lying egomaniac's
uninstall mods
First he needs to live long enough to swing it.
And all doubts are banished when that very same retard fails to provide reasons when called out on his failure to do so before.
Disable your mods one by one until it works.
no, most the people responsible for NV left Obsidian.
Whatever it is I'm not interested. Anyone capable of making a good game had bailed long ago.
>there's a shortcut to helios one from hidden valley
how many mods do you have installed? it's possible that it's just 1 mod fucking things up because it's loaded in the wrong order/installed incorrectly
look up gopher on youtube, he has good modding videos and one of them is about troubleshooting
he lies in his obituary letter you receive after killing him in order to make his accomplishments look better than they actually were
sorry i don't see any point in trying to justify myself to Science(tm)! dorks who think technological progress is the answer in a world that was destroyed by it