How does Sup Forums create their character's appearance when given the chance in games...

How does Sup Forums create their character's appearance when given the chance in games? Do you take your time making it or just go with the default?

Take my time of course.

Is this Black Desert? I need to get on this now, but how!?

No it's Honey Select

Oh okay, I need it!

I play female characters 100% of the time. If you cant play a female character in a rpg like witcher for example, I don't buy the game at all. I take my time to make whatever waifu type i feel like playing. I also wear armor in function of cuteness not stats

Hit randomize until I get something ugly

so on the first try every time ?

Pick a preset and make a few changes.

>having autism

>posts a blank picture
>calls others autistic

I fucking hated that thing.
Why are you using a "Reflectron" and not just a damn mirror to look at yourself?

It's not exactly a mirror. Doc specifically asks you if he left anything out, so the whole thing is you adjusting it to show how accurate it is.

Depends on what mood I'm in.

I usually make old men with long beards, carrying the biggest fucking weapon I can find.

I mostly make giant grizzled old warriors, most of the time it doesn't take long.

It's about the only improvement that FO4 had over NV.
Everyone hated FO4 for its shitty gameplay, streamlining, dumbing down, and other bits of casual dumbfuckery, but virtually no one criticized the character creator, which is objectively better than the FO3 and NV creator.

I always make guys with giant mustaches is fallout/skyrim
most historic badasses had cool mustaches so it really just makes sense


Usually takes me at least 45 min if the creator is elaborate enough.

haha fag
I do this sometimes

Muslim, with explosives maxed out.

I think you might be gay bro.

I take my time, usually I base my characters off Vigo Mortensen in medieval games. Sci fi and shit, I just make a hard ass looking mofo

It really depends. in Fallout games I press random until something somewhat matches what I want for that run, in Souls games I take the standard character and make the nose as big as possible because reasons, and outside of those two it really depends on the game's character creator and a bunch of other stuff like how serious I'm taking the game

When it comes to Bethesda games i stick with the default face and just change the hair and such because God knows what sort of atrocity will come out if i fiddle with the sliders

Depends on how complex and or shitty the creator is. Bethesda games before Fallout 4 I only made a servicable character that was pretty much the same across all games. Fallout 4 was a little better so i spent time on it. I imagine that if ever got BDO or any game with a creator like that i would spend a massive amount on the character

its only gay if you date male characters

>I also wear armor in function of cuteness not stats.

It's fucking gay.

I just love the feeling of beating up strong spooky foes on the hardest difficulty while looking cute. its also more enjoyable to watch the cutscenes etc

Should I use Super Slam for my katana build in New Vegas? It seems immersion breaking because I don't see a sharp thin blade sending people flying but it also seems pretty useful as well.

Either spend a lot of time making some redhead girl or go with the default dude

Super Slam is pretty essential for any melee build character. You will absolutely need it when you have to go up against the one/two-hit kill endgame enemies like deathclaws or cazadors.

That being said, it makes you completely unstoppable and dare I say OP when you have to go up against humanoid enemies.

My nigger

I buy myself some Creaton Club credits and purchase the best mini dlcs to best fit my character, of course.

If the default setting is considered canon, I go with that.
Otherwise I half-heartedly make a long-haired dude usually.
>mfw there are people who didn't use the default Shephard

Set everything to random.

>spend a lot of time making some redhead girl
I either do that or a goth girl.

Well I don't like playing with OP shit, especially ones that make my foe unable to do anything. Thanks but I think I may give it a skip.

You know the kind of overcompensating yet clearly sexually depraved male that eventually resorts to injecting horse piss into his buttock and jamming glass tubes into his inside out penis?
This is your guy. Keep a lookout on Options In The Name Field.

I usually pick a pre-made face and make some minor changes. None of that face sculpting though, it's not for me.

Honestly the OP-ness of Melee Weapons/Unarmed late game is probably necessary since early game it's mostly useless.

Besides, Critical Hit Sneaking with long range hitscan weapons still manages to be by far more powerful and the most broken way to play most of the time.

I take a preset and make em look around 40 years old. That's the approach I went for (at least once) with Skyrim and F:NV, because it leaves room for an interesting backstory in my head.

>Living in post nuclear apocalypse
>all non-reinforced glass in the country shattered 200 years ago

I try to make the most ridiculous looking character knowing that in every game, people will have to take them seriously regardless of how inhuman it looks. Adds a humorous element to my gameplay experience.

It's a porn game m80

>all reflective glass in the USA is gone but this gadget which serves the same exact purpose exists
are you an idiot?

I like to take my time, personally.

>steel has the same strength as pane glass

also what said

Was this supposed to be a Doom Revenant?

I was just going for a skull-headed robot but the resemblance really should have occurred to me. I really dig that.

what mods did you use to make it?

The body is ST Robot Race, and I just replaced the robot head with a skull cap from OWBs Skull Cap and Suits, because the robot's head is tagged as a helmet. I highly recommend ST Robot Race in general, it's a fun RP experience.

Handsome grizzled guy, ideally with a beard.

it's the best character creater i've seen

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