Why did last years 3.0 build look better and run smoother than the most recent one?

Why did last years 3.0 build look better and run smoother than the most recent one?




Really makes me think

This faggot is just as bad as Chris Roberts in his own way, fuck off retard.

Believe in Chris. Look, he's trying.to create a world. You gonna get mad because there are a few craters in the world? Give the guy a little oxygen.

So here's the conversation going on right now. You have a probably small, decent sized contingency saying "Durr, this is exactly what was supposed to happen, you get a crash, and I told you this game is never gonna come out and blablablablabla", so that's one group. You got a larger group over here (I like to think larger) saying "Hey look. Your man, Chris 'Lord' Roberts, is trying to build something that has never been done before. AND he's not showing you a pre-recorded tech demo. He's not even showing you a game recording. They're doing it live." "Well, user, this just shows that 3.0 isn't ready." Something we already knew. Is it probably further away than we expect? Probably. HOWEVER... It's still gonna be sweet.

I'm liking this pasta

People paying huge sums of money to look into the dark side of a black dudes mouth looooooooooool.

One more week, faggots. 3.0 releases next week and it's going to BTFO you all.

Wasn't last year a prerecorded video? I can see them preparing some staged gameplay and then pretending to play it on stage


No, it was live.

3.0 is not coming out next week.

Gary Oldman died before this game was finished

>tfw X4 is pretty much Star Citizen
>except it'll actually come out and despite the bugs and shit, it'll be a game

Thanks for the free ships

Post YFW you didn't fall for this scam.

2016 was very likely faked to a much larger extent, considering it's taken them at least a year at this point to release it. This year's was a lot uglier, but it probably was more representative of what 3.0 actually looks like at this point in time.

I can get 20 times more spaceships from shutterstock for those prices.

Is this going to have single player? I like the way it looks but I don't want some p2w nonsense

I want that fucking Super Hornet so me and a bro can Goose and Maverick shit up. This game needs to come out already

Based on what's been said...

Once the game launches ship sales will stop to prevent p2w.

There will be single player campaign.

There will be private servers.

All that hinges on CR keeping his word and the game actually getting finished.