Other urls found in this thread:
what is yas queen asking for a friend.
This will explain
Kinda weird, seeing a video both informative, and deeply obnoxious
Evertime it's the same picture, because no one actually went throught the process of actually finding those things in the game
Because it's mine and it's always me you idiot
Stop protecting this garbage
Stop right there criminal scum, give me one reason you make this thread everyday, or pay with your blood
Don't lie to me user, that picture was posted day one, the same day the game came out.
Now don't crawl up to me with your dick hanging out and say with foam and drool in your mouth
"Me collected all the Hoysala tokens day one"
I said that I made that exact image, not that I did it in the game. I took it from a walkthourhguhg on youtube.
Yeah, That's about what I thought
Good. Now don't talk to me ever again.
what an annoying cunt
i honestly dont know why people are triggered by this.
maybe its because i dont pay attention to social media, pop culture, etc. which im assuming this thing is from.
No it isn't fuck you
Gleipnir best big plane
Post music
Post yfw
"You're not gonna believe this, Jean-Louis! All of them have ribbon insignias!"
Buckle up buddy
Underrated desu
>beat game
>redo this mission
>out of curiosity, I go full speed ahead
>that one missile that hurls towards you just spawns right out of the air
>tfw surrounded by filthy F-22s
Bad move buddy
how do you even get into Ace Combat?
Can you emulate the older games? Is it even worth it? You fuckers need an image guide like the other series have.
you thread has been liberated by the sleeping king
Now the question is, which Ace Combat had the best soundtrack?
This twisted thread needs to be reset
>All this borders nonsense.
just play them all, its not like theres really that many and they are all pretty short games.
some of the later ones only seem long because of the cutscenes.
I'd say start with the big three, being 4, 5, and Zero. You can find them at any resale shop depending on the amount of copies they have anywhere between five to ten bucks.
Start with the PS2 ones 4, 5 and 0, emulates just fine although 4 has some graphical glitches
From there branch out, especially to 3JP on PS1, X on PSP and 6 on X360
Zero, literally everything about it is kino and its ost is no exception
except Bastion and Lying in Deceit, they can fuck off and die
>You fuckers need an image guide like the other series have.
You need to look harder, buddy.
>tfw I do this with my camp gay friends
Too late buddy
only games you need to avoid are Assault Horizon and 3's international release
aside from them two, the entire series is practically gold
theres a reason why Sup Forums as a whole takes any chance it can to discuss ace combat
>Yas Queen
I'm out of the loop here, is this supposed to be a new meme or something?
Why the fuck are over the top faggots so unbearable. I don't care if they want to be like girls but not even girls are like that.
Serves ya right, ya filthy frogposter. I'll take an Ace Combat thread over your politics garbage any day.
according to this faggot
it's not really new
but video games dev are always late and awkward
SU-47 was so good they never made it, F-22 plebs btfo
>he needs anything other than an F-15C
what are you, a fucking Gault?
The Berkut is better I'll admit, but from an aesthetic standpoint I jive with the F-22 more.
The F-22 really does look fucking amazing in Operation Katana I will give you that, in fact I love both planes. And with the demon paint on it in 5 the Raptor just looks so sleek and cool
Let's get this started
>Operation Katana
>tfw you play an Ace Combat game and realize that people only play the games for the presentation and story and not the gameplay
It's a thing of beauty, isn't it?
>not loving the gameplay as well
mfw I opened this thread hoping it wasn't too late to Pixypost
It's precisely because of the gameplay that i can't in no way recommend the 3DS one to anyone and don't understand why people like that thing
The gameplay really is why most people here play it. It's just that the presentation, story, and how they are delivered is icing on the cake.
Why's that? IMO it still plays well and the Sky Crawlers-esque maneuvers can be disabled.
This. Honestly the Ace Combat series is some of the most fun I've ever had with video games.
Friendly reminder that in a recent Dual Shockers interview Kono said that he likes the Flanker more than the F-22.
I'm not claiming it to be the best, but I always loved this theme
Not listening to that yet, I'm going through my first playthrough of 6 and am getting excited to dance with the angels.
Whats up with that?
The maneuver system really is the least of the gripes i have with it, your planes mobility took a huge nerf (almost as if trying to encourage the use of maneuvers or High-G turns), enemy planes speed is so slow you can see one flying right in front of you from one end of the screen to another slower than a bike (Difficulty options says they're faster on higher difficulties, but it's still slow Joint Assault tier), enemy AI is retarded and will often fly straight in a delta formation even if you get behind them and start destroying everyone, it's like they completely removed the raw excitement that made me love the series so much, the closer i felt to feeling it was agains the Cocoon Squadron, actually had fun fighting them, but other than that i'd recommend AC2 over it any day, it's a shame witnessing the fall of handheld AC's when it started on such a high note with X
Enjoy user. It's not the best in the series, but it's still a great game
This has nothing to do with politics.
It's something histrionic staceys, and gay men say on twitter when a gurl does something only those types of people could value
What are you hoping for in Ace Combat 7?
Armored Core was the best.
A very early 2018 release date.
No such luck, it looks like if you try and pre-order, they say it'll release in December 2018
That's likely just a placeholder date as it originally said the same for 2017. Given the effort they put into building the E3 demo it is highly likely that they will release the game before next year's E3.
What is this faggot shit
Somebody say borders??
>War was an abstract idea, nothing more than a show on TV. As a child, I only saw it as something that happened in some faraway land... Until that final day of summer.