When the fuck will video games look as good as Moana?
When the fuck will video games look as good as Moana?
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when consoles are dead
I want to fuck Moana
Moana looks like a 3D cartoon while Uncharted looks like real life.
this, we will never get graphics like that as long as consoles exist
But the only relevant games pc had in the last decade whete it wasn't chained by consoles were Rocket League, Undertale and PUBG, oh right, a half assed script of a plot about some vaporware
They don't look good enough already? You're pushing games to take longer development times and bloated budgets with all this graphics shit.
>tfw Moana made me a footfag
Weird then why do all pc exclusives look like shit?
>MusturdRacer so retarded they're unable to understand that without console they would only get indie pixelshit and cartoony mobas
What a surprise!
until we can reach mid-2000s CGI quality I won't be satisfied
funnily enough we're actually not that far off at this point, it'll probably only be a few more years
Looks like Borderlands graphics...
>smaller playerbase
>not as profitable
Are are consolefags this retarded
Its a business in the end and they have been extremely greedy the past decade
I'd estimate 10-15 years
we can't, 3D animated movies are pre-rendered on specially designed supercomputers at 24 fps
videogames have to run on a home pc at 60 fps
games will always be a at least 15 years behind 3D animation
This is what has lead to the death of AA games. It's either AAA shit or indie pixel shit.
>lifelike graphics
>characters still move like johnny 5
I'd rather better animations / character movement than photo-realistic graphics.
the more important question is where the FUCK is all the sfm of moana? fucking let it go bitch gets a server dedicated to her and yet moana only exists in 2d from, usually poorly drawn.
i cant comprehend this shit, surely this is illegal
I'd rather have both tbqh
It is a slow process but it is getting there.
Also Moana bruteforces fluff hairs all over the character models to get its rimlights. It could be done a lot cheaper aswell btw but it just shows how CGI movies are severely wasteful compared to video games.
Can you imagine how hairy their bushes must be? Must be like Osamas beard down there.
its because moana is brown
>table reflection
You are just making me harder
Toy Story still takes a couple of minutes to render on modern computerts
You okay? You seem quite autistic.
oh look it's a still image with absolutely no gameplay what so ever
how videogames
seriously fuck lifelike superdetailed animation, give me a good artstyle and large populated levels instead any day of the week
Holy fuck Im too old to be here
>render one frame over several hours several very powerful computers
>Render 30 frames per second using one little dinky box
Probably not for a long time.
>omg graphics would be better without consoles amirite guiz XD
>proven wrong
When the films don't take months-long to render.
wrong thread retard.
Games that try to look like real life = shitty commercial diarrhea that tries way too hard to be serious. We play games to escape realism, not to be reminded about reality and its inherent shittiness.
Give me more Bastions and Banner Sagas and less Uncharteds and Ghost Recons.
Ages away
Video games can't even real do proper GI, Quantum Break comes close but it's 720p/30fps on Xbone, even Xbox X it's only 1080p/30fps
Toy Story even beats Kingdom Hearts 3 in a few areas, especially Reflections, you can tell someone suggested the idea to over do the bloom & depth of field in KH3 to hide the lack of reflections
When will video games look as good as prerendered full feature animation movies, which are rendered on 20 000 USD PCs, that still take hours to render 1 frame?
Well that might take a while.
until it has gameplay it is not a game retard, it's just a still picture
That's called cherry picking. There are a lot of PC games that look incredible.
Uncharted doesn't really try to replicate life/be serious though, it's more like Pixar-imitation than anything else
The game has gameplay. What is your point. Check the thread topic again. It was about looks and nothing more.
Sure they do champ
We've had this thread countless times. This is just getting redundant.
Will we even remember anything on the left half of pic related?
No we won't. Fuck off, corporate cuckboy.
kill yourself
Can't argue with that now can I...?
about looks in a videogame
if it's not a game it doesn't count
Never. You understand that left takes 3 months to render, right takes 16ms.
oh really, not even in 50 years?
>new ps4 games
>the order
Take you big fat cock and shove it INSIDDDEE ME!
Learn how to crop, stupid fucking phoneposter
Honestly I'm absolutely fed up with the ongoing trend of bug-eyed, smoothly sculpted 3D animation. They spend all their resources on "top notch hair simulation" or whatever bullshit gimmick they can find while the artstyle hasn't changed because the modellers are too lazy to change their workflow.
>relevant games in the past decade
>only names games that came out in the past 2 years
>proven wrong
Darkest Dungeon
Cities Skylines
Company of Heroes
Diablo 2
Deus Ex
Also every multiplatform game looks better on a capable PC and the games that were brought over to consoles are inferior in almost every way
>game comes out to PC after years
>lol enjoy year old scraps
>game comes to console after years
>game sells well and gets praise
Just go back to taking it from behind by Sony
What's funny is you can almost replicate proper raytracing just by adding a bunch of point lights.
That table reflection does look like shit.
>We can't
>Square Enix doing it with KH3
Sounds like other developers need to git gud.
Wait until release to say that.
Games dont need to look good to be good
Crysis is the last game that couldn't maxed at all on current gen PC hardware.
then go play N64 games faggot
I do. I have no desire to buy new games because there are so many good old games I havent played yet.
I didn'r see it, can I get pictures of what you mean good user
Then go post on /vr/
I saw that shit in theaters with family and i had to hide my raging erection from my thicc brown girl armpit fetish
>that youtube compression
Why do people act like a game is bad because its old?
Why do people act like a game is bad because it's new?
because old immediately equals depreciated despite videogames not actually aging at all in any sense of the word. must be psychological really, videogames are one of the very few things that literally will never age and freaks normies out
Is there a game that uses raytracing? Or anything interactive? Like, not even a good looking one, just a series of blocks is fine.
Moana is pre-rendered
Videogames are Live Rendered
when consoles/pc are so powerful they can render scenes at 60 fps
even the most powerful computers, with 64+ cores, take seconds to render a single frame
we need to get hundreds of times more powerful before we can have pre-render like graphics in real time
If anyone is reading this and has pics of this then it is time to post then
A single frame from Moana took days to render.
Monster Inc.'s Sully took 12 hours for a single frame because of his hair.
When will games have Toy Story graphics?
Games look about as good as Toy Story now, which came out about 20 years ago. I would think in another 20 years we'll have current movie graphics.
Crysis could be maxed on a 8800 GTX from 2006, but it wasn't gonna be 1080p/60fps
Crysis came out just when PC's were switching over to LCD's, so you couldn't lower the resolution or have an unstable framerate, if they added a 30fps cap & a resolution slider, there would be far less issues of PC's trying to max it out
we had this exact thread before fuck off op
Games look way better than Toy Story.
We are tricked into thinking that today's AAA games are just as good-looking as a full fledged animated film.
Animated movies haves ebbs and flows in motion, so it's easier for audiences to detect severe flaws in physics, animation, etc.
Games are constantly in motion, so the devs can get away with making some things look 'bad' or 'rushed'.
>pre-render 2d pixel shit
>more brown than an Amiga game
>probably controls worse than your typical Amiag trash
Yeah, I don't think we're there yet.
Games have to be rendered in real time. You're basically asking why Mario Bros. didn't look like Dragon's Lair.
>Toy Story even beats Kingdom Hearts 3 in a few areas
This is some aggressive ignorance.
The Tomorrow Children uses a form of ray tracing, voxel cone tracing
When they have no gameplay or interaction and can be fully scripted.
That pic has way better IQ, polycount, and lighting/shadow quality than any 2017 game though
She is underage
what shitty games are you playing
Moana > All other Disney movies released so far
>tfw spending all day spilling load after load after load to all those high quality moana porn comics on sad panda
>tfw you will never get to fuck a brown island qt with a straw skirt and tube top in real life
I'm speaking on a purely technical level, those things are all true. obviously texture quality/asset detail is more or less better in new games but the lighting and overall image quality still isn't as good as Toy Story.
here's a comparison between KH3 and TS1. The textures/assets are pretty much there but we're still behind in polycount, lighting and resolution
that doggo looks terrible