Just gonna leave this here


There are people who will seriously pay for this.
Danny out when?

Other urls found in this thread:


This is painful to watch.

Also how glad do you think he is, that he got out in time?

Really made me think.

I don't get it

Man, I almost feel sorry for Jon, the lovable comedy genius fat shit he is, to be exposed to such a toxic environment as Game Grumps got bigger.

Man am I glad he got out. Maybe the SJW spouting shit was a psychological trigger to the developing workplace changes that he endured at his last months of GG.

This is truly amazing. I've never seen something so awful in so little time. This tops college humor

how is it racist to not want to be near someone that smells like onions?

Hurr durr dick jokes XD

There are people who pay for Dark Souls games even though they are the same shit over and over, like Madden, so what?

>a jew joins gamegrumps
>anti white agenda crawls in

Pure coincidence

what the fuck did i just watch

>No videogames

It' just like Sup Forums

I do not understand.

indians literally smell like curry onions

she was being racist

>niggers not only hate whites, they hate mexicans too
are nignogs the most racist people in jewmerica?

When will people start to realize you can't make something funny if you're dropping words like xenophobia.

>Not gypsies

can youtube even be saved anymore

That was supposed to entice me to pay for youtube red?

This made me ill


>Esports team has 2 women but no East Asians or Black guys
>The black woman of course brings race politics into gaming


Do people really talk like this?
One less reason to ever leave my house.

>anti-gg pro-jontron thread is made
>Sup Forumstards start crawling out of the woods

Every fucking time.

Holy shit this is such garbage.
>ywn have another The Guild
why live

Not onions, just like curry, shitty Knor broth packets and general uncleanliness. I currently live in London, and I can identify them by smell from two carriages in the metro away. By the way, native brits are also fucking disgusting and smell like sweat the whole day, men and women. Their sweat smells more like chlorine, but it's still fucking disgusting. And they all have terrible breath, women and men alike.

is this sarcasm

What are they trying to do here someone please explain.


I'm pretty sure this is less 'poor jontron' and more 'why did anybody think this shit was acceptable as a form of entertainment'
It seems more like a lame public service announcement than a flagship show for a paid service
but, no matter what i say you won't listen

Those shitters, fuck, they really have the most idiotic punchable faces. But it's ok to be retarded when you're that young, though.

Why do you even still care? Let it go.

>you smell like onions
>no shrek joke as a follow up

i'm disappointed

I dont fucking know anymore

Ahaha what the fuck, bravo Arin, bravo

>youtube drowns in money
>this is what they help producing

>Ratings hidden
>Comments disabled

>comments disabled
why you negros watch this gay ass shit?

Everyone race hates every other race, and sometimes even there one. Whites hate Asians, Asians hate Blacks, Blacks hate Mexicans, so on and so forth.

just to suffer

i bet you sub to youtube red and unironically enjoy watching shit like OP posted

It’s an anti-game grumps thread (for valid reasons as good game looks like shit) but it for some reasons it caused Sup Forums to start spamming stupid shit like all threads involving gg or jamtram

>When Kamal won’t stop trolling, the team attempts to fix racism, sexism, ageism, and homophobia.
Is this going to be like It's Always Sunny where the gang would try to "fix" that stuff by beating the shit out of everyone through physical violence, only for them to get fucked in the end because they were the real bullies?

i don't see any Sup Forums here
i see jontron in a ww2 cosplay and this is it

Its ok to fall for it, your white.

Lol white people lets genocide them

written by dan harmon


What the fuck was any of that.

Why is it always women who start the drama?

if you think that's Sup Forums posting, you haven't been on Sup Forums for very long. the only ones that really could be considered a Sup Forumstard post would be and not exactly spamming a thread

that clip was awful. it was like two fucking kids in school throwing insults and attempting to act smart. literally nothing in it was funny.

I wish post linking like this was bannable.

Is Dan Harmon an actual idiot?

Glimpsing up at the eclipse for a quick look isn't going to damage your eyesight, if you sat there staring at it, eyes wide open for a few minutes then yes, it would be an issue, but this is clearly another case of a nobody on twitter talking out of their ass.



It's co written by Dan Harmon and Arin so I wouldn't hold my breath. Maybe wait and see if they get anyone from Sleepycabin to help with an episode.

>Comments are disabled for this video.

The writing is really similar to this:




So basically the same story as Antifa?

tbf, he should reply with a "and you smell like leather"

damn, this nigga got old... feels bad for those who were kids on newgrounds

>somehow become friends with Roiland
>snek your way into his show
>meet Harmon and sucker him into giving you money to make a youtube show

Finally...a reasonable answer

>Is Dan Harmon an actual idiot?
He thinks a third of the country are neo-nazis. So I'd have to say yes.

Nigger half of those aren't in any way Sup Forums related, the other half is race complaining that's been on Sup Forums since it's conception.

EVERYTHING he's done that is praised has him as a co-writer.

>Not a SuperMega Rhett and Link style show
> Not a lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme

mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama

hehewhich is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best hahae cartoon



That episode premise is perfect for a dark comedy but it had to be on some pussywhipped show people only look at to make fun of.

Ok, what is racist about onions?

>Dan Harmon

So it's going to be blumpf and fuck nazis the TV show

Apparently something. You just need to roll with it or else you're racist and not trendy and everyone will shun you.

>or...a ceo

every fucking time

>Maybe wait and see if they get anyone from Sleepycabin to help with an episode.

They'd never let Zach or Chris write anything for this.

Even though Zach and Justin Roiland are apparently friends.

But those guys are just shooting way too sharp for Game Grump's normie-tier audience.

>I'm broke as fuck right now, so much so that I lost my home and I'm constantly relocating to other people's houses like a burden. So this is not gonna be possible for me, I am so sorry I can't support you. Maybe one day.
What the fuck.

I have it, only because friend has it plus I get no ads.

Need more suzy content dammit

Jontron died a hero.
Erin lived long enough to become the villain.

You are get no ads with adblock.

The dangers of believing the funny screaming man playing the video game is your friend

jon went out with a hell of a bang tho

Honestly is there anything worse than American teen drama? Has to be the fucking shittiest thing in the entire universe, shit actors, shit directors, shit writers, it's just pure fucking shit.

Arin has lots of money and gets to work on pet projects

Jon lost his creative spark and has to fall back on family guy tier random videos.

I’d rather be the villain

>American teen drama

Surely you mean Jewish-American teen drama

One thing is Sup Forums getting triggered from fucking nothing just because they saw a glimpse of a nigger in some game trailer or some shit. Another completely different thing is seeing the obvious. This shit is so painfully shoehorned that it's hard not to fucking notice. How can you NOT Sup Forums post at this garbage?

Last good American teen drama of any kind I watched was Kids, from 1995, I don't think there's been anything since that has been any good at all unless I'm being forgetful. It's like after the 90s writers just gave up.

That's so fucking depressing.

I loved his "Awesome" Series.

How can a man fall so hard from grace.

It's like watching a cancer patient slowly dieing over the years

>Maybe wait and see if they get anyone from Sleepycabin to help with an episode

Not gonna happen because those guys are actually funny.

So is the second episode out or is it just the preview?

Anyone uploaded any torrents yet?

I'm sorry, there's good teen drama?
Tell me, OBSESSED user, what are your favorite teen dramas?
Please bless my uncultured fatty murrican mind with your refined teen drama tastes.

This eclipse thing is the new Two Scoops. If that's all the media can complain about, Trump must be doing a pretty good job

Because this is not fucking Sup Forums

Surprise surprise you like the movie that is borderline CP

There are multiple things every day to complain about with trump.

So you are too retarded to root your phone and block ads?

Lmfao shitty hamfisted diversity quotas and racebait shit is why TV and hollywood suck dick and part of the reason why they're dying. I'm just saying that this won't workout well for YouTube Red

>the team attempts to fix racism, sexism, ageism and homophobia
Are you fucking serious?

>If that's all the media can complain about, Trump must be doing a pretty good job
just because you don't pay enough attention to know what's happening doesn't mean only one thing's being reported on