Was it an accident? Did Bethesda just stumble into it?

Was it an accident? Did Bethesda just stumble into it?

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They had actual good devs back then.
Then everyone left.

B-but they made the shivering isles?

Maybe that was the happy accident.

To be honest I'm surprised with how Shivering Isles turned out after how shit Oblivion was. It's like the team decided to add some Morrowind into the game to make up the fact that they clearly made Oblivion a normalfag vydia.
Then again it was only after Oblivion that everyone left for good.

>Was it an accident
It must have been if they thought directional based combat where there's no upsides to weakening your damage was a good system, much less the rest of the gameplay.

Interesting. I like a lot of quests in Oblivion so there was good effort put there. Oblivion felt like a higher up failure more than a failure on the ground level.

They brought people back for that one actually.


They did a pretty good on job on Oblivion's side quests, I'll give 'em that. It's one of the only things I like in the game.
Arena is fun but there isn't any real reason to play it when Daggerfall improves on it in every way.

Any company that meets a large degree of success will want to hold onto it. In this case it meant making their games more accessible at the cost of any real meaningful direction. Like the rpg elements were all but stripped out. Fallout 4 is the new template folks.

I want to subject Todd to hypnosis and bring back the Todd that created Morrowind, replacing the Todd that created Fallout 4. He must be still there in the subconsciousness of nu-Todd, weak but still existing.

Switch Arena and Shivering Isles and you'll be spot on.

He is being forced by the ZeniMax jews. Todd is a fallen hero

It's not Todd as much as it is this guy who has taken over the writing duties for Bethesda's games.

Shivering Isles was fucking awful

Literally irredeemable garbage

Shivering Isles was barely interesting. It had maybe 1/8 of what made Morrowind good

This too. At least we have Kuhlmann around

Most of the problems that made Oblivion garbage were present in Shivering Isles too. Level scaling, quest compass.

all games by bethesda is actually pretty good, anyone who says otherwise obviously have bad taste

The thing is that they at least tried to make an interesting environment to explore with the "alien" feel that Morrowind had.
Unlike Oblivion's Cyrodiil.
Fuck Cyrodiil.

They made the best Fallout game on their first go, how did the madman pull it off?

>Arena is fun but there isn't any real reason to play it when Daggerfall improves on it in every way.
I disagree, and though I see it as the worst ES game, I found it enjoyable in my play through.
I liked the maze-like dungeons and the design, and yeah Daggerfall was better in most every way possible but it was still a nice journey.
Also I am a fan of go get the thing stop the bad guy type of story.

>New Vegas has a lower score than Fallout 3

Considering it was borderline unplayable at launch an 84 seems pretty good.

Oblivion's main quest could have been a lot better. I think they had a good idea with the Hero of Kvatch but overall it was uninteresting. I don't mind being the errand boy or the hero behind the hero but it was too flat.

Windhelm, Riften, Markarth, Whiterun, Solitude, Dawnstar, Winterhold and Morthal.

Anvil, Bravil, Bruma, Cheydinhal, Chorrol, Kvatch and Leyawiin.

Leyawiin sounds like a native name used by Khajiit while Cheydinhal sounds more Dunmer than Imperial. Why are Cyrodilic cities named this way? We don't see Windhelm going under the name of what the Dunmer call it.

I've just been playing it a bit for the first time and been wondering about the directional attacks. Do they ever do anything or is it just cosmetic? I like the feel of it (love mountainblade) but I can't tell so far if it matter at all. Barely started though.


The Toddster won't give us a voiced protagonist in TES: VI

I can't say it's the worst TES game, it's not that it's a bad game but I guess it has the least content in the series with everything being procedurally generated. The story and lore are also barely related to modern TES.
It's barely an Elder Scrolls game anymore, just a fun old dungeon crawler.

I really wonder how bad family problems that guy has, considering that he literally can't write a story without daddy/son issues.

Also, that family issues focus is even worse thing when you consider that Bethesda's games are extremely ill-suited for stories that expect you to care about characters that are a part of your character's background. People don't want a fucking ready history for the player character, it should be left open in games like this.

Skyrim>Oblivion feels like a meme pushed but Skyrim babies so people stop making fun of them. I played Skyrim first but I like Morrowind and Oblivion better.

More like
>Excellent Tier
>Good tier
Arena, Skyrim, Shivering Isles
>Meh tier
Fallout 3, Oblivion
>Shit tier
Fallout 4
>Full blown retarded tier

Both cities have a lot of Khajiiti and Dunmer influence, respectively, but the names aren't that far from your average Nibenese stuff

>no more athletics
>on and on and on


They do literally nothing. All or Morrowind's gameplay mechanics are fucking retarded and make zero sense.

>So you can move around and your attacks change based on direction
>Alright, what benefit do I get for using a different attack
>Well your damage goes to shit
>OK, so why would I want to use it then?
>No idea
>Well that seems fucking retarded, why should we use this then?
>It's OK! We'll have a "use best attack" button in the options so circumvent it
>So you're saying there's really just one attack

Have you played vanilla Oblivion? The enemy scaling alone makes it almost unplayable, Skyrim at least touched up on Oblivion's problems even if it ended up further streamlined from the two before it.

Skyrim also had a far more interesting and unique setting than Oblivion.

I'll never forgive what they did to Cyrodiil

Yeah I can see that.
I personally enjoy all the mainline games, can't speak for the others as I haven't got to play them however in terms of gameplay and lore I find Arena lacking.
I will agree it's a fun dungeon crawler but I think it deserves a playthrough from any fan of the series.

Oblivion was a disappointment, but Skyrim was actually bad.

Dragons are a successful test to make something more annoying than cliffracers.

>translation error


Daily reminder Oblivion had the best quests.

>good devs
>can't even program floor collision correctly
>even though the levels are just copypasted chunks

>I'll never forgive what they did to Cyrodiil
>Cyrodiil was always meant to be a temperate zone
>they(MK) adds flavour text to insinuate it was actually a jungle
>people(morrowbabbies) cry when it turns out this isn't in game

>have one of the best settings in video game history handed to you
>do absolutely nothing of interest with it post-Morrowind


It's interesting to see where the series began but I still believe you could just outright skip to Daggerfall.
That was one of ESO's explanations. I actually enjoy the jungle retcon that MK wrote for Oblivion.
The problem is that it was the ONLY retcon they explained. Everything else from the PGE1 just fucking disappeared out of thin air without any explanation.
And it's obvious that they made Oblivion to be a normalfag LOTRland so it could sell better.
Fuck you Todd.
Shove that horse armor up your ass.
Read Pocket Guide to the Empire you faggot

>vanilla Oblivion?
Yes, after skyrim. It felt like a step up since it had better character building mechanics and more interesting quests. Spellcrafting was something I don't think should have been removed for Skyrim. I had more control over my character and never felt like the chosen one the same way. The quests were better and more memorable, I barely felt motivated to do things in skyrim but I have done every quest in Oblivion.

People had warned me of all the flaws it had so when I saw them first hand they weren't a surprise or grating. Skyrim is better in a lot of aspects though.

It was like this for me, I liked skyrim and Oblivion was a step up. I liked Oblivion and Morrowind was a massive step up. If I had played Morrowind first and no one told me the flaws of Oblivion ahead of time I would probably dislike it too.

Skyrim's worst problem is that the quest design is mostly shit, especially all the "guilds" are horrible. The small gameplay improvements aren't enough to offset the fact that there's very little interesting content to play through.

Also, while the level scaling shit isn't as obviously grating as it was in Oblivion, it still becomes that annoying endless Draugr Deathlord lollapalooza at the end of the day. Mods are still 99% essential to fix that.

>fallout shelter that low
At the moment FS is unironically the best Bethesda!Fallout game.

It's me. The real todd. They locked me up in an island no one knows about. After the last e3 I had an awakening and could see visions of fake todd counting money in his office. I snuck out and CQC'd any guards in my way, kojima taught me it through speaking in my head. I'm on the run and trying to secure a plane back to Maryland and take out fake todd.

...But I need more energy to do this, if you buy fallout 4 and all DLC it will give me energy.

Best main story
Best guilds and side quests
Best... mods I guess?

>Read Pocket Guide to the Empire you faggot
I have, the jungle was first mentioned in Michael Kirkbride's first game, before this it was always mentioned in having rolling fields, when Morrowind came out and the Imperial Cult started talking about the jungles is when people started to get horny.
I am for one glad that they scrapped that, theres enough jungles in Valenwood and Black Marsh to explore still.

Arena should be at the bottom and skyrim and oblivion should be swapped.

So where is TES 6 going to be? Skyrim again? Valenwood? More than one providence?

far harbor was meh tier at best.

Far Harbor was shit tier.
Nuka World was sub-shit tier.

Best comfy desu.

Am I the only one who has felt that all the fighter's guild has been meh in Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim (companions)? Drinking the tree sap part was cool and I liked that the guild was dirty as fuck in Morrowind but other than that they didn't leave an impression on me.

I hated it in all three, though I liked that they at least wove local politics into Morrowind's.

How is the Bruma mod for Skyrim?

The Figher's Guild has always been weak to me, I like Morrowind's because of the Politics but the actual quests weren't that great. Oblivion especially since it had the best Thieve's Guild and Brotherhood quests the Fighter's Guild was just OK, I like how you needed to advance and the ending quests were neat but then you are just the guildmaster.
Skyrim is weak as with the rest of the guilds, I like the whole Werewolf thing and you need to find cure so I can Sovngard aspect but other than that seemed more like a splinter thing, which I guess it really is.


Before this? There was 0 actual lore on the provinces before the PGE1 released alongside Redguard, when the jungles were first mentioned.
I'm also glad they got rid of it, Elsweyr and Valenwood are already jungles and having a third one would be boring.
The thing is that they decided to remove fucking everything else from the PGE1 altogether.
Where are the cultural and physical differences between Colovians and Nibenese? Why is the poorest city in Cyrodiil located in the Nibenay? Where are the rivers connecting Skyrim and Elsweyr? Where is the Colovian "mastery of the sea"? Where is the canopy tunnel leading to Morrowind? Where are the Akaviri families? Where are the House Guards wielding daikatanas? Where is the Emperor Garden with talking statues of the previous Emperors? Where are the moth priests walking around the city? Where are the numerous jeweled bridges connecting the inner islands? Where is the river-based economy? Where are the rice and textile exports? Why is Sancre Tor so unimportant? Why did they add back Mithril to the lore when they removed it from Morrowind because they wanted TES to feel like its own setting? Where is the Cult of Emperor Zero? The Cult of Tiber Septim and the Cult of Heroes? Where is the Colovian ancestor worship? Why is the Alessian Order barely mentioned? Why isn't the White-Gold Tower fucking white and gold?
Why did Oblivion have to throw such a rich setting into the fucking trash?

Where did my 36 Lessons tier esoteric go to, Todd?

The sad thing is that, despite the lore being like the Bhagavad Gita tripping acid, the games themselves post-Morrowind are standard fantasy stuff.

The DB is the best guild in Skyrim and it was meh. The thieves guild is one of the worst things I have ever seen in the series bar none.

Oblivion had an amazing DB and TG. I liked the houses more than the guilds in Morrowind. The MG and the TG were okay Morrowind.

Of the three:
MG/College: Morrowind>Oblivion>>>>>Skyrim
TG: Oblivion>Morrowind>>>>>*>>>>>>Skyrim
DB/Morag Tong: Oblivion>Morrwind>Skyrim
FG/Companions: Morrwind>>Oblivion>>>>>Skyrim

*blocks your path*

The sad thing is that the lore is way better than the actual games and it will never be fully represented in vydia form.
Not by Bethesda at least.

>Ice Juib personally eradicated every single cliffracer in the province
He earned that Saint title.

It's a top notch camping simulator. And 0Sex is one of the best sex mods out there right now even if it has virtually no plugins for it.

Every asset Bethesda makes HAS TOO be reused 400 times or Todd kills you.

I agree with your comparisons, I also liked the house quests, for me Redoran > Telvanni > Hlaalu and I'm sure most wizards will disagree but I felt a deeper connection, Mushroom house or no.
I really need to replay Morrowind actually.
I know it's not per the topic at hand but has there been any word on BTB's latest venture into Morrowind modding?
I was a fan of his balance patch despite his own personal admission that it was shitty.

I think he only killed off Cliffracers from Vvardenfell because Skyrim NPCs mention going to Morrowind to hunt Cliffracers

Honestly the Fallout 3's The Pit could go into good tier and Point Lookout could go into excellent tier if you're going to break the DLC from the main game

Skyrim has the best combat, obviously not saying much though.

Valenwood is a forest and Black Marsh is a marsh you fuck

We need a dedicated jungle setting not some bland vanilla starting zone

Oblivion's art style and music was so damn good wtf.

I just played it for the first time today.
It has aged pretty badly and I can't get myself to continue playing it. I just wandered around and eventually arrived in Vivec which is a confusing tunnel system where everything looks the same. Oh and I can't even kill anything with my toy knife.

Is this objectively the best Elder Scrolls track?

>Oh and I can't even kill anything with my toy knife
I still have no idea how you people manage to suffer from the *miss* meme.

Oversnow is the objective best track.

House quests were great. I loved Telvanni over Redoran but I like Ald'ruhn more than Dandrith Mora. Hlaalu was okay mostly because I got an egg mine and a stronghold that is actually close to a major city. Being a bitching wizard is better than anything else.

I am not sure about a new patch. Never played it myself so who knows.

I just started replaying as a wizard but I am not sure which faction to pick or just go rouge.

People don't read to know what shit affects.

There's no god tier for Bethesda developed games, I would argue there's on excellent tier either.

>arena not in shit tier
>fallout 3 and oblivion not swapped


It's pretty atmospheric but I think Morrowind was more memorable.
Nothing beats Nerevar Rising


Bethesda is the exact same tiny ass team.
They casualized Daggerfall with Morrowind, then they casualized Morrowind with Oblivion, then they casualized Oblivion with Skyrim.
As for plot, they fired Kirkbride for being too based, so now they just have "UNNGGG YOU'RE DA HERO!" 5 minutes into the game plot.

oblivion is actually one of the ugliest games ever made (in terms of art design, not graphics), and I'm willing to forgive a lot of its problems

I tried going full wizard once when I did my only Telvanni run and I ended up just being an unkillable monster running (read: jumping and flying) across Vvardenfall.
I created a spell to kill anything in one hit and I accidentally on a Daedra and killed myself.

Morrowind might have the best OST but it loops too damn much.

I agree. All the music is great but Morrowind is top class. Good on Dragonborn to bring some of the Morrowind music back.

Oh my god, it's so good. My favorite fucking track from Morrowind.

Are there any mods that FIX THIS SHIT?!

This is why I can't get myself to pick up Skyrim ever again. The guilds are short and shitty.

Yeah, magic is broken but being a walking god is great for at least one run.

The worst part is you can't even fix this with mods because most of Oblivion's armor replacers are the worst kind of "skimpy" imaginable since everyone was like 13 at the time.

There are many, if you don't really care about the form there are a lot of recolors, also there is a Morrowind glass armor mod which might just be a rip it's been a while since I played though.

Best atmosphere and mods.

>Oblivion with Vanilla Combat Enhanced and Duke Patrick's Archery Combat

>in terms of art design, not graphics
Pretty much everyone that worked on Morrowind left, it's not the same team anymore.
Writing went to shit when Kirkbride and Peterson left and Emil started running the show.

what were they thinking