I'll start, remove long range snipers from any Battlefield like game. Now your teammates can actually attribute.
ITT: Remove one thing from a game to make it better
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remove all the jivin gorilla codec calls
fuck id rather remove suppression instead
MGSV. Remove Quiet.
You know it's dumb when you can't shoot someone at close range with a shotgun because you're supressed.
Undertale. Remove that degenerate lizard faggot who won't leave you alone for 5 seconds
Remove the Fulton and I would love MGSV
I'm curious, why? I've never played but it seems like a lot of fun. What am I missing?
MGSV. Remove the missing content
Would you rather recruit guys the old fashioned way by dragging them back to your truck or helicopter like in Portable Ops?
remove the leveling system and hub from Bloodborne, it's nothing but bloat.
4 needs a lot more than that
It distracts from the main missions and gets you into more trouble by fucking around with the guards for a chance for some good recruits. You are forced to do it for gear. Its not as bad it free roaming though.
PW made it easier because it was nonsensical and overall very easy.
I'd rather not have it at all.
It distracts you because you're easily distracted. Just don't do it. You get enough good recruits directly from missions anyway.
Remove Polygon.
Bunch of ultra-lefts that can't get their ideas challenged without them and their legion of Dubyas screaming about Goober Gators.
>easily ignorable feature
>wash I don't like it no one should be able to do it!
I hate this fucking board sometimes
>Sonic Mania
>Remove Denuvo
Thats bullshit from my experience. You can't get volunteers to fill in 400 spots for recruits. And there have been moments where getting fewer recruits actually harms your innovatory
Remove load-outs or weapon development.
Removing Sup Forums would make all things better.
>snipers ruining battlefield games
>easily ignorable
remove kebab
I'm a dumb cunt. Forgot pic.
>features that hinder, detract from, or ruin a game
Remove the open world.
You could just ignore them.
remove shantae
I want a dedicated Risky game that's just pirate's curse, but better.
Not talking about any specific case though the fulton complaint is a good example of this retardation
You got your cause and effect mixed up
Remove the giant robot fights.
Literally the only thing wrong with this game. They're really easy, take forever, there's a million of them, they're not fun, and the music is super annoying.
Remove the completely nonsensicle and immersion breaking world building from fallout 4 and it'd be one of the greatest games ever made
4 needs to be removed, period.
Remove the subscription fee
The mech fights are too shallow and customization is lacking but I love the concept.
Just like you could ignore having a cancerous growth on your body, right friend? :^)
Remove snipers from fast paced fps games like Overwatch and Paladins.
They are terrible and there's only 3 or 4 people in the entire world that are actually good with them. The rest are just cheaters.
Remove all the bullshit extra mini games in dangonronpa 2. I'm looking at you, logic dive.
Hacking minigame
It was a better MGS game than V was
Remove Morgana.
Remove snipers from all multiplayer vidya.
That was a work of art, Snake!
Man I love MGS4 despite it's problems.
>35 replies
>not a single good suggestion
It's a good thing Sup Forums doesn't make games. No, cripplefuck simulator doesn't count, that started on Sup Forums.
Gaming """journalism""" is just glorified marketing, it doesn't really affects games.
Remove chalice dungeons and put the enemy/bosses in the main game.
>still wearing her school uniform instead of a thief outfit
Fucked up
It had many memorable moments.
Splatoon/Splatoon 2
Remove chargers and blasters. Chargers take away the fun out of most maps. Blasters make Tower Control pointless.
>There will never be an HD version
How do we fix sniper rifles in FPS? Seems like the only way to make it fair is to not allow players to spawn with one and limit the ammo.
Jokes on you, faggot. Hifumi Togo's ideal rebel self is herself being a good girl.
I would fuck that chubby Asian's brains out.
>run up to sniper
>kill him
Remove Konami
MGS 4 is the worst game of the series
Oh, how wrong you are...
My favorite so far was when Polygon had a "man" review a game entirely about how firearms work and made the entire review about how holding the virtual guns gave him PTSD and how much he hates guns.
Good map design.
I'm pretty sure liberal college/twitter propaganda is more to blame than game journos.
Oblivion, remove oblivion gates.
Fi or motion controls, can't decide
This, or at least remove the dumb online requirement for something that I do fucking solo the whole time anyway.
I mostly play on the PC and paying to play multiplayer on the PS4 triggers me like a mofo.
>not MG1
>not Twin Snakes
>not the mobage no one played
Definitely Fi, the motion controls at least worked half-decently, even if they were a little iffy for combat.
Hue, he is missing something.
It's kinda useful as a review though, if that guy is so scared of the game then is probably a pretty competent simulator.
Remove these annoying tightrope levels from Max Payne 1
It's existence because nothing can ever top it and we cannot enjoy gaming as a whole because of it
How about remaking it in a different engine, one that doesn't suck.
Remove microtransations from games that have them.
Only people who have never played MGS4 believe this.
Diablo 3, Primal Ancient Legendary items can fuck off. Pure pointless power-creep that has been repeatedly abused by exploiters.
That or 99% of Set Dungeons.
Remove dialogue from Ocarina of Time
Remove the stylus parts from Dawn of Sorrow.
Time to shut down the thread ya'll, this is the only post that needed to be made.
(Fuck now I remember fumbling around to whip the stylus out, damn was that tedious.)
Stop the cars in GTA V from exploding if you don't land them perfectly after getting air.
The difficulty system/gold files from Virtue's Last Reward. Limiting hints to a lower difficulty when walkthroughs are easily available on the internet makes no sense to me. The escape rooms as a whole were better in this one, but the hints in the first one meant I could ignore some of the more poorly designed puzzles.
>Super Mario Sunshine
remove blue coins
Half Life 2
air boat levels and highway 17
the most boring part of that entire game.
Dragon's Crown had terrible inventory management (especially in co-op), they could have removed most of the RPG elements and it would have been a more enjoyable game for me.
Is this bait?
Remove the spy class
no, it's boring
And sniper.
Rework heavy to be more fun and have new ways to deal with him.
mgsPeace walker
tank mini bosses
final fantasy 15
remove disc from tray
Any game: slavs
Would have made more sense in a game where you can call a Helo anywhere
Fulton just kinda becomes a collectathon system a third of the way through and degrades the value of needing to stop enemies and vehicles non-lethally.
true, the non-Metal Gear boss fights were probably the worst thing about the game
wonder why there were no humaniod bosses like in all the other games?
4 player coop
This, fuck
Remove/limit the Deathclaws in the quarry. Yeah its not really a big deal, but giving the player a little lead on an alternate path would go miles to making the first 6 hours less shit.
Fi is fine. Just plug her hole with something
>Go East
>Follow train tracks north
>Proceed to Vegas
It's easy.
remove women and niggers from cod
Remove Arsenal Gear
nice troll
In most open world games.
>Remove minimap, add static map
>remove way point s/quest markers
Remove ACOG sights from Siege. No more peeking from 3 rooms away through a tiny hole metagame shit.
Fuck off poorfag
it's the worst part of the game. The entire story falls flat at that part
inb4 retarded fans go >that's when the story really begins