the absolute state of overfail
The absolute state of overfail
Boo hoo, the devs didn't reply to my whine thread on the forums
what kind of a moron uses > outside of Sup Forums?
>the absolute state
>he doesn't use meme arrows on other websites
who are you talking to?
>playing OW
>discussing OW unironically
>playing overwatch
>posting on blizzard forums
>about overwatch
>playing normie games
>discussing normie games in normie boards
>getting banned by normie mods
>the meme >
worse than reddit
The absolute worst and most obnoxious retards who go on here that's who
No wonder people who don't go on Sup Forums hate this site since the only people they meet who associate themselves with it are walking garbage
That has to be a fucking couch
I don't even like overmeme but could you be anymore of a gigantic fucking faggot?
Boohoo the dev didn't reply to your garbage thread the way you wanted. Only underage use meme arrows outside of reddit anyway.
its commonplace now unfortunately
this wasn't even my thread, cunt. I saw this happen and I couldn't stop laughing because the only acknowledgement they get for their post about how shitty a character is is a suspension.
You are a retard who doesn't understand how game balance works.
It is IMPOSSIBLE to make a balanced game, Torbjorn by design is never going to be a consistent meta hero. In his current state, however, he is good and absolutely fills a niche while not being unfun to fight, unfun to fight against, or overly centralizing. There are Grandmaster players out there who have 80% of their time on Torbjorn, as long as you're not on a pro competitive team and have a team comp that has any serious level of team support in mind most heroes in the game are viable picks.
>Greentexting outside of Sup Forums
>Trying to socialize with OW's community in any way
I only go on the OW forums to mock/spit in the face of the faggots crying about "toxicity"
Been banned from that shit 5 times already.
And i don't even play niggerwatch anymore.
your post would've been perfect if you chose to be a big boy and refrained from calling people retards in your first five words.
>not getting a permanent ban for saying futa exactly once
you're not trying hard enough
this is Sup Forums, if you don't call people retards then you're not having fun!
the fun is ruined if you don't completely shut down the user you're talking to before you do it
>team based class shooter
>plebs main heroes
Torb doesn't need buffs.
It predates Sup Forums chuckles. Sup Forums didn't invent them.
Surprising to nobody. Turret characters suck.
And all is well with the world.
Greather-than was always used to quote people in e-mails and later in forums and imageboards. Anyone who says greentexing/memetexting outside of Sup Forums is underage.
Sup Forums invented being a huge faggot and using it like
it was used only for quotations before Sup Forums
I'm fucking amazed how many of you newfags born after 9/11 honestly believe the shit you spout and it seems absolutely nobody corrects you. The fucking > sign has always been used in IRC and pre-2000s internet you fucking retards, Sup Forums didn't invent it.
yea, because the turret doesn't have a reaction time built into it.
you know, the way you give it gameplay. It should have a reaction time and a turn rate. You know, so tracer can actually do circles around it if she's up close.
imagine being banned for only a week after over 2200 people report you. now imagine that in literally any other video game.
What's a torb?
In the context of op's image it's used to quote himself (which is pretty retarded). But would it really matter if it was inbetween two asterisks or greather-than?
The kinds of moron that unironically plays Overwatch.
It's a cat that's a cross between a tortoise-shell and a tabbie
>being such a pathetic little cunt that you have to come here to validate your own opinions
Of all the things that tempted me to uninstall the game, this is by far the strongest.
The kind who shitpost non stop and actually take everyones bullshit seriously. They unironically hate anything if the general Sup Forums consensus is to hate it and they think they're so grown up going to Sup Forums so they show it off to everyone they can, when really, its nothing to be proud of. Children who act like le oldfags and only speak in Sup Forums lingo. The kind of people who's rooms are littered in "ironic" weeb shit. Human filth.
>using memearrows outside of Sup Forums
>posting a screenshot as proof you did something like this
if mods weren't gigantic faggots they would ban you and delete this gay ass thread
blizzard confirmed our> guys cmon lets go xD
imagine the cm/gm/mod simply making shit up and lying so you look like an asshole because they have all the power and dumb mouth breathing retards believe them because they think corporations and the people who work at them are honest.
You're pretty busy today, Clifford.
Not a lot of work to do?
i like how he thought he was being based, when it just shows how ineffective he is
because everyone who posts a picture on the internet is the person who did the thing in the picture, right? nobody would post shit other people do here, ever
It's ok, Clifford. Keep it up. You might get a +1. Forums
if you must greentext like a faggot at least do it at the place you belong
I'll be off now, your faggotry makes me want to get myself banned from this shithole again
>every update makes every blizz game worse as they try to appease the shittest of shitters
>people still play them
I like how angry this game makes you all
a hole's a hole
>prime it up
>lube it up
>beef it up
>oil it up
>lather it up
>keg it up
>grease it up
>rubber it up
>time to go to town
imagine being this angry
PUBG really knocked it out, huh?
where's your 30 gorillion players now, Blizzard?
Pretty sure that's because twitch is malfunctioning
for a lot of people
>trying to greentext outside 4chins
These kind of fags need to hang and be displayed outside for all to see.
>tfw I only got blocked for 15min
check this 5