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Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
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Guess it's just dead right now.
warrior of light
Gold C
>When you scoop somebody into the wall and HP attack them
>when they spend the entire match trying to "get even" instead of teamfight and lose due to tunnel vision
Nigga who needs Holy Chain when you're the Warrior of Lightningrod
Y'shtola> Surprised how fun she is
Silver D right now.
The game is not out until fucking 2018 and nobody plays the beta aside from the fanboys so...
>Games have either zero lag or are absolutely unplayable.
p2p is the biggest shit.
Good point. Maybe they should have made it an open beta.
Squall main here at Gold D
Hittin' those triggers is rewarding as hell
>try to save an ally being hit by firion whilrwind hp attack
>fail and get knocked back
>repeat this 3 times in the fight
>only win because nobody was targeting tera and she metldowns the person coming to kill me
I wouldn't have even been mad if we lost
Does it feature Fang yet?
If anybody else is coming in dissidia it's likely to be Sazh.
How do you do it? I've watched all the videos and I still suck at it.
This. For Honor all over again.
Just waitin for Prishe. Loves me some monk characters.
Not even. For honor's lag was embarrassing even when ranked against smash online. Everything being tied to a single host was a mistake.
>Everything being tied to a single host was a mistake.
It's the same in NT.
You sure about that? Because with how smooth the majority of my matches are I don't think that's true.
100% sure. No dedicated servers.
Thats the problem with non-1v1 p2p games, some matches are super smooth, some are unplayable.
>warrior of lights EX skill is not class up
shit sucks, I already lost the cool fan service supers but now I find out they removed him classing up
Is pic related in this game, asking for a friend.
Surprised nobody has tried to use armoured moves on my Y'shtola traps yet.
Also, bliizard spikes is a nice 'fuck off' move!
I do nothing but armor through y'stholas everything
I tried to play earlier today and waited like a solid 25 minutes for a single game and gave the fuck up.
The sad thing is, after you get used to the controls and learn how to play the game, it can actually be pretty fun, but this beta fucking sucks because it takes so long to find anyone. They should've given out more beta keys.
Seems it is diffiult to deal with armour moves as Y'shtola outside of Dodging/blocking...
>Who do you main?
Warrior of Light
>What rank are you?
Bronze B
I've been trying to grind ranks but I'm getting fucked by wait times and having to go to class.
nope blood weapons is just a name the weapons are still the normal ones
Not exactly, it follows the same block and dodge dynamic but you have an extra layer since if you're not sitting on your traps like some retard they'll have to either go around or armor through that and get hit as opposed to armor through your trap and whatever attack you throw out and hitting you still
Man the matches were so good. And now it's waiting hell. Damn it all
Whens Edgar? I want more 1-6 characters
I tried playing last night and kept getting terrible lag and disconnects
I don't really have a main, just a mix of everyone. I've played Y'shtola the most, but shes at bronze A
Matchmaking is fucked again
I'm afraid that I'll never be good at this game. I'm not very smart or clever.
Gotta time your button presses with the hits, it's pretty strict
There's still offline play, user.
For what it's worth, he was just added to Dissidia Opera Omnia:
Zidane, Gold E
Trying to get my Tidus to Gold E
Then just get Zidane to plan E and you'll have Tidus to Gold E
eh, I'm much too lazy for that and i've had my fill of Zidane.
Offline play is boring why would I do that?
Not like online play is much better at times
>that faggot Cloud that loses the match for you
Cmon I got us a two kill lead, what happened?
Bots are stupid though.
Extremely stupid. But they're practically bronze level bots. If they have bots that behaved as dangerously as the bots in dissidia and 012 we're going to be in trouble once we all make it to diamond on release.
Nah. Mithril bots are just as stupid. Only difference is that they complete combos.
>tfw i actually won a match with 2 bots against high silver, low gold.
Was fucking lucky.
In the beta, yes, but in the full game the AI will have to be better and more challenging.
>when you have a mirror match going on with someone on the enemy team and their teammate keeps trying to break it up
you fuckers just dont understand how serious this is. We have to determine who the better player is.
Nigga I'm trying to win, not let you have your little pride duel. Wait till the full release for that.
man fuck that, if you show your back to me you best got eyes behind because I'm coming for that booty
Is it true this is literally only 3v3?
Is it true matches are as fast as 20 seconds?
Is it true that you're asking really dumb questions that can easily be searched?
Nigga, what the fuck is one little battle going to do? consider it a 2v2.
Fine, I'll take both you fuckers on. That wont stop me coming for that mirror ass
Pic related.
Gold D. Finally working my way up after switching to Free Energy.
>Unga Bunga Cloud chases my Y'shtola
>See them coming on the minimap
>Holy when they arrive
>They get hit
Strifeniggers, when will they learn?
Its a 3v3 game though and your little 1v1s are the perfect time for me to fuck up the other dude from behind.
ctrl + f "Noctis"
seriously does this game not have noctis LC?
Of course he isn't in yet the game doesn't release until January.
dishonorable as shit, dog.
I could never be proud of such underhanded tactics
You say underhanded, I say teamwork. Haven't you seen the psp dissidia opening? That shit's nothing but teamwork.
Is there an easy way to get a code to get in this yet?
I'm all for honorable duels but save it for 1v1 mode in the full release.
Why do people keep acting like Noctis should be a given when this came out in 2015?
What do you think this is, Dark Souls fight club PvP
No. The closed beta ends friday anyways.
Why are you acting like the arcade has never been updated with new characters? Do you really think it's only been these 14 characters since launch?
I think you're too late now bro.
Didn't the developers already confirm him?
The only practical way to get a code now is to beg somewhere.
So is the Agrias leak actually true?
There's teamwork and then there's breaking up somebodys duel.
If there's clearly beef between two, that should be left alone
Probably. There's going to be a new character released every month and people have mined data from the arcade cabinets so~
The girl from that webcomic about the fat guy?
The same arcade that leaked Jecht are the ones saying it's Gilgamesh, Gabranth, and Golbez. They also said there is data for Thancred and Agrias in the game too.
Why is he so good? He's just carrying through these games.
Because you're not playing against good players. That's why people think Vaan is broken as shit right now.
That beef will cost me the round if my ally is a shitter. He can go has that out in the 1v1 mode that will be comically unbalanced.
>vaan tornados and sits in it
>go kill his ally for the round
I just don't get it.
Auron when?
you are stupid
at a minimum it's going to be Yuna first and then seymour. Auron isn't hitting for quite some time
Wait, what Agrias leak? Sauce?
They announced there'd be a new character per month from August to November and hinted with a silhouette which contained the Dissidia artwork for Jecht, Cloud of Darkness, Golbez and Ultimecia. Jecht was added earlier this month, so it stands to reason the remaining three will follow. So it'll be quite a shock if what is suggesting happens and Gilgamesh and Gabranth turn up instead.
And goddamn, I don't want Agrias in this game. Don't get me wrong, I like her, but there's no way Tactics is going to get three characters, so if she gets the nod we'll never get Delita, who's a much better and more important character.
>Another sword user no different from Jecht or Cloud
>Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
but its not out?
What makes you say Seymour is coming first (or at all)? Auron is way more popular than Seymour.
After Wakka hits the stage
Lets see how those fuckers fight when they got Blitzballs in their face.
Excited that there's a new Dissidia game, but turned off by the 3 on 3 combat. I absolutely hate the direction they're taking the game, because as a friendless virgin, all I care about is single player content.
You're right it's not out. You're such a smart boy. Do you want a cookie and some milk?
What similarity's do Jecht and Cloud have besides big swords?
To balance the light and dark sides.
Cloud of Darkness, Golbez, and Gabranth all are pretty much mandatory as is Ultimecia to balance the sides out.
Then I imagine, given that they've been releasing nothing but chaos side allies to play catch-up, if they were smart they would stay balanced.
Don't kid yourself. We were never getting Delita. Ramza, Agrias, and Cid are the most popular characters and if they were going to pull a villain it would have been Altima/Ultima.
And that's fine and there's still the dissidia on psp or the single player on the console release for you to entertain yourself with.
But I absolutely love that I finally can get to live in a battle between cosmos and chaos.
Is there going to be full on single player content? I figured since on the ready screen there's only room for 1 hp attack, it wouldn't have nearly as much depth as the PSP games did (which wasn't much, considering the game was just dodge until someone fucks up and gets hit).
So is there a reason why Tidus's dodge HAS to play out entirely? what cant I just cancel my dodge animation at any point?
dodging into spiral cut would be sick.
They stated there was going to be a story mode so I imagine it'll be just as long and boring to play through a second time as the first dissidia. (but not really duodecim)
Because that shit would be broken as fuck
Would you play a rat?
fuck off furfag
Delita has represented Tactics before in games like Record Keeper, and I'll give you Agrias, but I haven't seen any indication Cid is more popular than him. Not to mention so far Dissidia has always taken story relevance into consideration when choosing reps and Delita is easily the most important character in FFT after Ramza.
I also don't see how it's such a certainty they'd go with Ultima over him. That's somewhat akin to saying they would go with Zemus over Golbez or with Necron over Kuja, which obviously is not what happened.
They stated there's going to be story cutscenes which will be unlocked as you play, but not an actual dedicated story mode.
Only the cutest one for me. Trying to get out of Gold E
Definitely. She has enough unique attacks that she could make for a different Dragoon playstyle than Kain.