to pay respects

What happened?

It's down. Channels don't load on browser and the roku app just crashes.

Thought it was just me

Then go outside and enjoy mother nature for once.

Already went for a walk in the park today. It's beautiful.


What is this thing you speak of?

it's 1:30, i don't want to get shanked

It's too fucking hot fuck that

I already did to play Pokemon Go

why are they so bad at running a website?

now I'm thinking of actually playing games wtf bros



>go outside

Then go play some fucking videogames yourself

I think I'm going to play a video game

Dann geh ins bett

Co kurwa?

Is this vidya?

Taking my dog out for walkies, gonna get a small campfire and cook bacon and coffee at 7am in the woods in sunrise

Then coming back and sleeping a few hours later

I fucking love being jobless

Great. Accidentally placed an unnecessary spoiler on my image.

This has nothing to do with video games.

Good Riddance to shit rubbish.

>biggest streaming site for video games had nothing to do with video games

>Twitch down
And nothing of value was lost.

camgirls took all the bandwidth

Who cares
play a game instead of watching someone else play one.

Eh, guessed the wrong country in the same timezone

Actually understand now why you would get raped outside by this time though

Fuck you big city fag. I hope you get nuked.

they are the biggest video game streaming website

>Website for streaming video games
Yes, in fact, it is vidya.

Good. I thought it was my internet being shit as usual.

>a fucking service that allows people to watch video games
>nothing to do with video games
nu-Sup Forums, people

>he didn't unlock the outer realm area


What do you think Inuitinua's asshole tastes like?

here's a pity (You)
try harder next time and you might even get a reaction image!

haha hab dich veräppelt du süßer fickbube


Is Twitch oversaturated yet?
Sooner it happers the sooner the site dies.


This but unironically. Off-topic threads are nice every once in a while and it keeps the board from stagnating.

Awww, look at those poor beta cucks crying because they are deprived of their pretend friends.

>hehehe can't do anything about him!
>i'll just post try harder next time!

if anything you're reddit because you want to circlejerk about vidya all day long while your colostomy bag overfills

yea let me just go outside to enjoy this nice excessive heat warning weather

We have threads about "video games" that are for image dumps of 2D girls, threads about collecting video game dolls, threads about ecelebs/game devs. Half the time, these threads are purged and half the time they aren't. What is off topic and what is on topic is very arbitrary. People should learn to enjoy a few """"off topic"""" threads.

Why do you watch video game streams lads?
Is it just because you don't have any friends? Does donating make you feel important? How long does that last?

It's a service dedicated to watch people. Of course nu/v/ would try to push it as acceptable.

>wants you talk about nothing but video games
>calling others who don't want to do that "poor beta cucks"
reevaluate your life man

>Have TV on in the background while playing Vidio geams
>Stream is playing in the background while playing bibio james.
Why are old people so against streaming? It's not like watching someone else play something stops me from playing something.

Eh, germany matches too with getting raped outside

So you're simulating having a friend?

nah mate you and the rest of the redditors here are the real joke

i can't tell if your ironically shitposting

agreed but only because Sup Forums is a trash high traffic board. twitch being down for whatever insignificant amount of time is not a fun off topic thread. animal threads a best however.

yeah let me go outside and--
it's raining.

I agree, this thread isn't even """off topic""" though since twich is a vidya streaming website. autists just want to talk about their vidya waifus and how jap games are 10x better than western games. and post "this isn't vidya" in every other thread.

I just like Twitch because it feels more personal. I'm living alone and the silence gets soul crushingly lonely so it's nice to have some dude talking about video games in the background.

You can always try to get real friends. Even with a personality like yours. Hang in there, user!

Not an argument

Watching TV is simulating having a friend?

In the same way you watch Friends and picture yourself on the couch with them.

I ran about a mile today. That's it for me senpai

This sounds so... pathetic.
I don't care if you think I'm insulting you, I'm not even trying to.
I have nothing but pity for people like this.
>I'll simulate having someone talk to me!

Why are you getting so defensive, user?

it's literally no different than listening to a podcast, audiobook or the news

Explains a lot actually

Habs mir schon fast gedacht, sweety

Also... Ostdeutschland ?

Sure, in half of the cities...
Actually, since the immigriants invaded it the country it probably topped to 90%, so yea youre right

What a horrible existence you must live if you have to imagine yourself in a fictional TV show.

>I'll simulate having someone talk to me!
No, it's more of having noise in the background to stave off the silence. No different than people leaving TVs on back in the old days.

You can find it pathetic if you want to, but we're on Sup Forums it's hard for me to be offended when you're most likely the same.

I don't even mind waifu and husbando threads and eceleb threads, I mean they are related to video games tangentially. Chances are you're playing Senran to wack it. Chances are matthewmattosis is talking about a video game. What I'm tired of is the idea that if a thread isn't directly about a game, it's off-topic and worth deleting. Sup Forums is much less fun and more echo chamber-y as a result. Yes let's talk about Dark Souls and Rabbids and FNV and P5 all the time. Fuck.

Except those cover huge genres. Everyone can find an audiobook, podcast or a news channel and find something interesting.

Listening to people in silence with game audio and tapping away at a keyboard whilst asking for viewers to subscribe and donate is really odd, user.

>watching shitty streamers

Good. Maybe you'll actually play videogames for once instead of pretending the big boy streamer is your friend

So, what you're saying is that Sup Forums dhould have shitty off-topic threads like this because you don't like threads about the flavour of the month video games? Fuck off. And besides, these threads devolve into drama about a shitty e-celeb or a website that's not vidya related after a few posts.


And those threads devolve into the same exact literally every time. No one ever talks about anything new because there is nothing new to talk about.

>Except those cover huge genres
Eh? I can watch streams of any game I want - there's something for everyone.

damn and i was trying to host some CPU DBZ BT3 nonsense

There's always something to talk about that's vidya related, retard. The most you can get with an e-celeb thread is some petty drama.

>be white american
>go outside
>get scalped for being a nazi
nice try antifa aka violent left

I don't like threads of the same games over and over again, yeah. I mean rabbids is a bad example, it just came out. But the other ones basically house general threads in Sup Forums when there's already a general for them in /vg/.

I can't speak for other threads but this devolved into shit when someone went "N-NOT VIDYA!" So there's that. And like I said before, what is off-topic and what isn't is kinda fucking arbitrary. One Senran thread gets the deleted, the other one stays. I don't know user, what would your ideal Sup Forums look like? Discussing old games over and over again?

I just wanted to relax and watch some video games after a long day. Why does twitch have to pick now to go down, dammit.

>dumbfuck normalshit "advice" post

Just got home from the bar with coworkers, go fuck yourself.

Not everything's about politics, autismo

The worse are the Persona threads. P5 came out half a year ago now and yet we still have a thread up every day. I wouldn't even mind if there was actual game discussion, but 99% of posts are always waifufaggotry and circlejerking.

It bugs me to no end how mods were banishing threads like Fallout and TES to /vg/, but kept Persona threads around. Sup Forums mods are insanely biased.

Danganronpa is really bad too about it. I don't mind waifufags and circlejerking but I would prefer it if we would either allow all waifu dump threads and /vg/ migration and somewhat off topic stuff or none of it, rather than choosing to delete one thread while keeping another.

The problem is that deleting all that stuff would make Sup Forums kinda shitty. The simplest way to put it is that there would be a lack of "board culture" and people would go to other boards.

I'm literally shaking right now. I need to stream to earn money for a living. Why the fuck do they have to be down during prime time hours in the US.

>Living in a country where going outside at a certain time of the day might get you killed

aka every country ever

There are maniacs everywhere

ice_poseidon is live on youtube


t. 16 year old Sup Forumstard


Not really. If I go out right now I might witness a drug deal or 2 but if I mind my own business nothing will happen. Unless I purposely go to the shittiest part of town and start flashing expensive shit while being a loud drunk I won't get stabbed.

to be fair there's a chance for you to get killed at any time of day in any country depending on your luck


t. third world shitter
Oh and before you ask, Burgerland is a 3rd world country.

Twitchfags are so disgusting. They can't be with their pretend friends for 5 minutes without crying about it.

"Waah I can't donate $100 to xxXfuckboi420Xxx now and get acknowledgement for 2 seconds." Seriously you guys are more pathetic then Nintendards when they don't get a multiplat.

same shit here bud

drug deals always happening and its always obv as fuck but honestly who cares

I guess tonight's PreRec is cancelled. Damn shame, they were going to show off Mario Rabbids I think.

If you walk out the door and the first thing you see are drug dealers then you live in a slum.