Series gets popular

>series gets popular
>mass amounts of newcomers play the latest game
>discussions go to shit
>devs pander to the newcomers
>future games are all casualized shit

why does this keep happening?

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw Smash will forever be shit after Melee and you can't even say it without retards praising it
Fuckers are really defending shitty physics and no jump momentum in a platform fighter.

>why does this keep happening?

Money money money

Smash was always indended to be casual. Melee is only competitive because of oversights.

>bethesda will never make a reman empire game
its painful

Name one series (at least three games long) where that didn't happen


>comfy yakuza discussions are gone
>future games blatantly pander to 0fags

>You don't get rich off faggots
>You don't get rich off faggots
>You don't get rich off faggots

>Fuckers are really defending shitty physics and no jump momentum
That's every game when you think about it. When was the last time you had to pick up speed before jumping in a game?


I don't care about competitiveness at all, it's completely irrelevant. 64 was great and then Melee improved in just about everything perfectly, but then they started catering to mouth breathing retards who can barely hold a controller. Just because Melee is a decent competitive game doesn't mean it's not fit for casuals to play. It was and is great for casuals. Taking out fun for Brawl and 4 was fucking stupid, but retards everywhere love it for being almost the same zero fun allowed shit. At least the soundtracks are still godlike I guess.

Mount & Blade?


4 years ago i told myself that this series would never catch a bad audience.

time flies and shit happens i guess, wont be surprised if AC7 does the same to the Ace Combat threads

>implying Sega gives a fuck about the west
But yeah, the threads are pretty shit these days. 5 is what did it though, not 0.


I don't know if you're pretending for the argument's sake, but I agree as a casual PM player.

>>implying Sega gives a fuck about the west
they literally made majima playable in 2 because of the west popularizing 0
>5 did it, not 0
are you serious? that was when the threads became really good and comfy.

fucking newfag

Makes me sad. I get the oblivion hate but it at least had fun quests, attributes (admittedly terrible leveling system but at least it had one) and custom magic.

Kiwami 2*

It legitimately took me a second to think about it, but...

>3 games long
>hasn't pandered

because war....war never changes...

How am I a newfag for suggesting the threads were better BEFORE 5? That doesn't make any sense. And yeah, I'm saying that's when the threads went to shit, you never had golden face memery or the constant shitposting about 3 before 5 came out in the west.

Too bad it's already garbage lol

Resident Evil 4, obviously.

Because developers are in it to make money not worry abòut you and your individual shit preferences.

It's cool that the game is ok and only 10 people buy it but better if it's just as good and 50 buy the sequel.

4 was great. The rest after were shit.

>How am I a newfag for suggesting the threads were better BEFORE 5?
the only glaring thing that came out of threads druing 3-5 was RUBBER BULLETS and YUME, but that wasn't shitposts to the mass levels that 0 created

archives exist, go dig in and see for yourself newfag

wud u rather have a large dumb audience love your product and u and get good $ or have a smaller, more intelligent and more creative group's respect via memes youtube vids etc
i mean money is money so they all pick tha former, the gameinformer


>Souls fandom after Demon's Souls
>Monster Hunter fandom after Tri
>Metal Gear Solid fandom after GZ
>Megaten fandom after P4

All I'm saying is that the threads started getting bad after 5 came out in the west. You can check the archives yourself. If you don't mind all the console war shit and increased shitposting about the older games that started around that time then honestly I don't know how you think 0 made the threads so much worse.

Because the vidya industry is still in its infancy and the business people there don't understand that in every market, 80% of the money comes from 20% of the customers.


what's with the change of argument?
>on 5
>after 5
make up your fucking mind, and by the looks of it, you stared at 0. its way too obvious

Sex moves a commity faster than a bunch of dried up nerds who intern at their favorite college.

When a game comes out, you have todecide whether you want to stimulate the player sexually or intellectually and that decision is usually left up to the people buying the game.

>game becomes roach ammo
>discussion goes to shit


This. Casuals have no standards and will happily buy dumb fucking lootboxes and other stupid anti-consumer bullshit.

FE wasn't 'casual' until Awakefates though


Yeah, I know. I just posted that for the series as a whole. Ironically I started with Sacred Stones instead of 7, then went back and played that and all the older games.


My argument didn't change, I said 5 is what ruined the threads and haven't said anything different. Saying that the threads were better before that and that they got worse after is literally the same thing. How fucking dumb are you? But yeah, go ahead and keep telling me I started with 0 like that means anything aside from you not having an argument.

>5 is what did it though, not 0

Impossible, that was my first game.

The goal of a business is to make money

What the fuck is wrong with you and your reading comprehension, dude?

Ace combat hasnt been ps exclusive since 6.

buddy, exclusivity doesn't ruin threads. newfags do

Halo was always mass market junk though.

Wonder Boy

I've heard others say the same.

not baiting you dumb homosexual

literally one game after 3 it started turning to shit


Halo turned to shit because 343 took over not because of anything else. It was already massively popular at the time.

land before time u cuck

Every developer dreams of grabbing the attention of the FIFA / Call of Duty market without realizing that those are games for people who only play console games like twice a week at most

What, you seriously think the cash cows of vidya are Sup Forumstards, and not the casual 'epic gamer' fags that play PUBG and Overwatch?
Pretty sure the business people know their audience quite well

because those devs make brillions

i have a dream that one day games will be priced on how good they are

Halo 1-3 is fine. Reach is fine as well. That's 4 games. We can just ignore the rest as not being real Halo.


eh, ill give u reach even though i dont care for it or odst too much, both are good games by universal standards but not by halo 1-3 standards imo

>get demons souls when it first comes out
>love it
>no one gives a shit about it except the people who genuinely love it and its an instant cult hit
>dark souls comes out and the series slowly progresses from that cult hit into normie souls
>it keeps getting worse each new addition
make it stop

Halo 3 is still my favorite LAN game of all time. We used to do full 16 people games of one bomb assault or infection on that giant sand map with the Elephants. The game was perfect.

Dark Souls

>Ground Zeros ruined Metal Gear discussion

Bait? If not you are actually retarded

That has happened with every Souls game except BB (whose discussion went to shit because of console warring instead of because of newfaggots)

how dare you

Dark Souls 3 was the first game where the pandering and going to shit happened though

You mean aside from DS2?

Casual players make them more money.


Revengeance was great and you know it


I hope more than anything this doesn't happen to Absolver.

I'm guessing something to do with word of mouth advertising combined with the pursuit of making a game that a game reviewer can understand and complete. Something like...
Play original, it's great, get hyped for sequal, tell friends. Game had OK reviews, reviewer pointed out things that could be "fixed". Next game is mainly the original game with "fixes" yet more people bought it, reviewer like it more thus gave it a better score. Repeat.