Destiny is a Snooze

>Some purple lady looking for a speaker?
>Weird walking rhinoceros people
>Traveller, light, guardians
>Auto aim out the asshole
>Music inferior to Halo

What's going on? Who cares? Why does this game play so crappily.

Because it a shit game. I praise it though for taking PUBG sails out a little

Lol this game took 0 players from PUBG, guaranteed.

you need to go back.

First game was bland too. Some nice gunplay and art direction but overall repetitive. Bungie is a dead company, they will never make cool games like Marathon or Halo again.

>why does an alien game with space magic have aliens with space magic
>why wasn't there a 20 minute cutscene explaining every little detail to me
It's a by the numbers loot shooter, but you seem to have broken your imagination giving it a try. Stick to Call of Duty.

Haven't gotten to play it yet. I just want another Borderlands. Hopefully it's essentially just that.

The aim assist is pretty hilarious. You can actually kill people so easily with controller on PC vs Mouse players.

>bungiefags will defend this

>Whats going on?
Giant rhino people found a way into a city they aren't supposed to be able to get into.
>Who cares?
I kind of care, I haven't played the first one, though. But I need a new science fiction game in my life, though.

I miss Halo. That actually had a decent story, good music, and passable writing.

c i n e m a t i c

Destiny is like the most normie dorito mdew game. Even worse than overwatch. Makes me sick to my stomach. Sad its still gonna sell millions.

People are using M/KB with auto aim thanks to some software that makes your PC think your M/KB is a 360 controller

Bravo Bungie

Also better gameplay. Better vehicles, no loot shit, no feeling like your mission is an instanced by the numbers fetch quest in some MMO, AI that didn't behave like lifeless robotic NPCs in an MMO, etc.

because of the massive droughts of content, people played the PvP extensively
because PvP was played extensively, r*ddit complained about everything and bungie took note
because r*ddit complained about everything. they've moved towards a more PvP game with less people each side, slower gameplay, overall weaker players and immediate meta with fixed RNG
because of the slower gameplay and weaker players (and the same stitched engine), PvE suffers because bungie cannot into separate balancing

also something in highest is fucking with all GPUs, textures and models diminish after medium and it doesn't use more cores and threads after 8 total
but they have 2 months to fix that if they give a shit

Its funny because the aim assist has been that bad on console for 3 years and for that entire time you've had people unironically playing it competitively

You seem to know what's up, care to give a tl;dr of the story? Not that I'm preordering either way but I kinda want to know what's the deal with the story on the beta

jesus christ raise your FoV

Why are cooldowns so long? Why is Warlock so boring? Why are the guns so shit? Why are the enemies so generic? Why is the story so bad?

Game will be dead soon. It´s not even frenetic as it intend to be. And the PVE is a joke.

>bullet sponge enemies
>shit gunplay
>boring linear level design
>two garbage pieces of gear after hour long boss fight
I know a beta shouldn't represent the final game, but this game is fucking shit

Because all the people who made Halo a success left Bungie or got fired.

hey look its nathan fillion as robot nathan fillion

I'm actually pretty glad I played the beta. The PvP was so shit it pushed me to install Unreal Tournament, which I've been having a lot of fun with today. I'm eyeing Quake Champions, too.

Thanks, Destiny!

>I know a beta shouldn't represent the final game
The game comes out next week. This is demo under the guise of a beta

Makes me sad it's going to do that when people know full well what a trainwreck the first one was, there really is no hope for the fucks that guy this shit, just shove them into the video game equivalent of a methadone clinic and leave them there.

When they nerf Mccree

Intensity of aim assist is literally a feature in some guns. God fucking awful.

>can't customize layout
>optimized like shit
>only 2 modes and 1 mission

LOL they think PC players are gonna want this?

If I can't completely turn off auto-aim in singleplayer, I'm not buying this shit. I like using a controller for PC games, but I always turn off auto-aim.

>just shove them into the video game equivalent of a methadone clinic and leave them there.

That's funny considering bungie hired psychologists for the first game to devise ways to get people addicted to it

>type in chat during mission
>my real name pops up instead of my character name

almost had a fucking heart attack.

>using your real name/information for your Bnet account

I really hate the cool down shit.
Just give me ammo, 3 grenades max, then if i kill somebody i get a grenade back or something.

>ruining the PVE in order to make PVP better
>PVP is still trash

I'm looking forward to it. Have it preordered on PSN with season pass. Found a clan on Reddit and joined their discord. Took Wednesday off from work to play it.

Cayde-6 is great. How can you not love him?

People still care about Destiny?

>account got hacked by chinese
>had to give blizz real name to prove i owned the account
rip me

>optimized like shit
now hold on, im actually surprised this game runs at 60fps with my shitty 750ti and i3 2120.

There's only aim assist if you're using a controller. It is ridiculously strong aim assist if you do though, because it's some retarded attempt to put you on par with M+KB players, except it's way better than the average M+KB player's aiming ability.

>its true

imagine losing gunfights because your aimbot was worse than the other guys aimbot

fucking this my sides
now both modes suck ass

>the game engine is so fucked that it takes an entire day of compiling to change a single thing within the game
>DOOM looks 20x better and runs better
>consolecucks are even calling bungie on their 30fps shit
>no one is excited about the "expanded" lore through shitty cutscenes with the same depth of acting as Kirk fighting Gorn
I hope bungie fails and gets shut down by Activision

Yea it was the first time playing a destiny game and I was bored as fuck.
Boring grindy pve, boring broken pvp.
Maybe its the beta but I was not impressed.
Only good thing about it was that it seems well optimized and runs smoothly.

All I can tell you is what they told me in the D2 beta and the wiki articles I took the time to read.
The origin story is that Humanity started the space race again and found this giant fuck off ball on mars called the Traveler, it's that thing the rhino guys strapped that thing to in D2.
Basically that big fuck off ball is/was sentient and aided Humanity in starting a golden age where they colonized their solar system. But the solar system was invaded by an entity called the Darkness which is the enemy of the Traveler. There was a huge war involving all of these races enslaved to the darkness and the traveler gave its life to protect the last bastion of humanity which is that city you see in D2. I don't know what happened to the Darkness.
The guys attacking the city and the Traveler in D2 are called the Red Legion, they're part of the half dozen or so alien empires you fight in Destiny 1, this race in particular are called the Cabal, who are giant fuck off Brute gorilla rhinos with giant fucking warships that "Conquer" systems by blowing up habitated worlds. The Red legion are apparently big dick OGs of the Cabal but were fighting wars somewhere else in space.
They did something to the Traveler, which apparently also let your character respawn, but at the end of the story mission your character couldn't respawn anymore, or something.

That's basically all I can tell you, since I haven't played D1 yet.

I just don't understand why the PvE stuff in the beta/demo is so goddamn easy. Enemies are braindead and can't aim for shit. And that boss was utter trash, too.

>l-legenday gear!
All that tells me is that once I get a couple of decent guns the game becomes a goddamn snoozefest.

That's what I mean. I want to use a controller, but without auto-aim. If I can't (in SP at least) then there's a 0% chance of me ever buying this.

>I praise it though for taking PUBG sails out a little
Why do people hate it this much?

>thinking you're some kind of darknet sneakster by putting in a fake name

niqqa they can see your name on your fucking credit card.

I heard in an interview that "the darkness" isn't actually some mysterious force controlling the other species, that it has an actual physical presence that we haven't seen yet. The other aliens are just opportunists.

idk it's a vague memory and I can't recall where exactly I heard it so take that for what you will.

Why are humans fighting all these random aliens?

How's Destiny 1 nowadays? I haven't played it in years and I haven't played the DLCs that came with it.


Why did they do this?

Is this their attempt to "crack down on toxicity"? By making internet anonymity less anonymous?

>Aimbot strength is actually a statistic for controllers
Console players will defend this

>Your game that isn't out that you are excited for is shit and here's my list of unproven facts to back up my argument!

Go get laid, homey. Sounding awfully tense.

Any problems with Destiny?

>first time playing Desiny and launching it
>everything is running 2x fast
>cut scenes are really fast and can't understand everyone since it's in fast motion

It's like Deus Ex again.

>>the game engine is so fucked that it takes an entire day of compiling to change a single thing within the game
You're probably talking about packaging for distribution, not compiling. Compile times after the first build are probably a few minutes at most.

It's only for your friends and you can turn it off

I'm not surprised Halo games always had an insane amount of aim assist.

The AI is stressful on the CPU, Consoles have shit tier CPU's

I uninstalled it after 1-2 hours,´s not bad optimized. I got 60 fps at mid with a 660 GTX

if you can pick the base game+all dlcs up for 40 bucks or less it's probably worth it, if you have others to play with

pretty fun it you like getting cool loot and the gunplay is great

pvp is hot garbage, it's all about sightlines and who has the better sniper rifle

pve is really fun to work through with friends though

Yeah. The Hive is the only alien race that's really and agent of the Darkness. The Fallen are just an alien race that was visited by the Traveller before it came to us, and the Cabal are just a bunch of salty space rhinos.

Vex are a little more complicated; they're robots with organic components (the cum that spills out when you crit shot them) but they do seem to have some kind of affiliation with the Darkness (the final mission of vanilla Destiny shows them worshiping a psychical manifestation of the Darkness).

>Le hide and let people kill each other to win game

nope, one of the devs explained that working with their in-house engine is a fucking nightmare as any change to a level requires an entire day of unpacking and repacking

Its fine.

I think Destiny's biggest fault is the content flow. 15 dollars, and 3 months, for

what the actual fuck?

>he believes the shit excuses by jew devs
Have you seen the AI for destiny? It's even less competent than CoDs so the entire blaming on console cpu is fucking stupid as CoD can have as much as 30+ enemies on screen and still run 60fps


Name ONE shooter with worse PVP. I'll wait.

same thing happened with Battlefield 1, probably a v-sync issue or just shit optimizations

Destiny 1


Couldn't tell you outside of wanting that sweet succulent Traveler meat, probably?
To be fair, those aliens are also fighting one another, so they apparently want something in our solar system.

Is vendor gear (vanguard & faction) still in?

it has pretty graphics but the game feels so sterile somehow


Why destiny is better on console:
>game releases 1 month earlier
>gunplay feels better
>Rumble support on controller
>human eye can't see over 30fps
>timed exclusives(on ps4)
>veteran players
>harder version on console
>community is less autistic
>less crashes
>no hackers
>everyone is on an even playing field
Sorry, but there's so much flaws for playing on Pc, i don't think it's worth the money to build one.

You might as well play fucking Warframe if you want that fucking Space Setting, at the very least that game knows that its players just want to look like autistic particle spammers killing everything left and right in a COOL WAY. What does this game even offer that it wont scratch? Its getting rid of proper Looting, decided to slow you down and managed to somehow make the diversity of classes worse by removing a subclass for each. How anyone in the PC community will want this is beyond me, maybe it passes for some grand game on Consoles but the Beta does nothing but give me the idea of Warframe's grinding just glorified with Bungie's name.

At least give me the option to go wicked fast and the potential to be a fuck demon because thats all its going to be about.

>Hey run this so many times till you get an Exotic
>Now kill things faster and get more exotics
>Buy this DLC to get new missions so you can repeat the process
>Oh wait we're focusing on PvP for stats as well

Truly amazing, truly it was worth a sequel


Stay in /vg/, faggot.

Incredible, the rare double-counter-shill. Looks like daddy's getting a 6-Star in gatcha today

Tried this on my potato, around 20-30 fps for most of the time

Played the Hunter class I think it was called. Assault rifle felt weak as fuck so I used almost exclusively the pistol. I also assume I had a bug since the weapons had no crosshairs when zoomed in so getting headshots with the sniper rifle was a little difficult. Too fucking long CD on the grenade. Dodge was basically useless in the demo mission. Double jumping more often than not caused me to hit something above me that bounced me back and just felt like shit for movement when there was anything to hit above you. Also there was a part where I assume other players were phased into my game, that's when all the enemies started warping around a bit, especially when shooting them while they were mid-air

Was about as boring as I expected it to be, literally spent more time downloading it than playing

>oh you're just baiting ok
>what difference does this make
>it's on the launcher remember
>l m a o
>only valid point you've made thus yet
>yeah and the field is covered in steaming piles of shit

give me my gold star now

with all the cards and cpus tested, it feels like 60 on older (and all) hardware was the only thing they were aiming for (in this beta)
more powerful GPUs seem to be whittling away at something at the highest setting, and settings past medium don't do anything noticeable
newer CPUs were under-utilized as well even though their engine was multi-core from the start
a 1060 6GB and above should be destroying with just these kind of graphics

Well that was completely the wrong image

Old RS looks better than the current one though

Well, you proved his autistic point.

The Fallen: Like humans they were visited by the Traveler and then suffered their own collapse when the Darkness came. Since then they've devolved into a race of scavenging space pirates. Eventually they discovered the Traveler had fled to Earth and now they're hoping to reclaim it.

The Vex: A hivemind of robots. Have the ability to control space and time. Their objective seems to be complete control of the universe. I mean COMPLETE control. They literally want to write themselves into the fundamental forces of the universe

The Cabal: Generic militarized alien race

The Hive: Alien race that worships death and the entropy of the universe. Look up the Book Of Sorrows if you want a more complete origin of this race.

>hide the entire game, get killed at the end without ever firing your gun and waste 30mins of your life

Why would anybody do this

Yeah, a whole fucking year.

There's no option for shader quality, so basically all you can change is LOD, and shadow/texture resolution. And AO, but 3D is a massive performance suck.

Only the fallen sound remotely interesting. Because they're basically just the covenant again.

Shroud said no auto aim

What a waste. Waited 12 hours of downloading it and it's not working.

Did I save myself from playing this game?


You missed out. Probably won't notice the QOL if you didn't play D1 and D2 beta on console. The port is amazing.

>>Music inferior to Halo
I dunno im probably gonna pick it up mostly because of the soundtrack, and because i had fun looking at the scenery and clicking on dudes while listening to said soundtrack. I haven't been interested in shooters since Halo reach and this game is pretty comfy, never touched destiny one so its not just more of the same for me.

I envy people who have never met you...