Is there anything that can purge video games of the normie menace?
When games didn't need insane sales, budgets, tacked on multiplayer, and to be casualized as fuck all?
Is there anything that can purge video games of the normie menace?
When games didn't need insane sales, budgets, tacked on multiplayer, and to be casualized as fuck all?
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Nope, even if the industry crashes and they decide to rebuild normies would just come back.
Normies got into video games because the things normies used to do got more expensive, video games gave normies cheap entertainment.
Unless the economy magically improves massively, normies are gonna poison games forever.
Geek and EVERYTHING that comes with it, is now part of the mainstream. "True" geeks can no longer claim it as theirs.
The casualisation doesn't bother as much as the fact that normies are claiming to be gamers since the beginning when they really only started gaming recently.
And with that there are small bits of gaming history being rewritten cause "early gaming memories" seem to be taken from youtuber videos.
Only if by some miracle the annual garbage ceases production.
You gonna just leave your own thread?
>Is there anything that can purge video games of the normie menace?
Yep, Nintendo and Sony need to collapse. No more consoles. No more handhelds. They are the ones who brought in the casual market and continue to do so.
As soon as people realized that the best business model was to trap the player in a skinner box and have him shoveling dumptrucks of money into a game to get his food pellet, gaming died.
If you aren't putting at LEAST some sort of lootbox RNG cosmetics in your game at the very minimum with a preference towards the actual game itself being designed from the ground up by psychology PHds to squeeze as much fucking money out of you as possible, you're doing it wrong.
Remember when Farmville corned the hardcore gamer WoWstyle gameplay that was made in 2004 and gave it to everyone's 40 year old mom? That was a billion dollar idea and that was 10 years ago. The addition of the mobile market has only made things worse. You have to compete with 432423523 instant gratification games that are on the device that you have with you 24 hours a day 365.
Capitalism at it's finest.
>Capitalism at it's finest.
lol yaaaas #resistcapitalism gurl
Normies are not going to leave.
You can blame Iron Man, COD4 (and I think Sup Forums) for making geek shit popular amongst normies.
FUcking Rocket Knight cost me £40 cos normies are into (half-arsed) retro collecting.
>rocket knight
>console games
You are the normalfag, user.
Up yours.
Not an argument.
please don't confuse capitalism with the stock market.
Only autists and weebs buy Nintendo, keeping them alive is good.
Normies flock to Sony/MS though.
The economy needs to take a dump so people can no longer afford to be retarded.
But that's what pulled normies in, the weakening global economy meant normies needed to seek cheaper entertainment.
What's the next trend user? I got 100k to make a game or film, if I go game route seems like it'd be a drop in he ocean
No user, you do not understand. You are the normalfag. In what conceivable way are you different from the people you consider 'normies'? You have to accept this or vidya will never get better. You are part of the problem and you glorify games for people too retarded to use a computer.
Can somebody tell me about this magic time where normal people didn't play video games? Because it certainly wasn't when my mom had to fight off other moms for the NES.
>Only autists and weebs buy Nintendo, keeping them alive is good.
Nope, Nintendo has been the absolute worst since day one. Every single one of these SJW braindead shits got their start with Nintendo. I guarantee it.
t. capitalist pigs
The NES was the beginning of the end tbhfamalam.
Nintendo isn't pulling any SJW shit, retard.
They censor some localizations which is bullshit, but not to appease SJW.
They do it because they're stuck with the retarded mindset that even games with adults as the primary audience need to be child friendly.
It's always been a normie market. Always. You think a niche made a billion dollar company in the mid 90s? That your super secret club turned Zelda and Mario into a cereal? That fucking Pacman was a hit song because of a small group of nerds?
Capitalism is good when regulated, you can't trust people not to take advantage of one another without a system put into place to protect the meek and stupid from exploitation.
Bitch are you retarded?
>implying the japanese give a fuck about social justice
you're talking about asians. and they literally could not give less fucks
>Nintendo isn't pulling any SJW shit, retard.
Yes they are, idiot. Every Nintendo game is carefully crafted to have as much mass appeal as possible. They are just ahead of the curve when it comes to pandering, as they always have been. Nintendo mantra is mass appeal, mass appeal, mass appeal. Make it accessible as possible. Make it as easy as possible. Make it as gimmicky as possible. They are always spiraling downward. The competitors are just along for the ride.
democracy is good when regulated so that the meek and stupid don't exploit the educated.
They care about money and little else. The japs are insectoid.
>you're talking about asians. and they literally could not give less fucks
Name some SJW catering and explain it.
Please note Marina isn't SJW catering just because they added a dark skinned character.
Literally not the least bit true. You're a tool who blindly believes all the shit Sup Forums spews out.
>Normies got into video games because the things normies used to do got more expensive, video games gave normies cheap entertainment.
Not trying to make this pol but it could be, ALL government in Europe agreed to make european lifes worse, much much worse, Im seeing normies even getting into anime to refuge from the shitty reality
You ARE retarded.
I think it wasn't like THE source of entertainment for normies in the 90s, it was something to pass the time or keep the kids occupied (I'm sure the cereal was aimed at kids).
Nowadays normies have videogame memorabilia bursting out the seams as if they were always rocking geek shit in public.
This topic is full of underage so they believe it was when they were younger.
Democracy is all about the majority creating the system the majority want.
It's clear your post has that retarded "taxation is theft!" libertarian spiel behind it, if you look at the only direct democracy on Earth(Switzerland) you'll see taxation and welfare is something educated and good people want.
Dwarf fortress/ retro roms?
You're underage, gaming after a certain age used to have a stigma. Now everybody is a fucking manchild.
>le normies ruined everything
Games are as good as ever. Fuck off retards
>rich people want taxes
Really makes me think.
>Sup Forums is one person
fuck off moron. asian countries are as racist and xenophobic as the west, have prevalent social stigma against any sexual orientation thats not straight, and you will almost NEVER find them pander to social justice because its simply not a fucking thing over there.
>mass appeal = SJW
How retarded are you?
I'm in my late 20s. The stigma was never really that bad and if it seriously bothers you that people with better social skills than you enjoy video games you're a child.
There's more than one person calling you out on your stupidity.
>democracy is about creating the system the majority want
and america's majority is retarded. so they create a retarded system. a proper education system should be put into place first before democracy.
The majority of the Swiss people want them, and they have a direct democracy.
They also have some of the best education in the world, I wonder if that has something to do with it....
>sony makes their horizon shill dawn protag ugly so they don't 'offend' anyone
>nintendo are the panderers
you make no sense.
games were initially casual multiplayer focused experiences.
if anyone needs to fuck off it's you creepy loser nerds who only play single player games. you guys are pathetic.
Normies ruined JRPGs by forcing the ARPG meme.
Normies forced Western devs to care about multiplayer, taking resources away from campaigns.
Normies made publishers have unrealistic sales expectations, once 250k was considered a huge success now anything below 3 million is a joke.
Yes, modern social justice is a societal race to the bottom, just like mass appeal. That is why SJW facebook fags are drawn to nintendo like moths to a flame and nintendo doesn't even have to specifically target them. These are exactly the types of people you bring in when you cast a large net.
wow it's almost as if when your society is educated and not raised on an upbringing designed to make everyone feel unique and special and like they're the centre of the world you can make your society a better place.
>Normies ruined JRPGs by forcing the ARPG meme
user, JRPGs are WRPGs for normies. That's the entire reason Dragon Quest was made. Because people were too dumb to play Ultima and Wizardry.
Way to prove my point. Everything in your post is the same garbage that Sup Forums says about Japan which has been mostly debunked time and time again. Do you genuinely believe that the majority of Japan is some otaku NEET that faps to only anime? Get a fucking clue.
>a proper education system should be put into place first before democracy.
I actually agree with this, Switzerland shows that direct democracy works so long as education is prioritized.
It also helps people develop emotionally and prevent mental disorders like sociopathy.
>Because people were too dumb to play Ultima and Wizardry.
Not him but look where we are. There aren't that many those those rpg and deem too old or hard by the western casual fags, while the Japs got their next DQ.
not really. third parties have been lackluster on Nintendo since over a decade, but Nintendo themselves have been decent for the most part. up until about wii u anyhow.
>nintendo isn't normie trash
>NES sales: 62 million
>Super Mario Bros sales: 40 million
Wow, its almost like Japan ruined RPGs.
Switzerland is living proof that humanity is not a cause, other countries really need to take a page from their book and purge the sociopaths from their government while educating the populace.
Maybe stigma is too strong of a word but like remember when the S2Beta forums found evidence that Michael Jackson was involved in Sonic 3's music? I remember nobody being interested in that but years later when the same info is being regurgitated by some youtuber, the same people who did not care about it are relaying that to me IRL a decade later.
Normies are lot more invested in gaming than they were years ago.
>Nintendo doesn't censor games for SJWs
>This is the same character in Lufia 2, JPN vs NA version
>blaming japan
pathetic. most of those games you called jrpgs aren't even technically rpgs. it's not their fault people retardedly mislabel them.
Are you trying to imply it isn't?
I dislike how low the power levels are in WRPGs.
Rarely do main characters bypass high building leveler tier in power.
I want my journey into the realm of magic to actually ascended me to demigodhood in the least.
I'd like you to define normie for me. I've likely been playing video games longer than you and have a fucking ton of time invested, but I also have functional social skills and a social life, so I think you'd consider me a "normie".
what the fuck makes you think you know anything about japan? where the fuck is this 'debunking'? any asian person can tell you that japan is racist as fuck and so is the rest of asia.
>majority of japan is some otaku neet that only faps to anime
obviously fucking not. that point makes no sense anyway because you imply that i correlate japanese otaku neets with being xenophobic and dislike social justice, when its literally the fucking opposite. otaku are much more likely to be accepting of western ideas and trends (such as social justice, mind you) while the rest of japan (normies for your /reddit/ mind) are deeply nationalistic, adhere strictly to tradition and culture and still hold the national prejudice against other asian countries. i mean they still refuse to accept nanking happened, but clearly i am the one who needs to get a fucking clue? you are either a falseflagger or a retard.
>I want my journey into the realm of magic to actually ascended me to demigodhood in the least.
So Baldur's Gate 1/2?
>Fuck ancient games from 25+ years ago
No longer normie status
SJW's didn't exist in the 90s, that was done because bunny outfits were associated with playboy bunnies and moms would get upset.
Nope, vidya's the new Hollywood.
>SJW's didn't exist in the 90s, that was done because bunny outfits were associated with playboy bunnies and moms would get upset.
>SJW's didn't exist
>moms would get upset
A rarity and nothing like it has spawned in ages and you know it.
>SJW's didn't exist in the 90s
Yes they did.
They're generalised by the brainless, pretentious optimism that America has adopted in the past twenty years or so, alongside enthusiasm for the sake of enthusiasm without taking thought into what they're being enthusiastic about. It used to be comics, now it's video games.
>Implying Puritan Christian moms are the same thing as SJWs
There are plenty of games that turn you into an unstoppable murder-machine. Xeen let you get over a hundred levels easily. Gothic 1/2 you start as a normal dude and are built up into a badass. You just don't know what you're talking about, my dude.
How can optimism be pretentious. And honestly I'm not quite 30 but I've never seen such a general attitude of hopelessness in my life as I do in the current climate. No one seems to feel that the future holds good things, they just argue about how bad it will be.
>implying that behavior wasn't fueled by marxists and jews
Here's one that fits into both categories pretending to be an offended Christian mom. You got rused, goy.
>neo-/vpol/ defends soccer moms
I fucking hate modern Sup Forums. Someone please kill Sup Forums. It deserves to die.
The games you list are all 15+ years old.
Name a WRPG made in this console gen that isn't shit and lets you turn into a godstomp death machine who could annihilate all life on Earth.
95%+ of JRPGs have power scaling of this level, and that's my main draw to them.
>how can optimism be pretentious
keyword is brainless, and this is the attitude that leads to the downfall of a society. optimism is optimism because it is unrealistic, you are literally believing in the 'optimal' result, and when thats all you do you fail to account for failure, missteps along the way, and how you get retards like trump being voted in.
>no one seems to feel that the future holds good things
you must be talking to an educated group of people, and for that i envy you. imagine being the only person with a doctorate in your entire county full of die hard republicans who treat the country's future like a sporting event and you'll come to realise how futile life can be.
They're cancer, but they're not SJWs.
They are entirely different pieces of shit.
Remember the time a doujin artist drew elf porn of all the hate mail he got from Japanese feminists. Good times.
Allow me to elaborate, what I mean is the idea that Japan "doesn't give a shit what anyone else in the World thinks" is factually wrong. When retards say "Dude Japan is so based they put boobies in their video games! XD" are forgetting these are games by otaku for otaku. They do not represent the majority of Japan. In other words that shit is just as viewed with disdain there as it is here by mainstream society.
That sounds terrible. I'm a university graduate and so are most of my friends. Not saying that makes you smart by any means, but it tends to make you a little better off.
>but I also have functional social skills and a social life, so I think you'd consider me a "normie".
Probably but I didn't grow up around other geeks so I don't know.
>define normie
Not sure but social skills come into play somewhere. But I know they weren't surfing the web on out of the way anime forums or gaming forums dedicated to datamining games for every little scrap of info on beta games.
People are telling me trivial shit I learnt about a decade ago but they had no interest in hearing cos it worthless to them.
It almost seems like they're being compelled to learn this admittedly inane trivia on videogames. Sort of what this guy is talking about.
>enthusiasm for the sake of enthusiasm without taking thought into what they're being enthusiastic about
case in point we are arguing over nothing. i should have made it a little clearer that i was arguing that the japanese game developers don't give a fuck about what social justice ideals the west wants to push onto their games, and you could have made it a little clearer that was what you were arguing too, instead of making it sound like you were in support of the social justice argument.
>playing shitty newer games when there is hundreds of better older games
You are part of the problem.
So you're just bothered by people who don't take your hobby as seriously? It doesn't bother me too much personally. Not everyone is going to put thousands of hours into gaming or hundreds into fitness like I do. But they know way more about music or whatever then I do.
Like it or not some people have standards.
Some people want decent graphics alongside their good gameplay and good story.
>good gameplay and good story
Nice try.
look buddy-o. we'll use your fitness background as an example.
imagine you're in a society where you are the only person who knows that being fit has health benefits and a good thing, but mainstream media, propaganda and other sources continuously say that being fit makes you a piece of shit,(remember this is an analogy.) but for twenty years you persevere because you know there is literally nothing wrong with being fit and its actually quite good for you. then, all of a sudden the narrative shifts.
mainstream media tells you that being fit is the best thing of all time, random people pop up saying, 'i've always been fit, but nobody ever noticed me', people start wearing lifting shirts and getting lifting tattoos while saying stuff like 'omg i am such a fitness freak!!!! xDDD', videos start popping up like 'the TOP TEN BEST LIFTING MOMENTS OF THE PAST TWENTY YEARS', so on and so forth you get the point. these are the 'normies'. these are the people who have no fucking clue what they're talking about, the people who watched a youtube video and decided that being a 'gamer' was cool, that they want to be part of this 'gamer' society, because it seems cool to them.
I've been playing video games regularly since '92. I'm aware of what happened with games, it just doesn't bother me that much. Bandwagons come and go and it's readily apparently who is series and who isn't.
That kind of did happen with fitness by the way. So many memes about skipping leg day and shit like that. Again it doesn't really bother me.
Why don't you "purge" yourself you fucking filthy unwashed newfaggot
>So you're just bothered by people who don't take your hobby as seriously?
You're misinterpreting me. It annoys me a whole lot more that they seem to take it more seriously now cos it's the trend rather than any genuine love for vidya at an in-depth level. Don't get me wrong, I was mildly pleased and surprised when geek became super popular around 2008 but after a few years or so it became clear that they were consuming anything comic book/vidya related cos it was the trend. Look at youtube & film studios churning out complete shit just cos it's slightly geeky.
You, OP, have to make an indie game
It's a bizarre shift when you think about.
I know it's going to rustle some jimmies, but I've always known my vidya and comic hobby is pretty juvenile. Seeing everyone else into it now is kind of odd. Maybe the "cheap entertainment and escapism" theory holds some water.