SFV Rookie General

>buddy from work got pic related for my birthday a few months back
>he talks about it at least once a week trying to convince me to play
>last and only fighting game I played was Clay Fighters but decide to install anyways
>trades me his old fightstick for beer
>proceeds to tell me the following...
>pick character that you think looks the coolest and stay with him/her (pick the stretchy guy)
>he says to avoid survival and the story modes for now
>tells me to go to training mode and press the buttons until I know what each one does
>when that's done practice the specials until I can do each one 20 times without fail while having a conversation/barely paying attention
>occasionally go to the challenge mode but focus on the former
>practice for an hour than queue for an hour
>never queue without practicing or practice without queuing
>he watches as I queue for the first time
>get shit pushed in real good
>buddy spews advice, “you gotta techjumpdashnuetralcrosspunchpressurecrushcrushfastcounter”
>realize he's trying to help but admit I have no idea what he's saying
>tells me about a bible to learn the terms
>admits that it will probably take hundreds of hours before I start to fight reasonably well

You guys really have hundreds of hours playing? Thousands? Is all that time worth it? I mean, since I'm new, will I ever be considered a challenge by people that have been playing for so long or will I always be behind?

My friend also mentioned that I will mostly loose so fast and hard that I may not learn anything. He also admits that this might go on for literal months. If that's true, than this is a very unusual genre.

Any other tips to get gud more efficiently? I don't think I have spent more than a thousand hours on any other game in my life. Maybe WoW I dunno.

It won't take months, maybe a few days. If you want to beat your opponent in early levels just watch what they do and wait for them to fuck up, then go in and attack. It's all reflexes and memorization. If you can't handle their attacks, go into practice mode and use the record function to do what they're doing and then practice blocking against it. You could also watch better players and copy what they do but it won't do much if you don't understand.

The only reason you stick to a fighting game is because you enjoy playing it, regardless if you're losing or not. If just playing the game isn't fun then you should move on. However, I personally don't enjoy SFV so maybe trying a different game would get you into the genre.

>You guys really have hundreds of hours playing? Thousands?
Somewhere around 200, personally.
>Is all that time worth it?
I think it is. The games are fun, winning's really fun, and the skills at least transfer to other fighting games pretty well.
>will I ever be considered a challenge
Depends entirely on how creative and skilled you get. You can catch up reasonably well, but you'll obviously never be at the level of the guys who play the game literally 8+ hours every day for years, unless you do the same, but that's the same with every game. You can be a reasonable hobbyist and still get to a relatively high level.
>Lose so fast and hard you may not learn anything
It happens. Try to find people slightly above your skill level if you can, or hope matchamaking finds your level and puts you there relatively soon.
>This is a very unusual genre.
Yea. I consider it something like a blend of the skillsets you need for doingwell in both ARTS games and shooters at the high level at the same time to play at even a decent level. The harder it is, the most rewarding it is to win, though.
>Any other tips
Just play. Don't go more than a week without playing, a few days if you can help it.

Your friend means well but is a terrible teacher.

First of all, "stretchy guy" is an extremely technical character. He requires the most knowledge and understanding to perform at even a passable level.

If you're so new to fighting games that the last one you played is clay fighter play fucking Ryu, He's vanilla for a goddamned reason.

He's telling you to jump into the deep end of an olympic swimming pool when you don't know how to doggie paddle.

People will have a hard time empathizing because they (and I) have spent a quarter of a lifetime playing these games and don't remember having no idea what was going on.

Here's what you need to do:
1) Play Ryu until you know the fundamentals enough to pick a character you like
2) learn - pokes (long range grounded attacks), anti-airs (attacks that will beat someone jumping at you and stop them from doing that), and specials (fireballs, uppercuts, supers) - in that order
3) play your friend and try to focus not on yourself but on him - watch what he's doing, how he approaches, how he initiates, how he defends, and try to figure out how to counter what he likes to do

Also, always keep in mind the "rock paper scissors" element of fighting games. Grabs beat blocks, blocks beat attacks, attacks beat grabs.

btw SF4 is a way better game to start from scratch on than SFV

Yeah, probably a few tens of thousands, who knows, been playing since street fighter 2 world warrior came out on arcades, you don't really count them after so many afternoons at the corner shop feeding quarter after quarter, just wasting those hot summer days trying to git gud enough to beat that faggot kid that everyone knows is the best motherfucker in the whole east side, yes, those where the good days, just thinking about it makes me nostalgic and wishfull that i could go back just to kick everyone's ass and show those little faggots just how much i've grown in skill over the years.

But none of that matters now, since i don't play competitively anymore, and since those days, the internet has gotten huge and now it's easier than ever to find a half assed guide explaining shit that back then, one had to learn by himself through playing other people over and over again.

Life is an eternal fight and unless you dedicate your self to getting better, you will always come out loosing.

Is pic related worth buying though ?

I heard they ruined this SF by:

>Nerfing characters and zoning for no good reason.

>Lack luster character story mode, no arcade mode

Lastly, rewarding pure offense and no defense.

Are these complaints true ?

Is this worth buying ?

SFV is strange. I don't like it anymore because they kinda ruined the character I liked, but it's...simple? Execution light?

Someone who's mediocre at fighters will excel at SFV.

Despite trying to reduce oki and setplay, it ended up being "guess throw or crush-counter: the game"

Just learned how to set up training to record so I can practice anti-air moves. Read somewhere else a couple tips to make it harder so you're not sure when they're going to jump in.

I can already tell that's going to help a lot. My reflexes are dogshit tho.

Don't play Ryu, he's awful in this game. If you want an actual good, simple character to practice fundamentals, play Cammy

>le honest man of honesty
>ever possible of being bad
you physically cannot be bad when a character has all the honest tools you could ever need to work any situation

Ryu's TOO honest in this game, which is why he's bad.

and lmao at Ryu having any tools in SFV season 2

>TOO honest
>shoryu, tatsu and fireball not being tools

anyone play vega?

how 2 anti air? i'm silver

Grab them out of the air.

I forgot vega had an air grab


It's worth buying on sale, but it's a poor game to learn on. USF4 or Skullgirls would be better, basically anything with an arcade mode and a decent tutorial.

>Hundreds of hours playing? Thousands?
more or less. It helps if you play other fighters as well. It's really just playing videogames.
>Is it worth it?
As long as you're enjoying it
>Will I ever be considered a challenge by others
Always remember. Everyone else started the same way, as a noob. You'll get there
>You might lose
You will lose. The thing is to learn from your battles, wins or losses. That's how you progress.
>Any other tips?
Just play, you'll start to pick it up and figure things out.
>Anything else..?
Avoid Balrog, or Urien. Fuck them.

We're not talking about CEO or EVO here.

We're talking about a guy with ZERO experience.

Ryu is the simplest character with the most tools. He's the one to pick if you're trying to learn.

There's a local and global fighting game knowledge. One for FG in general, one for the game you're playing.

Just got done with a play session. I guess the only time when it's not that fun is when I get completely annihilated. Entertaining tho. I wish I knew a bunch of guys that recently decided to try it. I'd probably have more fun then. I might be getting some veteran players because some of the stuff they do blows my mind.

From what I'm told it's considered bad form to not play best out of three fights, so I'm getting owned for 4 rounds usually. A few perfects on their part too.

It's best to do a set. See what you can learn.

>best out of three fights, so I'm getting owned for 4 rounds usually.
I prefer bo3 too desu, two rounds is decent for learning and brief enough to not have either party stomped for too long

Try going into lobbies and fighting rookies/bronze, it will make it easier to handle and learn from the losses. Almost everyone when they started out lost most games. The fun comes from noticing you're doing a little bit better, don't expect any big leaps and appreciate the little things.

I should add, It is really fun learning new special moves for the first time. Usually when I look at the execution I'm thinking it'll take forever to learn it, but when I do, it's fucking great.

Would be easier to tell what you're doing wrong if you recorded some of it. I always record games where i get my ass handed to me so i can see where i messed up.