A bottomless curse, a bottomless sea, accepting of all that there is and can be
A bottomless curse, a bottomless sea, accepting of all that there is and can be
Unending death awaits those who pry into the unknown
What did he mean by this?
splish splash
Who was narrating?
Who was in the wrong here?
Gehrman and Maria.
The villager right outside the clocktower
The fish man you find outside the tower.
>inferior to a fucking doll
god I fucking love this game
Would have been GOAT if I didnt buy NieR Automata right after
Just beat maria.
Am i close to the orphan fight?
One more level senpai
Please don't bully.
What? It's way better than nier automata
Prepare your anus
>What? It's way better than nier automata
to each their own I guess
Bloodborne is definitely close second on my top 10 though
>Prepare your anus
I'll be fine.
Most bosses Sup Forums said were hard are actually quite easy.
>probably ripped out of dead mothers womb and dragged through a village while everyone is butchered for science around him then viciously expermented on alive
>after his body dies he creates a personal hell for those who wronged him, blood drunk men who will go to any lengths to uncover the secrets of existence
>spends a few decades there writhing in pain anger and misery because thats litteraly all he knows
Orphan...Orphan had a hard life
>Hear about how hard Vicar Amelia and Gascoigne are
>Beat them both in less than five tries
Bloodborne showed me how awful most of Sup Forums is at video games, it was my first Souls games and my biggest complaint was it was too easy yet people made those bosses out to be impossible.
>it was my first Souls game
Don't worry, we can tell.
I've beat Gascoigne 3 times and have only died once to him abd beat Vicar 3 times and only died twice to her.
They are piss easy.
BSB is my kryptonite tho
wait is Oedon the female voice?
sounds like a male name
BSB and Ebrietas were the only bosses in the base game that took me more than 5 tries, other than that I was pretty disappointed with the difficulty after hearing how masturbatory I always see people getting over it.
Make no mistake, it was a fucking amazing experience and I'm glad I got into the series through Bloodborne but the game's difficulty has reached meme status almost. I honestly don't even know how it started when games like Ninja Gaiden Black and God Hand require far more from the player mechanically than any Souls games and are just far more difficult in general.
Oedon is probably male since he impregnates the prostitute
Demons souls was not completely hand holdy like most games have been so reviewers thought it was the hardest thing in existence, then darksouls came out on pc and it got even worse