Are you buying her game Sup Forums? It comes out tomorrow...
Are you buying her game Sup Forums? It comes out tomorrow
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If you actually want to discuss the game, don't start with a shitpost.
If you don't actually want to discuss the game, stop posting.
Already started senpai
No, best girl won't be in it.
There will apparently be a bonus chapter with Max in it.
>SJW trash
Fuck. Don't tell me Chloe has 100 different thoughts for like 9 different things she sees in her immediate environment. That was the irritating thing about Max. Always had to chime in on fucking something going on. Being a woman must be suffering.
They're entirely optional thou.
But she copied them onto a mix tape, isn't that piracy in it of itself?
Actually I think that it's only recently they passed/were trying to pass a law to instigate single-format licencing, could be wrong though.
It's trash, Chloe still blames everyone but herself .
I hate that the only way for you to get some lesbo action in this game is for you to fuck everyone else over.
I didn't do it. Those people are too nice to suffer just to get into this bitch's pants.
Fuck that dumbass dyke
she's a fucking pain in the arse, very unlikeable and irksome behaviour
no Max no buy
Nope. Every character is shit in Life is Strange.
C+P my response from another thread because it still applies
>Unironically liking and playing this game.
>Characters are one-note 90% of the time
>Dialogue is so shit tier it actually burns you in the fiery hellpit of cringe if you listen for more than 5 seconds
>"Choices" are more fucking useless and pointless that Telltale games, and that is *really* saying something.
>Ending was the worst trash I have ever seen in a game since E.T.
>Max is incapable of using her time-travel powers properly, and they aren't even explained consistently.
The only reason this was mildly successful was because of "Muh lesbians, so progressive!"
Get off Sup Forums with this trash
>that fire at the end tho
I think we might have another 10/10 OST on out hands bois
>The only reason this was mildly successful was because of "Muh lesbians, so progressive
But user, SJW's don't actually buy this stuff remember?
>get it of Sup Forums
Enjoy daily threads for the next two months. Enjoy taking part in every single one too no doubt
>starting a forest fire because muh daddy issues.
Fuck Rachel Amber, I'm glad her fate is sealed.
>"SJW's don't buy this stuff"
LUL. Search Life is Strange on Tumblr, or just visit the subreddit for 5 minutes, and then try to tell me that again with a straight face.
And even if some SJW's don't buy it, normies eat that shit up because they don't want to be thought of as homophobes.
Hella no.
And yet here we are duscussing it on Sup Forums. Here we are still discussing the orginal one too, which is an almost every other day thread on Sup Forums. Nah user, don't make ME laff. Enjoy being in every thread you see for the next few months no doubt. Rnjoy being absolutley livid about it.
I guess people haven't realised summer is over yet or something.
And i'm not livid, I just think it's a shit game that people buy to fap over because hipster girls.
Imo all telltale style games are cancer. LIS could have had an interesting mechanic at least, with the time-travel, but they fucked even that up.
I'm hella gonna kill myself when lets plays of this game flood my youtube recommended, broski.
>the next pages
>"while i was rubbing one"
>im gonna end it all
Nah, you mad. Don't get me wrong user, i know exactly what this VN is, but by now, this is purely just for fans who want lore. I got 3 hours out of episode 1, 2 more episodes to come, plus a bonus one, i reckon thats about 9 hours total, thats longer than some "actual games" so im ok with this.
I'll wait until it's fully released, fuck that waiting every month for a episode shit
>last time i rubbed one
>the devs actually wrote that down the absolute madmen
>rubbed one
No. First one was good and I have no reason to buy a prequel. It's not needed.
But I wouldn't mind it half as much if it actually owned up to the fact that it was a visual novel. But no, it's priced like its laughably shallow "mechanics" makes it a game worth spending money on.
>every month
It doesn't make any claims at all. WE all know exactly what this one is. Still enjoying it. My night was killing the blood starved beast in bloodborne, followed by midnight launch of this. Nice to do things on either end of the scale to be honest.
I was until they announced Denuvo
Fucking jews everytime, no thanks I cancelled my preorder
It's 2 months user, they already released a loose schedule. 9-10 weeks per episode
I agree with that wholeheartedly. But there are plenty of better VNs out there.
I don't know, it just grates on my nerves that people have chosen this one to get on the bandwagon for, when it has such shitty writing. Do people really want stuff this cringey and dumbed down?
it seems like this series is like persona in certain ways
Do people really wan-
Yes. LiS makes $$$. I can't explain why, but it is objective that LiS makes Square $$$, it just does. Funny thing is i don't even LIKE other VN games, never played a taletell or whatever.
yeah deluxe edition only
fuck SE and fuck you if you buy it
k8 urself
Right here buddy :3
every time i discuss the game there is a clear difference between those who had to wait 2 months to play it vs those who jammed through it in a few days or maybe even hours
for the ones who didn't have to wait they can kill themselves they have shit opinions on the game
I literally stayed up tonight and played episode 1 in 3 hours so Sup Forums can't fucking spoil me. I won't spoil either. Apart from the bit about Chloe schlicking it to blade runner, this is too amazing.
queen BIIIIIIIIITCH is back baby! And was a way less self aware person at 15 than at 18, wew what a orrible shit she is in this one.
you wish, I won't pay a single gime for this "game"
I'll watch it on youtube
Typical vns you just have a box of dialog and a sprite and some voice acting. LiS is definitely not a vn.
I gotcha covered, nigga! The whole episode is right here!
Right? They're nothing like my anime characters who are based in reality!
How does this talking mini game make any sense?