Name a single game more overrated in video game history. Seriously.
Name a single game more overrated in video game history. Seriously
P5 thread go
Not that one
More than one of the zelda games
The Mass Effect series.
Explain why it's overrated first
pick a pokemon game
Pretty much every other game released this year with a metacritic score average above 85
You're acting as if Persona 3 and 4 weren't already overrated to the point of completely overshadowing the slightly more serious 1 and 2, and SMT albeit bringing support to the West. There's nothing wrong with enjoying something overrated if you have fun.
If you actually think Persona 5 is above 8/10 then I actually feel sorry for you because it must be difficult being that dumb. And no this isn't opinion,it's objective. One day I'll make an 1 hour long video on YouTube where I release all my autism about this game because I don't even know where to start when people ask me about this game. I'd end up spending the night typing out endless paragraphs that would go to waste since all the 15 year olds here have no attention span. I've done it before. Well thought out posts that maybe get one or two replies. Why? Because I'm right and people would rather call me autistic and ignore my post than actually present an argument.
skyrim, duh
Zelda BOTW
half life 2
Ok but can you tell me why it's overrated first?
>I-I have reasons guys, f-for real, they're just so good that people ignore them haha
> tfw just finished p4 again and sided with adachi
I dont care about the murders, he's my nigga and that's all that matter
You're just wrong. It's a 7.5 to an 8. Any dislike of it is just personal preference, objectively it's a solid to above average jrpg that loses points for a terrible third act and slight hiccups with the stealth mechanics.
Well if you wasted that much time trying to prove you can argue your opinion, then why didn't you argue your opinion right then and there? Persona wasn't supposed to be taken seriously aside from 1 and 2, debatable. It's a breather from SMT which I much prefer but Persona still has its qualities
Any Zelda.
Persona is still niche. Quit being assblasted only because people enjoyed it and talked about it a lot for a month or two.
Witcher 3
12th post best post.
that Zelda game. forget what it's called.
Actually this. BOTW is mediocre at best and slightly above average at most. The weapon degrading system is fucking stupid.
This is the most autistic shit I have read in a long time.
Thanks user.
And terrible story and retarded pacing and average gameplay.
Pure Sup Forums right here.
It sucks that everyone praises BotW for switching to open-world, but the open-world elements are it's weakest part. Everyone talked about the characters, some of the set pieces, shit like that, grinding shrines and korok seeds were the weakest parts, and variety of shit in general suffered. After the initial 'wow' moments of seeing how big everything is compared to typical Zelda, you quickly realize how boring and samey it all is outside of scripted shit.
Nier Automata.
People lap it up as a kino masterpiece but they forget about how shitty the gameplay is.
Okay but why is Persona 5 overrated
Well, he does have a point in that every time you bring legitimate critisisme against P5 you are met with either "you didn't research what kind of game it was, why did you play it", "this isn't your kind of game" or just plain silence.
I've never seen personafag being able to defend their game shiny but shallow gameplay, cliche caracters, horrendous pacing or the fact that the game is much too long.
I'm 98,3% sure that you can say it basically for every single video game series
Shadow of the Colossus
got a higher score than p4, a 9 year old ps2 game, and it was only marginally better.
Dota. I don't even like the Persona games but you'd be hard pressed to find something else that has such dedicated fans for how objectively garbage it is.
Chrono Trigger.
Breath of the Wild
>Mediocre story (adult are evil buuh)
>Forgettable characters compared to the previous entries
>Simplistic RPG elements
>Disgusting dungeon design, some are tedious like a piece Mt. Everest up in the ass, while others are fucking elementary
>Autistic UI
>it got a higher score than GAME
>it was only marginally better
so what's the problem with it getting a higher score if you said yourself it's better, you dumb ape-fuck?
Dark Souls 2
I dunno, maybe a 2016 game is supposed to be a little, just a little, bit more innovative than a fucking ps2 game
>Personafag in charge of reading comprehension
No wonder your favorite game retread its plot ploints every ten minutes
Bloodborne wasn't exactly innovative but that still got a good score because it's a good game regardless.
Say no more OP
Only according to you and your standards. Really broad generalization since Super Metroid still fucking destroys today's games.
>I've never played it
>I can't get passed the first boss!!
One of those is you. Maybe just stick with your sports games and CoD you tool.
Zelda Breath of The Wild.
He was literally complaining about a acclaimed "better" game getting a higher score.
He himself doesn't even know what the fuck he's talking about.
This isn't about being a fanboy or anything, it's a simple matter of logic.
>game more overrated in video game history
What kind of silly comparison is that?!
Persona 5 looks and plays like a fucking PS2 game, I can't find any game that barely does the things we see in Bloodborne
Again?! WTF is wrong with you fags?!
Fallout 3
I don't even know how something that ugly can get so much praise
Try again my retarded BBfag.
What next? A picture proof with a timestamp? Complain about why I only have 57% of the trophies?
He mentioned the timespan separating the two games and he impliyed the rating didn't reflect this.
Sounds like you can't understand shit unless directly stated.
But this is pointless, Personafag are litteraly underage, I won't waste my time on you.
Goodnight, my friend may you grow out of shit game soon.
I agree, we need more people like you in the world. This thread reeks of creationists who just stick to what they feel instead of objective facts.
mfw he still cant give an answer
You guys are just a bunch of lobotomized assholes
>''I summoned for every boss: the post''
Oh ok, you just have some shitty tastes then
What next?
Fine here's a different comparison for you.
Monster Hunter 4U looks and plays like a PS2 game but that still got good scores.
Bottomline, it doesn't matter you turboautists, if people like you rated video games, shit like shovel knight would be deemed the worst games ever made.
You fucking serious user?
Persona 5 is a good game,but not a perfect game,seriously it's a boring game with a medium story and great gameplay,for a anime i say it's have great dialogues and more plot than death note,and a waifu better than the bitch in death note,death note is a trash anime and a cancer movie.for me it's gta San Andreas,why?minecraft graphics,gameplay cancer,characters boring,soundtrack generic and repetitive.
Its 100% has to be Half Life 2.
Goldeneye 007
Hey bud thanks for the (you) my mom died recently and honestly I really needed the pick me up. I know it seems like such a trivial thing but you taking the time to even be mad at me means a lot right now.
Sorry we couldn't agree on this vidya thing and all but that's life and what makes it, honestly, worth living.
Botw still sucks though get bent faget.
>it's better but it doesn't deserve a better rating
Instead of wasting your money on fedoras and canes to fuel your sense of superiority, how about buying a set of fucking glasses so next time you won't initiate an argument with someone who wasn't even wrong.
P5 isn't overrated in the slightest. I wouldn't blame someone at all for not liking it, but it does a pretty great job of what it sets out do and that's all I could really ask of a game.
Do you know what the word OVERRATED means?
I'm not saying that you dear beloved Persona 5 is a bad game, I just don't get why the fuck it get all these praise and near perfect scores when it's just a decent PS2 jrpg, in some ways way worse than its predecessor.
No this is what a I call a FUCKING OVERRATED GAME
I mean the demo was fun, but the remainder of the game felt like a repetitive drag with all the backtracking and shallow combat.
The bosses were quite adrenaline pumping and the music was great but apart from that it was a mediocre experience, but if you played the original Nier then I can understand anything else feeling like a masterpiece in comparison.
Also story did nothing for me, seen it all before.
>my mom died recently
And nothing of value was lost...
But you just said it's better than p4, why the sudden switch?
I wish that if you sided with Adachi, he'd order you to dispose of the rest of the IT and you would get boss fights against all of them. It would make that ending feel more fleshed out and would probably make it so Yu doesn't act like a little bitch because you sided with Adachi. Also, I just like it when you fight your party members in RPGs.
Jesus this is just "Contrarian faggots: the thread." Get over yourselves assholes. P5 was a good game. Stop being assblasted just because your niche series got some form of popularity. You faggots loved p4 before it was popular and now you fucking hate it.
PS2 jrpgs>PS4 jrpgs
who the fuck thinks otherwise? the genre decayed, most people would kill to have new PS2 era titles
Nope, I'm not
it's in my top 5 ever, it's really that fucking good.
Actually the last good Persona game was 2
I like Persona 5.
The Last of Us
Final Fantasy VII
There's 3. There's countless more.
I kinda agree oin that
The story and characters are great, as well as the art direction and soundtack, but everything gameplay-related is a hit or miss
It's much more an RPG than an action game, which means you can grind your shit to get by anyhing without mastering the combat system, and the game never puts against something to test your skill, holding the pod button will ectually oblitarate everythng
The "open world" is also a mistake, you constantly backtrack to the same areas mutiple times, and the world is not really believable since there's a desert, a jungle and an ocean right next to each other
Starting with P3 (even if it's still a decent game) the series became just a meme game for weebs.
The first two games, despite their obsolete gameplay, still have the deepest rpg elements, more adult themes and an overall coherence and quality that in sequels are missed.
Literally the best game I've played since Dark Souls 1
Yeah I was disappointed by the final cutscene where yu looks angry
What was he expecting he just sided with the murderer
But at least they give you the option to side with him, that's still better than the hoard of Yes/No(yes) endings we get nowaday
gone home
Kentucky Route Zero
I barely know one of the games you mentioned
nigga a girl tries to commit suicide because of sexual abuse in P5. Thats a pretty adult theme IMO.