1. I have to run everywhere and I have a fucking stamina bar. FUCKING WHYY.

2. The combat is clunky as shit.

3. The graphics are sub par.

4. Too many useless features and minigames. Who really gives a fuck about fishing.

5. Shit story that you have to watch a movie to get the full picture. It's also jumbled as fuck!

6. What the fuck is up with driving a car everywhere?!? Who actually likes sitting the control down for minutes at a time to watch a car drive slowly through the terrain?

After playing Neir and Horizon, this is an absolute garbage fire of a game.

>The combat is clunky as shit.
This was my biggest issue, I couldn't stand the gameplay.

You summoned him.

w h e r e

i s

x v - k u n ?

w h e r e

i s

h e ?

>1. I have to run everywhere and I have a fucking stamina bar
stopped there
just release sprint just before it runs out
you get a forward boost and a full refill on your stamina bar


The combat is the biggest stick in my craw. They could have gone so many routes with it, and they chose the one with the least control over actual gameplay. You barely control your character, your party is basically useless, and everything feels loose and floaty. Even Kingdom Hearts combat would have been a better fit.

Oh no

Why have a stamina bar in the first place? At best it's inconsequential and at worst it's mildly annoying (kinda like the oxygen meter in that one Borderlands game).

Why does that even need to exist? It's shit game design.

bad game design

Maybe the pocket edition version will get rid of it?

You can refresh the stamina and unlimited amount of times scrub

USe great swords and try using directional combos

There okay, pretty average

??? welcome to any RPG

Yes, story is a mess

You can fast travel while in the car, you ride it to new locations or to take scenic pictures.

I thought the game was okay, may rebuy on PC to see the "finished" product. I enjoyed what I played, it was nothing outstanding, but I had a lot of fun with the non-mandatory dungeons and optional content. Fun boss fights and dungeon rewards/puzzles. I just wish they didnt make them optional.

I was skeptical of Final Forza since day one. I'm glad I didn't drop 60 bucks on that shit. I'm sorry you had to, OP.

I'm excited for when Switch owners defend this version as the definitive one and pretend its "the best on Switch" lmao



someone screenshot this so we can post it whenever this happens

>You can refresh the stamina and unlimited amount of times scrub
Then why even have it? It is bad design and needs no reason for defense. Just let me sprint.

>USe great swords and try using directional combos
That's all I have been using and it is still clunky.

Sometimes I wonder if XV-Kun makes these threads himself just to have someone to argue with.

Thank god I got it for $10

Be honest, how many times did webm related happen to you?

You can move left and right to be out of enemies attack path or your doing out wrong and your stupid. The combat leaves a lot to be desired but airdance is easy mode if you do it right and know when to get out the way because the enemies are easier to read than Dark Souls. And also knowing when to use warp and the dodge while airdancing

Not only did you buy a shit game you bought the unfinished console port. ayyyyy

I still haven't finished this game. I think the last thing I did was the Leviathan fight. After that I just lost all fucking interest in the game. It was a first for me not finishing a Final Fantasy game. I even played FF13 all the way through.

Final Fantasy. You have had 30 years of warning to stop supporting this series. If you bought FFXV, its your own damn fault. You'll get no sympathy from me.

The FFXII port was pretty good, at least. All JRPGs should have a 4x speed button.

I think this is the moment when everyone realized that the game was absolute dumpster tier, I know it was for me.

Welcome to your first taste of emulation.

Look she posted it again

Don't go there, my man. This game is garbage and will remain garbage no matter what system it's on.

I quit about halfway through Lightning Returns, that shit was awful gimicky shit.

I summon XV-kun


FF XIII shitposting was quality. XV is just random sperging. what happen

God I didn't make it to the Leviathan fight in XV. But god I hated FFXIII even more. I still say the Milf at the start of the game was the best character.

Where the fuck is my Ass Creed download Squeenix? I was promised random crossover from one shit title to another and its not there! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

you have to click sprint again for it to reset idiot

Depends, are you using the autosprint via L3, or are you using manual sprint? If you use manual sprint, you just have to release it just before it runs out


The first thing I dedicated my AP to was the air combos, made the combat much better for me

>Then why even have it? It is bad design and needs no reason for defense. Just let me sprint
Realism user. Devs are retardedly obsessed with that word.

But that's the mobile version

>The first thing I dedicated my AP to was the air combos, made the combat much better for me

I never touched those skills. I beat the game just fine without them. I doubt they would of helped in the one area I needed them (Costlemark)

>But that's the mobile version
try explaining logic to shitposters.

That's kinda sad desu.
Even more sad that he wasted 4+ years of life arguing with strangers on the internet that he'll never meet.

its trash