Pass the whiskey
Pass the whiskey
I actually really like this game. It helps pass the time and is a good way to shake off game fatigue if you've been grinding one series for too long. TNT combos are SO fucking satisfying.
downloading at the moment, what can i expect?
I fucking love this game
It's totally underrated, especially for a free game.
Odd but fun accuracy system, getting drunk, kicking and pummeling + lots of schüts and yeehaws
Guns that are slow as shit to reload and have terrible accuracy.
It actually makes it so much fun because when you do get a kill it feels so satisfying.
Also, make sure to spam X4 at any opportunity
Dev is a fag who bans anyone that complains about the newest update, which is objectively bad and ruins the flow of the game.
>deep in a match
>Knock a shotgun out of vigilantes hands
>Flies down a staircase
>We both run for it
>I grab it first
>It's out of ammo
>Kicked across the room, landed right near some whisky
>Cunt starts throwing knives
>Another vigilante strolls on in and starts firing away
>Shotgun both their asses down while drunk a shit
>Success somehow
>1 hit killed by a walker immediately from behind
It's fun
wanna little whiskey?
Fuck what they did to the crate system
and fuck the rng aiming system
I have literally been in front of people when shots would miss because of the accuracy percentage.
Otherwise fun game.
Stock revolver + boots + insaluable
Desparados only, any other class is for shitters
>running brass knucks and sawed off shotgun
>knock weapon out of someone's hands
>they get ready to fist fight
>switch to shotgun and off em
I pity the dead, for they no longer know such joys
The kill streak sound effects were too fucking good
Kicking is broken though
Fucking hate the new crate system, though. There was absolutely no reason to change it.
>he uses the rifle
Somebody gonna post a server?
its a public server but why not
>Using anything besides hatchet and boots