Was Link's Awakening morally ambiguous?
Was Link's Awakening morally ambiguous?
in what way could it be morally ambiguous? aside from the windfish link was the only real person there and was the only one who could lose anything by staying in the dream (his body would eventually die)
The Nightmares were only trying to survive, but they were doing so by keeping another creature in an artificial coma. Link did the right thing waking the Wind Fish up. As for the people of the dream world, their existence wasn't real. I don't think one could argue they still had as much of a right to live as real living creatures like Link and the Wind Fish, but I suppose that's more ambiguous.
Marche was right. Gotta wake up sometime.
the people and furries of koholint were innocent bystanders.
link was within his rights to try to wake the wind fish to escape his prison.
the monsters were in their rights to try to keep the wind fish asleep, even if their motivations for terrorizing the others was poorly explained.
the wind fish was the true monster, creating thinking and feeling beings in his dreams that it knew it would erase upon waking, and could even ensnare outsiders like link into the dreams.
Link was going to die if he didn't wake up
It was self-preservation, he did nothing wrong.
>Could it have been morally wrong for Link to end the existence of people who never existed in the first place?
Is the Link from LA the same as the LTTP Link?
dumb animeposter
But to the inhabitants, what they perceived was reality. For all Link knows, he's 18 layers deep in waking dreams and isn't real himself either. The only thing that someone can believe in being real is what they come into contact with and even then, that's never 100% reliable.
Now someone post that cool Conan the Barbarian quote about how he said he doesn't care if he lives in a manufacture world as if he's part of the illusion, he will gladly partake in the illusions around him because that's what's real to him.
morality doesnt exist anywhere outside of the human condition
link isnt human
youre a retard
cogito ergo fuck yourself
Yes, and I do believe he's the same Link as the ones in the Oracle titles
and one of the Links in Triforce Heroes IIRC
second and fourth forms of final nightmare were shadow versions of aghanim and gannon fights, which would make little sense otherwise.
Child Timeline really had it good in comparison
You killed her.
Well excuse me that saving and quitting counts as dying.
It was kino that's for sure
no she lives on as a seagull
link's dream = link's choice
Well, it's the Windfishes dream, Link was just participating in it.
But the owl does tell you to wake him, and the owl was only acting as the Windfish's envoy.
Considering every Zelda game spans across several millennia, I think we can safely say that Link isn't living in a dream
what if i told you that every night when you fall asleep and dream, you are creating small universes where dream relatives and friends exist, and every time you wake up they're killed off? the lifetime span of maybe 8-10 minutes while you dream. You just don't know it.
please don't wake up
>Koizumi wrote Link's Awakening
>And Majora's Mask
>Wrote the story book in Super Mario Galaxy
>After Galaxy Miyamoto told him to knock that shit off
>Is now regulated to Producer and will never write again
Too bad, he's really good at bitter stories.
Only if you're a fucking scrub.
>work in design industry
>had an old airhead for a creative director at my last job
>opinionated, jaded from being in the industry so long, ideas would get shot down by him and you'd just end up making his idea for the client to approve
>new job
>creative director is fresh out of college and, with some creative feedback and restraints, allows you to pretty much design whatever the fuck you want that the client agrees on
As shitty as it is to say this, I wonder if Nintendo will have a change for the better once Miyamoto passes away/retires.
I want Koizumi to take Miyamoto's place. Miyamoto had his time in the sun, but he peaked a long time ago and became a fucking out of touch hack.
I still fucking love how the NES games are basically the post apoc entries of the series.
Morality exists for everything that is sentient and self-aware.
>The Tragedy of Princess Zelda I
>she's actually the fifth Zelda in her timeline
This hacked together timeline can fuck right off.
>Different middle name :^)
Timelines connecting the entirety of the universe(s) was fucking stupid fanservice.
his shit would get old fast
They shouldn't have shut him out entirely but they should have just kept him in check
Yeah, you need to take what you need to get the job done but people don't like when you steal from them, THEIF
>shutting down the edgelord
based Miyamoto
I don't think they took him off and were punishing him, quite the opposite.
It's the Peter Principle, he was an excellent dev and worked several decades with Nintendo. So they promoted him to management as a producer, but now he's no longer writing for games and is entirely managing. Happens all the time in companies with strict hierarchy.
bud ids a bideo game so who is to say ids nod a dream wridden in pagets of code? :DD
zelda is so meda
>Sup Forums thinks anytime someone they like gets put in a different position in the company it's because of spite
Kek. I bet you think Megaman Legends 3 was cancelled out of spite too, you know-nothings.
just wait for Miyamoto to kick the bucket, then Nintendo might have a hope of being good again
Dude okay what the FUCK is it about Link's Awakening and those Oracle Gameboy games, what is it about they're art style that is just so fucking intense? Why does it illicit such a wild feeling in me when I see it?