Why is Capcom going out their way to actively ignore Nintendo?

>No Street Fighter V port
>No RE7 (Switch)
>No Disney Afternoon Collection
>No Mega Man Legacy Collection 1&2 (Switch)
>No Monster Hunter World port
>No Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite (Switch)

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Good neo Nintendo is garbage

But SFII did well and they want to make more switch shit because of it.

It'll be stuff exclusive to Switch, then stuff like MHW and MvCI will be PC/PS4/Xbone.

They do realize their shit sells better on Nintendo, right? How much is Sony paying them to Nintendo down?

They're desperately trying to keep Playstation and Xbox in the race in order to prevent a Nintendo dominated monopoly.

>not Nu nintendo

They can't sell enough copies on Nintendo consoles, so they would lose money porting these games. It's simple business. I would do the same thing.

People care about the Switch? I thought it was a joke.

>dominated monopoly
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA lmao, with or without capcom nintendo won't ever dominate anywhere but japan.


>Nintendo dominated monopoly.

What their handhelds? Nintendo doesn't have a console monopoly.

>No Disney Afternoon Collection
>No Mega Man Legacy Collection 1&2 (Switch)
These are honestly the most baffling because they should both be the easiest and most low risk endeavors.

Maybe because Nintendo is garbage?

>They can't sell enough copies on Nintendo consoles


Monster Hunter was doing really well on Nintendo platforms. 3 remains the best selling home console version of MH to date. Tatsunoko vs Capcom did well on Wii, but Marvel inexplicably was a Playstation and Xbox title. Resident Evil Revelations did well on 3DS, but Revelations 2 and then VII were not on Nintendo platforms at all.

Capcom's refusal to develop for Nintendo consoles goes back a long way.

>SFV Switch
Not happening since Sony paid for exclusive console rights, can the Switch even handle a stick?
>RE7 and MHW
Can the Switch even run these two?
I don't know about the rest

>If MvCi and MHW under perform we could see Crapcom go the way of Konami

They already did, they invested in a massive mobile department, it failed so they're back to normal vidya.

The switch cannot run most of those games.

Capcom is stupid, not evil. Regardless I hope they stay afloat, everytime a publisher goes down the development talent never seems to recover.

>Make games for NES
>Don't put the ports on Nintendo consoles

Hmm... This reeks of Sony kikes.

They thought the Switch was going to flop and did their damnest to get out of making games for it, which backfired spectacularly now.

It's cute that you think that.

The only reason the stigma against Nintendo exists is because of third parties trying to stay relevant by developing for other platforms instead because they KNOW that they cannot compete with Nintendo's internal teams.

The reason that third parties refuse to develop for Nintendo platforms is to prevent the Nintendo monopoly from taking over consoles as well. However, as costs to develop for Playstation SKYROCKET they are going to have more and more trouble supporting Playstation in the near future.

Did they even invest a lot in MVCI? Doesn't seem like it, since they're reusing a lot of shit.

>nigger with a switch

>not Nu-tendo
Guys, you're not even trying.

I wouldn't buy their games if they did put them on the switch anyway.

After the mml3 fiasco they're permanently on my shitlist.
Yes, I'm still mad about it.
I will never stop being mad about it.

It is.

hardware limitations and nobody gives a shit about the switch
also nintendo doesnt know marketing

PS4 has been out longer you do realize?

>Sales milestones

This isn't as impressive as you think it is.

Those '''games''' that they're talking about? Yeah, those are the Life of Black Tigers, the Knacks, the Destiny's. No one really LIKES the PS4, they simply bought into it because it was trendy and new.

I think as more and more Sony properties become SJWized (Which IS HAPPENING, by the way) it will alienate more and more players.

What's even happening on Sup Forums anymore?

Holy kek Thats cute...that delusion is amazing

>because of third parties trying to stay relevant by developing for other platforms instead because they KNOW that they cannot compete with Nintendo's internal teams.
Nonsence. IPs like Fifa and COD sell just as if not more than Nintendo ones. After all, the console gaming market is more than just Nintendo. If Nintendo becomes the sole platform for these developers then nothing would change.

>No one really LIKES the PS4, they simply bought into it because it was trendy and new.

Do you even proof read before posting?

>people Buy what they dont like.
Get out of Sup Forums for a while...for you own good.

even nintendo seems hesitant to make games for switch

but user!
we are getting SF2 RERELEASED ON THE SNES!!!

(limited to 5500 copies @ $100 a pop)

>no one likes playstation because MUH SJW BOOGEYMAN!!!!!
>playstation core target audience is white and japanese adult men

what did retard mean by this?

Everyone on Sup Forums must own a PS4 since Sup Forums only buys and reads what it hates. You faggots can't stop going to sjw sites, tumblrs, and watching sjw videos and playing sjw games.

Did you say "intellectual property"? It's a seductive mirage.


>if SFxT underperforms Crapcom is finished!
>if Dragon's Dogma underperforms Crapcom is finished!
>if RE6 underperforms Crapcom is finished!
>if DmC underperforms Crapcom is finished!
>if Dead Rising 3 and 4 underperform Crapcom is finished!
>if SFV underperforms Crapcom is finished!
>if RE7 underperforms Crapcom is finished!

This time for sure

>>playstation core target audience is white and japanese adult men
>PS4 is the HOME of Call of Duty!
>PS4 is the HOME of FIFA and NBA!
What the fuck are you on about?

Franchise then. Doesn't change what I said.

>Capcom will never go under and sell their IP's

>SONY focuses on western games at events such as E3
>pushes shitty western games at TGS
>Feminist: Action Game
The PlayStation 4 core target audience is black and left-leaning adult men

Good thing MHW is setting up to be the most successful MH game ever.

Could you imagine having no control over oneself, and compulsively bought things you absolutely hated, just because?

It's because Nintendo is extremely fucking hard to work with. It's that simple, and is the reason why they barely have any 3rd party support forever. Nobody wants to develop for them and their waggle shit.

>their waggle shit
Hasn't been an issue since two generations ago user.

>black and left-leaning adult men

What's wrong with this?

the former, yes, but one of the only companies who target black people are companies like mcdonalds

More like 1.5

>Why doesnt Capcom put these games that will most likely make the Switch melt as soon as you boot it up?
Why are Nintenfags the biggest technological inept people?

If you are a left-leaning or black, nothing.
But some of us want gameplay over movies and pandering.

yeah, there's a hori switch/pc stick

>Why is Capcom going out their way to actively ignore Nintendo?

How old are you ?
This does it from the nintendo 64
Remember when Capcom promised to have great exclusives for the Gamecube?
It was good that most of his new games are a failure
Fuck capcom

>this post
The mountain of salt that the PS4 caused grows a bit bigger with each passing day

I'm neither. I'm just curious as to why people take issue with a company catering to a certain demographic. If it doesn't appeal to you, then who cares just move on. Other companies exist to fill the void that one cannot.

None of those games can run on the switch, moron. Maybe nintendo should try investing in hardware power for a change.

8-bits can't run on Switch?

>3 remains the best selling home console version of MH to date.
And it's about to get outsold by MHW
>Tatsunoko vs Capcom did well on Wii, but Marvel inexplicably was a Playstation and Xbox title.
Because the Wii was underpowered and the majority of the FGC preferred the HD consoles
>Resident Evil Revelations did well on 3DS, but Revelations 2 and then VII were not on Nintendo platforms at all.
Rev 2 is getting ported to the Switch now, the only reason it wasn't on Wii U before was because the system was dying. Mainline RE is rarely on Nintendo systems and both the Wii U and Switch are too weak to run it.

>Capcom's refusal to develop for Nintendo consoles goes back a long way.
There is no refusal, Capcom is barely making new games right now and clearly the Switch is not a high priority platform for them at the moment. 3DS, DS and Wii all got plenty of support from Capcom and the Switch will get more support from them in the future. Anyone who thinks Capcom is actively ignoring Nintendo is a fucking conspiracy theorist.

>people simply bought it because it was trendy and new.

Are you sure you weren't talking about the Switch??

>Nintendo having a good relationship with third party companies
good joke

Nigga, what? They released SF2 on it

>Capcom will never change their minds about Megaman Legends 3 and make it for the Switch.

>I'm just curious as to why people take issue with a company catering to a certain demographic
It's sad seeing games like Infamous, Killzone, Uncharted to continue to be casualized and pander beyond the needs to tell a good story while good games like Gravity Rush get sidelined and get minimal coverage. As well as stuff such as Wipeout studio being closed due to an SJW movie Ghostbusters huge failings