What trophies/achievements are you currently working on to avoid accomplishing anything in the real world?

What trophies/achievements are you currently working on to avoid accomplishing anything in the real world?

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beating Ace Combat 6 by only using attack air craft (bombers)

I got this a few days ago, now my most rare platinum. Feels good.

I'll be start Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm tonight. Feels good to see the first game in the Storm series at long last gets trophies.

Curious about Storm 2 and 3: FB sets on PS4. Do they "stack" with the PS3 version or are they counted seperately?

I'm in the process of platinuming trails of Coldsteel II

I have coldsteel 1 platinumed so I want 2 done in time for TOCS3.

Contemplating getting GoW plats outside of the main trilogy in anticipation for the new game

playstationtrophies.org has them listed as two separate games so they should count as a second set of trophies.

Working on Abyss Odyssey: Extended Dream Edition. Played Nightmare from the start and got fucking raped. Took me multiple days to get gud. Now I'm getting slaughtered by the last boss. Shit's going on my mosaic. If I had to teach game design, I'd use Abyss Odyssey as an example. No joke.

I lasted five fucking minutes. That game's dog shit.

currently working on Batman's shitty combat missions.

Oh god. Maybe I'll replay those on a dummy account. I don't have PSN+ and even if I did I never want to suffer Storm 2's 50 online win thing again. Plus, I'd already earned those plats back in the day. Would feel kind of lame.

Yakuza 0 and The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

these games are so easy to plat, but I have fun with them

They barely have you do anything in Storm 1, it's so easy. Only pain in the arse thing is getting the Jutsu Clash without a second controller.

I only platted All 4 One to get a full series completion. I am never sitting through that piece of shit again.

>Vita and PS3

Why didn't I think about doing this?! I didn't even know you could do that, I thought it would just count as the same game for some reason.

Recently 100% Nioh + both DLCs and am now playing Horizon Zero Dawn.

Most games don't require you to "try" for trophies; these days most are simply rewarded for just playing the damn game.

Yeah I saw the list for it and was pretty surprised. CC2 plats normally require you to do just about everything there is to be done in their games. I guess it will be a nice and quick platinum at the very least. I remember 100%ing the game back on the PS3 and some of the later optional missions become a real pain in the butt. Bit of a blessing only needing to do 50% of them.

It's done on a game by game basis.

Some games share one trophy list. Some games lets you earn two sets of trophies if you play through in full on each platform. Some games have two separate trophy lists but thanks to cross-save you can pop both sets with one playthrough.

Horizon's easy as fuck.


They don't do it much anymore but a lot of the Cross-Buy stuff with PS3 and Vita had separate lists for each version so you could double up. Thanks to the PS4 version I've now platted Jak and Daxter 3 times.

Some games like Sly 4 and Sound Shapes even have the trophies tied to the cross save so you can get the Platinum for the opposing version in literally 5 seconds if you completed one version already.

I just finished getting the plats in the PS2 GTA trilogy. Now I'm working on the Tomb Raider HD trilogy.

>Sasuke Retrieval Arc
>Literally just fight Kimimaro 5 times: The Chapter
>He's a massive pain in the arse with everyone but Lee of all people
>Don't even fight the rest of the Sound 4 or even unlock them
Storm 1 was really shitty tbqh.

I'm up to 83 platinums but I apparently lost my ranking on PSN profiles years ago without realizing it since some games got flagged and I never did anything about it

Should I start over with a new account?

>Game requeres multiple people to plat
>Its a quite old game
>Its a niche one nonetheless

Yeah, it sure is. The change from Nioh is dramatic - it's a very pretty game, but it sure is fucking easy.

Waiting for .hack//G.U. Vol.1 - 4 trophy lists to get leaked...

If any trophy involves those damn bike courses, I'm out unless they didn't remove the glitch.

Then again, Vol.4's list getting leaked would probably mean spoiler hell.

Most recently finished up the platinum for FFXII, and now I'm playing a neat little retro-styled RPG called Cosmic Star Heroine. I had my eye on it for a while, bought it on sale not long ago, and it's actually better than I cautiously hoping it would be.

What the fuck are you even talking about?

If anyone wants an easy platinum get Brink for the PS3. All the trophies can be done solo and within a day.

Just remember to download the update so the enemy and TEAM AI isn't retarded. The two AI dependent trophies are having a team member disarm a landmine and requiring you to kill a player as he's turning on his disguise.

Started Shadow of the Colossus. Read it takes 6 breakthroughs and Hard time attack is supposed to be hard as FUCK.

Make sure you crank the difficulty.

the PSNProfiles leaderboards. Apparently if you get ousted from the leaderboards you can nolonger sign up for trophy booster games because you're deemed a cheater

What were you doing to get flagged?

>PSN profile leaderboard

That's a thing? What the fuck.

Don't bother bro. Waste of fucking time.

If a game's dead as fuck, ignore all the multiplayer achievements. Same shit.

Thinking of starting Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2. The only thing I am worried about is not being able to find a coop partner.

Dunno exactly but I lost my ranking can't be anything recent because my old PS3 crapped out in 2015 and I never bothered installing CFW on my new one(well my new old one because I found a fatty that still works and it's reliable)

If you're going for easy shit on purpose, you're a cuck. If you're boosting, you're a cheater. Idiots.

thinking of going after the grim fandango plat.

played the game once before but that was ages ago. how does it hold up and how bothersome or not are the trophies?

Yeah, Hard Time Attack is a nightmare because there's something sort of off about the controls. When I tried it I actually pulled out my PS2 and tried on it, and had no problem, but on the remaster, Wander's grip is like a fucking toddler's, and it's hard to get him to move quite as precisely. I ended up just saying fuck it, and gave up halfway through with that as the only trophy left.

Sometimes it's just fun to platinum a weirdly bad game like brink. Like nobody would go out of their way to 100% brink and really nobody owns the PS3 version so it's just an odd relic to have in your trophy lineup.

hopefully they fix that in the ps4 remake

>Ratchet and Clank 1 platinum twice

Why would you do that to yourself? It's bad enough getting bolt collector once even with the glitch

Transformers: Devastation, got everything but "clear all bosses w/ Optimus" and "SS rank all missions Commander or higher difficulty"

If you're not against resigning save files, a SOTC save file exists with the ability to get the hard mode time trail trophy. You just have to pick up the last hard time attack item from the well

I'm playing through Digimon Cyber Sleuth right now and it's honestly a bit of a slog. Not sure if I'll stick with it or not.


Because I like the game. I'll do it third time when it eventually gets released on PS4.

>eventually gets released on PS4.
Don't tease me

You're such a fucking cuck.

Sup Forums help

have an urge to replay Wild Arms 3 after picking it up for PS4 on sale a little while back. but that trophy list... it seems as though it would invite further insanity. what sanity I have remaining after platinuming valkyria chronicles in a little over a week.

>YFW u must have very game 100%ed and to scroll through your flawless trophy list or else the unfinished games will bother the heck out of you.

Also why can't we alphabetize PS4 trophies yet?

tfw burned out on trophies. i could try for some trophies in wipeout hd i guess. or maybe

I'm just playing steam backlog and occasionally firing up the ps3 to get the most of the ps3, no achievements in mind. Although I'll probably replay black ops 1 to round out straightforward trophies. Maybe get around to replaying devil may cry HD games to get missed trophies.

Just started Storm 2 and I already miss running around doing ninja shit and collecting scrolls


I just hide the ones I don't have 100% for

its not too bad and theres only 1 misable

Where can I do that?

I do that too so my completion % is higher. Like there is no way in hell I can finish Bulletstorm now since the online is part is cut.

>YFW u must have very game 100%ed and to scroll through your flawless trophy list or else the unfinished games will bother the heck out of you.
>have 85% of the Sly Minigames trophies
>cannot unlock and thus get 100% of them without booting Sly 3 and adding it to my list

>50 hour online trophy in ace combat ah
FUCK. Can you use a turbo controller to start matches while you sleep?

but you have to get to level 90, and do that insanely long optional dungeon, and build your characters in specific ways, and all the tedious tournament stuff

maybe I should just replay WA2 instead... fucking love that game.

do any of those games have multiplayer trophies?
i fucking hope not


The site doesn;t scan your PSN profile so the games have to be added manually. There's nothing stopping you from adding any game you want so it's really just an honor system.

>Getting last of Sonic Mania's trophies I didn't get yet
>Professional Hedgehog (Beat Titanic Monarch Act 1 without getting hit)
>"Pfft, I'll just go Super Sonic and nail it
>Pick my Sonic and Tails file because its finished and has all the Emeralds
>Do it
>Don't get trophy because Tails was getting hit

>Boosting a dead multiplayer game=Cheating
So I'm just not supposed to play it at all then?


damn you insomniac, I only need a couple more online trophies. My only hope is a remaster one day.

>You realize that there is an infintie lives Sonic Mania Cheat and a be invincible in Blue Sphere stage cheat

I can feel darkness overpowering me....

Have some honor senpai

>If you're boosting, you're a cheater. Idiots.

how do you get trophies for multiplayer games that are long dead then?
just sit there hoping someone will join?

I don't Plat games, so none. I play through and move on since I buy too many to stay on a game to plat.

Storm 2 is the only one in the series with online trophies. It's hell. CC2 must have taken a lesson from that and stopped requiring online multi trophies (aside from .hack//Versus, though there it was far more merciful: no winning or losing, just play 5 online matches). For Storm 2 you need 50 wins and something like 20 losses. It sucked hard.

>gundam verses has a trophy for 1000 online matches

Working on darkest dungeon, gravity rush some other crap. Just got salt and sanctuary for vita and ps4 making my plat total 150+ . Also just finished freedom cry but that was a god awful pile of shit

I used to be like that. I actually have some mental disorders though, so I have an excuse lol

Nowadays, it doesn't really bug me too much, and I only really try to plat games I really love.

I'll still sometimes completely avoid games if they have online trophies or really grindy shit.

>Platinumed Knack the other day
I absolutely hated every minute of it, but I felt like if I didn't then the game would beat me, and I'm not having that. Fuck how cheap the difficulty is, fuck the enemy patterns and AI, fuck the random loot drops and fuck Cerny for making this piece of shit. Played the demo for Knack 2 yesterday and was not impressed at all.
Will still probably get the Plat for it when it gets a bit cheaper

>Secret of Mana remake
This is going to be an easy plat. I can feel it.

I never played Knack, played the Knack 2 demo on normal and was like "fuck this is difficult, is it supposed to be this difficult"?, looked up and apparently the first one was difficult too so I guess Mark just hates us

I've picked up 5 plats this year, most I had in a year before was 7. This could be the one I finally match/surpass it. But damn... its basically already september. Time is running low and I've got a million games to play.

good luck with that.

you will also need pretty good internet. Game was clearly no optimized for online play outside of Japan.

>SoM Remake
the worst possible trophies would likely be "get all spells to level 8 for each character" and "get all weapon skill levels to 8 for all characters"

as for me and trophy hunting. I'm not doing much right now, just playing some backloged games just to kill time before I get swarmed by 3 games close together (MH Stories, Mary Skelter (might try for it;s plat), and Cyberdimension (might try for it's plat)).

Closest thing to on my backlog list that has trophies is Toukiden Kiwami and some of these trophies are going to drive me mad.

working on getting lums and all bronze medals for rayman legends. the origins levels are kicking my ass. it's also been years since i played this game.

Bioshock collection right now
first time playing the dlcs too, challenge rooms was surprisingly fun

Does anyone else feel that trophies ruin games for them? I used to love trophy hunting, but I'm starting to feel that it's a waste of time and pointless.

>the worst possible trophies would likely be "get all spells to level 8 for each character" and "get all weapon skill levels to 8 for all characters"
Those won't even be bad because it took little time to get each set of things up to max.

I remember that shit taking forever.

>Sugar Lump achievements

is this really why people are trophy fags? i would hope its not for some pointless number or item

Why are the ps trophies site/forums so bad? Did they give up? Give me forum admin access for an hour and I'd have the PS3 disc/digital sub forums merged, redirect link to each multi-PS system game in the PS3/4/V forums, and actually move games which have been out for weeks from "upcoming games" into their appropriate places.

In the grand scheme of RPG grinds, thats by far one of the shortest and least offensive of them all. Pretty sure I've maxed those all out in every playthrough of the game I've done, because it doesn't take to much time.

>100%ed Fat Princess
My life has no meaning now

Apparently 5.0 firmware for PS4 will allow you to sort trophies alphabetically.

>this level of dedication

been slowly playing through Let it Die.

I already fucked up. Oh well. It's impossible earning 100 defended bases and 100 captures at higher levels in the tower.


There's one dedicated to playing the whole game with tank controls, and the others are about exhausting conversation options.

>level 8
All weapons have a 9th level though, it just depends on very rare drops of extra weapon orbs off of enemies in the final dungeon.

Currently deciding what Lego game to play (looking for an comfy 1000g). I already did LoTR.

I've been trying to get the platinum in all the rock band / guitar hero games recently but fuck is some of this shit hard and expensive.
Have to buy a whole new drum set to do the tutorial in guitar hero metallica, I'd have the plat otherwise. Then beatles RB makes you hit all triple harmonies (requiring 3 mics and 3 people), so rip that idea.

I've been working on trying to finish Yakuza 1 HD on the PS3 before my copy of Kiwami comes in, but man it's pretty draining having to play the game with a guide in my face the whole time because I don't speak Jap