Tyranny Didn't Sell: The Usual Obsidian Flop


>“Obsidian did a great job of capitalising on the timing of Kickstarter and the wave of nostalgia for these type of titles,” goes his hypothesis. “We've seen that most of the titles after Pillars of Eternity, if you look at Wasteland, Torment - they haven't been anywhere near that kind of success. So maybe it's that a lot of nostalgia fed into the initial bubble and that's why. These games have a market, but it's never gonna be that peak [again].”

>Wester shoulders the responsibility for Tyranny’s marketing, which ran with the slogan: 'Sometimes, evil wins.' It was an approach that wisely brought Tyranny’s twist on RPG morality to the fore - but didn’t touch so much on its singular world and cast.

Wow it's like Obsidiots don't want to admit that Obsidian creates generally unlikable and unsellable games


Only because of Baldur's Gate nostalgia

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/Tyranny Didn't Sell: The Usual Obsidian Flop/

>PC only
>Doesn't sell


I bet you're the same person that was spamming those Chris Avellone threads a few months ago.

Here's your (you).

It's just some obisidrone falseflagging to make obsidian critics look petty, when in fact they are the petty ones.

>Terrible game
>Doesn't sell


i genuinely regret backing PoE2
i wish i could refund it

Should have been a moba or battle royale with twitch integration. Then were talking MONEY on the PC market.

Honestly, the main issue with Tranny was that it was undercooked. It released too soon after Pillars, which was a far superior game, and felt like it was a B-Team knockoff.

If they'd just sat on it for another 12 months and fleshed it out it would have done far better. Once a game has been released it's set in stone - you can patch it all you want and add DLC and whatever, but in the eyes of most people it'll be a shit game that was inferior to its predecessors.

>you can patch it all you want and add DLC and whatever

The mark of a bad PC game: PCu-cks claim its only good when you have the expansions/DLC

New Vegas and the original Fallouts are some of my favorite games of all time, but seriously

>isometric RPG in the modern day

Fucking stupid.

I'm not sure they have the writing talent now that Chris Avellone and George Ziets are gone.

If you take out Durance, Eder was the only good character in PoE, and he fits a very specific niche.

kek, it wouldn't sell because those markets are already completely saturated and dominated. We don't need more Lawbreakers

It is poor form to kick someone when they are down.
Let Obsidian be.



Calm down, Sup Forums.

>muh Sup Forums boogyman

Tyranny was good, just lacking next to Pillars and Original Sin

Even Wasteland 2 was more complete

>angry person yelling about kikes
>anything but Sup Forums

>100% unvarnished truth about how Obshittyan can fix their "string of bad luck"
>must be Sup Forums

>anyone I don't like is kikes
>unvarnished truth

Just go already.

>everyone I don't like is Sup Forums
>obvious truth
>reddit spacing
Go back

Please, I spend all day on Sup Forums. It takes one to know one.

>projection confirmed
gg retard you played yourself

Sup Forums sucks but racial slurs have existed on Sup Forums for a decade plus. You're gonna have to suck it up .


>obshittyan shill makes market research thread
>people who used to be fans ask them to do the impossible, "make a good game"
>panic, screech, abandon thread
You deserve failure you fucking retards

niche games are dead and desu obsidian isn't good anymore. i don't care about this isometic garbage. i want the same systems in a new package. give us a deus ex type rpg or bloodlines. improve on the recipe of games like alpha protocol

>don't bother making good games I want you to make fucking terrible fps games for xbox
Fucking kill yourself

what are you talking about you retarded newfag obsidiot?

boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/Tyranny Didn't Sell: The Usual Obsidian Flop/

Jesus fucking christ, how disgusting

They still haven't learned from Fallout. People like weird shit, cool weapons, and gory messes.

>this form of gameplay isn't really working in today's environment
In what day's environment did shit games work?

So from what I gather Pillars of eternity isn't a good game?
Why do critics love it so much? Nostalgia? Even the ps4 version got good reviews

>why did this game get good paid reviews but nobody bought it?????
Wow it's a fucking mystery

OP, did your ban expire or something?

It's ok user, I just asked a question. No reason to be so butt-hurt about my thirst for knowledge that rivals my need for Chad cum

I didn't particularly like Tyranny even though the setting and premise were fine, but there are two things I hope for out of the expansion and one they've already claimed they're doing.

One: Give you the fucking option to remain loyal. It'll probably be a cheap cop out where you just get whacked and they say LOL DON'T BE LOYAL NEXT TIME SILLY GOYIM but even something as garbage is that is better than not even having the option.


PoE is nostalgia bait - the critics who gave it good reviews haven't played Baldur's Gate 1 or 2 and don't know what made them good.

>unfinished CRPG-lite written by a feminist
>forced diversity dev team
>8 hours long yet as expensive as PoE
No one's surprised.

Baldur's Gate 1 wasn't good.

That's Sup Forums, not Sup Forums. Sup Forums is as full of sociopaths as always, but Sup Forums is now interchangeable with reddit.

>for making a racist joke
Speaking of reddit, you should go back

>Playing a prank
>Endlessly shitposting and derailing threads because your fee-fees were hurt
Spotted the Sup Forums newfag

once again

todd was right about new vegas

Spotted the hilarious retard

This meme is terrible. Shut the fuck up you underaged little homo

I hope bethesda buys Obisidian.

no theyll just prune off their sjw staff and again

but hopefully they get bought this time so they dont bother with this stupid shit again

people who enjoy these games are too fucking busy now to play them. they're a good idea in theory, but if i dont have time to play them..

it got marketed as a game where you could play the bad guy but you're nothing but a glorified lawful good character with an edgy twist

PC culture ruined vidya too

japan is the future of gaming

Could you please not confuse a good game like Path of Exile with a shitty game like Pillars of Eternity? Thanks.

It's significantly worse than PoE in terms of gameplay.

Could you please not confuse a good game like Pillars of Eternity with a shitty game like Path of Exile? Thanks.

>Could you please not confuse a good game like Pillars of Eternity with a shitty game like Path of Exile? Thanks.
Yeah, Pillars of Eternity is such a great game. That's why Pillars of Eternity has so many players playing it right now according to steam stats, right? Oh wait, that's Path of Exile, not Pillars of Eternity. A game that's 2 years older than Pillars of Eternity.

Path of Exile is a good example of the actually gameplay being done right. The story is shit, the graphics are shit, but the gameplay is good. That's why it didn't die off.