Working at gamestop

>working at gamestop
>odd guy comes up to the counter, I ask if I can help
>He asks me to recommend some "comfy" games
>bust out laughing, he leaves embarrassed

Like how fucking autistic can you be lol

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You know this does bring up something, gamestop employees seem to be Jock Gamers with goatees where im from

Or manchildren.

>you're not allowed to have fun with vidya.txt

>going to gamestop and asking an employee for a recommendation

recommend some comfy games

People actually use "comfy" in person? And I thought it was cringey before

>he doesn't know enough comfy games to be able to recommend shit
Nigga I wouldn't straight up gave the dude a whole list of shit
Ni no kuni
Atelier series
Animal crossing
Harvest moon

Sorry, can't relate on an autistic level

>working at gamestop

>be surrounded by video games and people who like video games
>dont have to clean bathrooms
>basically do nothing and get paid for it

Well okay. But I suggest you download a game called Tokyo afterdchool summoners it's very comfy and you don't need to be autistic to like it.

Working at gamestop is a sales-lite job. You're pushed to sell whatever you can, and need to meet quotas. If you don't, you get talked to by management. It's why gamestop employees always push their membership cards and other shit that people never really want.

>do nothing for it

Fuck the fuck off. There isn't a more greedy, sleazy retail company in existence. Constantly forcing employees to up their numbers, sales quotas, and become insufferable robots for no extra pay. Plus I was always scheduled for hours by myself with a ridiculous task list while simultaneously waiting hand and foot on groups on customers.

Go apply for ShitStop and feel my pain if its "so easy" motherfucker.

True and only slightly interesting story:

>late 2014 or something
>just got a next gen console
>barely anything to play on them so me and friend decide to just go and get far cry 4 from closest game shop
>go into shop, pick up the game and take it to the checkout
>tall, skinny guy with goatee and piercings serves me
>hand him the game
>"OK that will £50"
>"It said £45 on the shelf"
>"Wait, you DONT want the yam yam pack?"
>"Uh nah I don't"
>no idea what it is but its clearly just some shitty skin pack or something that he's trying to sell me without me noticing
>Everything he said was in a condescending tone and he had a condescending look on his face the entire time
>Guy goes in the back and brings it out to him
>tfw left without that guy getting his shill bonus and bought some food with the extra fiver

Why not? If I worked at a brain dead job like Gamestop I'd love to have a chance to pass the time by interacting with the customers, giving recommendations and whatnot.

>be an asshole employee with beta customers
>they all back away and you don't have to do anything

>be a beta employee with asshole customers
>they yell at you and complain about your shitty skill and ask you to do more than you should

Which one are you?

What a boring story, give me my 20 seconds back.

Sorry bro, cant help ya

I've been thinking about getting a job in gamestop since i'm getting sick of retail in a grocery store

Would it be worth it and do we get time n a half on sunday?

>basically do nothing and get paid for it
thanks for confirming you've never worked at gamestop

>working at gamestop
>be unemployed when they go out of business

i thought it was thoroughly mediocre

>constantly forcing employees to up their numbers sales quotas and become insufferable robots for no extra pay
Its that or go out of business because people can just download shit and not have to deal with discs anymore

>go to gamestop
>don't actually want any of this overpriced shit but decide to fuck with the spergy looking cashier anyway
>ask him to recommend a game with a vague descriptor to see if he'll recommend some cringy weebshit
>he starts giggling to himself then his manager comes over and tells him to shut the fuck up and sell me GameInformer already
>I leave before it gets even more embarrassing for the little guy

Idk you could work at gamestop

Real life stories are usually around that level of interesting. Those epic stories you hear are at least partially made up.

lol last i remembered gamestop babbies had to annoy every single person they talk to with stupid rewards card bullshit so yeah, while you laugh at that guy we all laugh at you

what are some good jobs for lazy Sup Forumsirgins like myself?

The only genuine one I know is when my friend had a drunken Cliffy B slamming on their window after closing during the peak of Gears 2

if the stories here prove anything it's that gamestop will stay around until some rival comes along that does things better.

be a youtube that does tope ten lists for a video game with big enough content/lore

be a caretaker
i heard online ads can be easy

I get that, but they're so obsessed with it that it hurts everyone else. I start to pester customers with preorders, warranties and other shit they don't want, they decide to start shopping somewhere else where they don't have to deal with that, and I get penalties because person doesn't buy this thing they didn't want, despite that I do my best to upsell just the way they instruct me too.

And even if I do meet my quota, they just make the quota higher next time. Usually employees are rewarded for doing good and putting in extra work. I just get higher expectations for the same amount of pay.

You can't win.

Can anyone even describe what makes a "comfy" game? Define "comfy game."

I got a job at Games Workshop and it's a pretty chill environment

>have to interact with your kind
thats not a good thing. you ever join anime/vidya club back in highschool? shit is worse than reddit and gaf combined

>>working at gamestop

when you say that to people i bet they bust out laughing too

Something relaxing and chill that you can just zone out to and forget about the passage of time

I'm currently playing Persona 5 and its one of the few comfy games I've played in years. Everytime I load it up I want to get into bed and get warm and /comfy/ and just play it until I'm ready to fall asleep. About to do that right now, but only after I make myself a hot chocolate.

Something not stressful. Something you can turn on and then turn your brain off. Something you can play after a long day of working and having people yell at you.

security guard

avoid anything retail or customer service

Op is being ironic isnt he? Maybe just retardedly unaware like all commiefornians when they flee thier shithole state and decide to shit up the new state with thier previous bullshit.

Sounds like the army.

Hey im interested what do you do there?

games that are widely loved for nostalgic reasons, games that while can have gameplay are more revered for their music/art/gamefeel

Havest moon:wonderful life
Animal Crossing

blah blah

thanks a list of weebshit garbage.

I just want to play Fable again every fucking time I hear this.

Well it has given me PTSD

>Go to Gamestop
>Want to get Dark Souls 2 black armor edition asap
>Walk up to the counter and talk to the lady
>She tells me the game is still a day away from release
>Ask if I can get it a day early because I heard stories of people simply grabbing their copy a day before it goes live
>She says she can't do that
>I somehow take that as "you're not old enough to buy this game"
>Pull out my student ID
>Show her my birthdate and tell her I'm 18
>She says she can't help me
>Promise her I won't tell a soul
>Line is a bit backed up now
>She asks me to leave because there's nothing she can do
>Insist on getting my copy
>Tell her I wouldn't be able to pick up my copy tomorrow because my mom had work
>Press the fact that "she's waiting in the car for me"
>She tells me she doesn't have a copy yet which is why they aren't handing them out
>I take this as hostility and start sweating even worse
>Tell her if she doesn't give me my copy I'll just cancel my order right then and there and let the managers know you were to blame
>Punctuate that threat by saying her name
>Guy behind me tells me to stop being a baby
>Flop sweat by this point
>Tell the cashier that I won't be coming back
>Knock over a container of world of warcraft cards and run out

so in other words, cringey autism, got it

I had this guy working at Gamestop and he looked just like Carrot Top but with a bigger afro. Wild dude.

T. Idaho hick

>every game must be metal gear rising

I personally stock the shelves, teach the newbies how to play 40k and do some sales.

Most of the time I am painting and making my own armies.

you a fellow ifunny user too?

>Be 26, Leave my parents attic for the first time in a month
>head over to gamestop
>sweating in my trenchcoat cause its 98 degrees out
>walk up to the counter, tip my baseball cap
>it's a female so I instantly get nervous
>you can see sweat dripping off my sleeves and greasy hair
>try to ask for "comfy" games but it comes out spazzy
>"c-c-omfy sitting game play m'lady? kekeke
>she says what did you say?
>I turn around really fast so my trenchcoat catches the wind
>naruto run out the store

This is why I only buy games online

nice story user

Gamestop still has a market of impatient people that only have consoles. It wont go away until at least consoles start coming with terrabyte harddrives standard so everyone with consoles can download all of their games instead of just like 3 or 4. even then you have collectors and people like me that go and pick up old physical copies of games on console because theyre cheaper. Honestly I see gamestop being around for a long time, but it becomes more of a like antique or collectors shop.

I fucking despise the Xbox for making me download shit and taking up 90% of the hard drive after 5 games even though I own physical.

That was a great story man, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.