Hey my house got destroyed by hurricane Harvey and I'm stuck with a crappy i3 laptop with Intel integrated graphics for...

Hey my house got destroyed by hurricane Harvey and I'm stuck with a crappy i3 laptop with Intel integrated graphics for a while, and im looking for a game to play. I don't have a lot of money (considering most of everything I own just got destroyed) but I'm willing to buy a game if it looks intriguing enough.

- needs bad graphics. Ps2 or earlier. In perfectly okay with pixel shit or anything else.

- im okay with emulating but I hate using mouse and keyboard for emulated games and don't have a controller. If it was a slower turn based or similar game I would be okay with it

- something that I can get up and walk away from, so either the ability to pause or turn based.

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Risk of Rain is fun.

Try the Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind user! It's an absolute classic with an immersive world you can get really deep into that's not very system intensive. Btw, I'm really sorry that that happened to you :(

Heavy Rain

Fuck you Texas!

Stardew Valley

The Flame in the Flood.

Faster than Light is probably a good one.
You can sink a lot of hours into that.
Binding of Isaac, if you're into games like that.
Also Risk of Rain.

wtf are you playing games for nigga your house got destroyed get shit done and back up running

Kek if joke
Fuck you user if joke as well

How many looters have you shot?


FTL, Risk of Rain, Isaac. Underrail if you're into CRPGS


Just buy a controller and play emulated games.

Cities skylines just got natural disasters

Risk of Rain
Heavy Rain
Rain World
"Rain" of Fire
In the Flame of the Flood
Super Mario Sunshine

Stardew Valley and Undertale if you haven't played them yet. Added bonus of being comfy enough to make you forget about God's indifference

As other anons suggested, Risk of Rain, Stardew Valley, and Morrowind. If you like Souls games, Salt and Sanctuary is great. Darkest Dungeon if you don't mind a bit of frustration, or Arx Fatalis. If you still have internet, somehow, Dungeon Fighter Online is a free arcade brawler MMO you could kill some time with.

Also sorry to hear about all your shit being destroyed. Honestly one of my biggest fears is having some natural disaster happen and rob me of everything I've ever owned.

Grab Nidhogg or Rivals of Aether if you have friends who also had their lives ruined

Heavy Rain is 360/PS3

Tales of Maj Eyal

Disaster Report

System Shock 2 runs on potatoes and is timeless.

Not trying to bait or anything but do you americans have no form of insurance? I am always confused when I see americans crying their eyes out about how all of what they've owned got destroyed in some weird twister tornado and how they are going to have to live on the street for the rest of their life.

Not saying that where I am from everybody has insured everything but if you actually own a house wouldn't you make sure to insure it right away?

What a faggot why didn't you move all valuable upstairs or something? Ctfu this nigga fr had all his electronics and shit on the living room floor

I've never looked into insurance, nor owning a house personally. Never had all that much money. I'd imagine someone like me would just have to throw everything out and would get no assistance in replacing anything.

flood insurance is separate and most people don't know that

American insurance companies have lawyers that point put "you should have gotten the optional coverage package :^)"
Unfettered capitalism encourages a lot of scumbag behaviour.

>Not saying that where I am from everybody has insured everything but if you actually own a house wouldn't you make sure to insure it right away

tell me how you think insuring a house works.

ePSXe and get some PS1 era JRPGs.

Grandia owns.

This. Get the game Alundra.

Sorry to hear that user, hope things get better

As for game recs I'd suggest skimming through the indie category on steam, see if anything interests you

are you really that uneducated?

x-com ufo defense

I've been into Downwell lately. It's only $3 and it's well worth it with how much game you get out of it. Check it out if you're into roguelikes or platformers.

Louisianan here. Why are you posting on here right now? user, cut that fucking molding, drywall and carpet out. You got work to do. Get that shit out the house.

under-rated post

Okay, that explains it, I guess. But still, if you are buying a house you should be looking into that deeply. Even some Google search helps.

Well, like I said, I have no idea how it works in the US. Over here, you can get a general insurance for buildings you own, they are fairly regulated by law. As floods and similar natural disasters are rare you would usually have to get that seperately.

Most grown people also have an insurance for their belongings in their home. Like I said, things are pretty regulated by law so insurances don't differ too much from one another and they are not allowed to pull off some
>whoops, you didn't get the extra-extra tornado insurance which is not included in the all natural catastrophies insurance

But yeah, I am sorry to hear about your stuff, OP. Hope you get back on track soon.

You can keep that commie shit in your country, out here in the land of the free it's every man for himself. Just pick yourself up by the bootstraps and get a good job so you can build another house to destroy.


Yeah OP, you should totally rebuild your entire fucking house all by yourself and restore power and move millions of gallons of water by yourself. What are you, lazy?

Age of Empires 2 HD

>tfw live in sugar land and didn't get flooded
>tfw i also took in 2 refugee kittens that are cute as fuck

I thought there were no jobs left for you to do because of the Mex?

If your interested you could try out the the tag force games for free using roms if your interested in yu-gi-oh


then why did you open your fucking mouth, least of all insultingly?

well are you gonna be a fucking faggot or are you gonna post some pics or what bitch

There's plenty of jobs now, the hurricane was God's way of washing the Mexican stink away in preparation for the Wall.

That's not destroyed. Harvey was a wimp in comparison. You at least have walls and a door.

t., Katrina survivor

I work in insurance. You'd be shocked how many people called me the day before the storm trying to get coverage. And then learning that it wont cover flood anyway because that's separate.

I remember you from a thread a few days ago

You niggers never had anything period. Going from a shit hole to a cleaner yet wet shit hole wasn't a big deal.
Going from 1st world living conditions to that of Louisiana is fucking terrible.

Tons of people do. However, it's uncommon for small personal possessions to be covered by something like this, and it takes time to go through the process of replacing them if they are. Usually, the disaster happenes, and over the next several months, insurance companies go around doing estimates. Certain things like destroyed trees might give you money, and other things like cars won't because that is something that would normally be insured separate from your house in the firm's eyes. You can walk away with minimal damage and a nice windfall for having shit you don't care about damaged, or have your whole fucking house blown away and only given about 60% of what it would've sold for along with the stuff inside. But yeah, it depends on the area. Nicer houses, people are usually better with their money and buy better insurance with their house. Poorer areas, you get more people that are ignorant of how insurance works and are surprised that their cheapo shitty plan doesn't give them 100% reimbursement for everything they own.

fuck off fagola


>building a city in a bowl in one of the most turbulent climates in the country
Whoever designed nawlins was retarded

guild wars 1

That would be the French.

Yup. I'm STILL getting calls from it.

If its 30 inches underwater, its way too late to get insurance.

I still highly highly recommend renters insurance anyway just because nine times out of 10 its fucking dirt cheap and covers all your shit.

extremely underrated, i'm betting most of you idiots didn't even get the joke until you read this post

pokemon sapphire.

Is this ironic or are you legitimately retarded?

The same fuckers who built a wall that the Germans just walked around?
Can the French do anything right?


Freespace 2

I'm ironically legitimately retarded

Wind Waker

Something that I found helps with emulating games that require actual control is mapping the directional pad to wasd and a and b to something like the arrow keys. Since controllers always have you use your left hand to move, this makes things a little bit easier cognitively. Maybe this will help you enjoy emulators a bit.

Have simple web game

To learn something. Besides the 2 or 3 typical shitposters (including yourself) there were several people actually putting something of worth into the discussion.

Now you can go.

shit so if I live near the coast should I get flood insurance? what other insurances do I need? are there other natural disaster insurances or are they a waste of time?

You need a controller, user? I can give you my Dualshock 3 if you're in a place that can actually be reached

Also you should play VtM:B

Insurance companies don't exist to give you money when you need it. They exist as a part of capitalism purely to take money from you, and they've paid our government enough money to make it illegal not to buy their insurance.
You pay and you pay and you pay for insurance because it's mandatory for everyone either by law, landlord rules, or the threat of complete and utter financial ruin for the rest of your entire life just for taking an ambulance. Then, when you get in a car accident, or your house is flooded by a hurricane, or you get something as dumb as strep throat, the insurance companies nitpick and weasel their way out of every last dime they can possibly avoid giving back to you. You pay them hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of your entire life and you're fucking LUCKY if you get enough money back to buy a single solitary antibiotic pill when you actually need them for something. So yeah, I guess we are idiots, because we're still living in this shitty fucking country ruled by greed and we haven't blown our fucking brains out yet.

Don't forget to apply for FEMA assistance

I also second playing Morrowind, even with mods it runs on basically anything

I got so used to emulated Sonic that I mapped Mania to the controls I use with Kega

>highly recommend renters insurance anyway just because nine times out of 10 its fucking dirt cheap and covers all your shit.
No shit you recommend any type of insurance, you're one of them. Why bother pretending the shit that you peddle is actually helpful? No respectable landlords would ever rent to someone who doesn't have renter's insurance anyway. We're forced to buy into your programs that are guaranteed to buttfuck us when we need you the most, the least you could do is look us in the eyes and be honest while you fill our assholes with your greedy, black seed.

Yes. If you rent, get renters. If you own and are responsible for the outside of your house, get homeowners. If you own but ARE NOT responsible for the outside of your house, get condo. Dont bother with anything else unless you live in Cali, then get Earthquake. Earthquake is handled by the state and has its own separate billing but is totally worth it.

He works in insurance, he'd sell flood insurance to someone living in a fucking desert.

jesus dude, he's just a peon, not the fucking head honcho
everyone needs a job you autist

I doubt he gets paid to advertise this shit on Sup Forums.


I get paid to punch people's shit into a computer and tell them a price, then convince them to buy.

I will flat out tell people when its a rip and not worth their time, though.

I'm not advertising the company I work for. I'm just advising based on what I've seen.

I dont expect anyone to take it seriously considering its Sup Forums.

It's still in his best interest to perpetuate lies for the company and shill their asterisk coverage

>pack of chihuahuas trying to refugee under my porch
>wont fuck off
wat do

Do YOU have insurance of any kind? You seem very salty about it, did you get fucked out of some kind of payout after an incident?

take them in

I have only what's absolutely required
I haven't gotten fucked by a payout, it's just that insurance is more expensive than it needs to be based on often bullshit factors. I've paid more for insurance than I would have had just saving and paying for expenses out of pocket.
Better yet, single payer systems would work far better under the model insurance follows.

I have insurance because you might as well be publicly executed by the state if you don't have everything covered. Thankfully, I can still get health and dental from my dad's cop job for like another couple years, but renter's, car, etc. I have to pay for. I have dental but I haven't been to the dentist in over 10 years because there's no fucking way in hell I trust the insurance company when they say that visits are covered totally. Guarantee that if I so much as tried to talk to the receptionist they'd charge me $80 and say my insurance only covers me opening the door. Health has *never* covered shit at all. All my vaccines for my restaurant job and moving into my dorms way back when I started college? 100% out of my pocket, not a fucking dime from insurance. A visit to urgent care because I couldn't fucking speak from strep throat? They barely chipped in just to have some grad student say hello to me, and the vast majority of the charge went straight to me. Every car accident that I've been involved in (never me driving) has resulted in both parties' insurance companies blaming the other driver and not shelling out a god damn dime until someone had to call and start screaming at the college intern they had chained to the phone.
Insurance is a fucking joke. What a load of shit the whole system is. Just another fucked up way to rape and pillage the country, just like the Credit system.

That's what you progressive cucks get for sheltering wetbacks.

If its a 5th gen you can probably play ETS2 on medium (i5-5200 with 6GB of RAM and a 1366x768 display here).
Here are some potato friendly games i have on steam.
>Jet Set Radio
>Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved
>Castle Crashers
>Burnout Paradise
>Killing Floor
>Spintires (on my c2d with 2gb and a 5450 it is still playable, fuckton of mod cars and maps too)
>Test Drive Unlimited 1 and 2 (not on steam)
Get some emulators too.

>did you get fucked out of some kind of payout after an incident?
Guarantee you $100 that anyone who has insurance in america has been fucked out of a payout for every single incident they've ever experienced.

Wait woah pause.
There's a JSR emulator or game on pc?

Still no future on PC, but the HD remaster is on steam.

>I have whats only absolutely required

If you're talking health insurance, I totally get it. Health insurance is absolutely fucked.

If you're talking auto, you're a dumb motherfucker who I sincerely hope never is at fault in an accident or you're going to get fucked by the courts forever.

I dunno about your state, but it's illegal to drive without auto insurance in mine.

That doesnt mean that people don't drive without insurance. It happens way more often than you think.

He would've just said health insurance if it was the only thing he required. Auto insurance is needed where I live if you don't want to get fined out the assignment or go to prison.

I was at fault in an accident. It was enough to replace the car and there were no injuries. Freak accident on the highway during a road trip.
If I'd saved what insurance costs me and paid out of pocket I would have been ahead a couple thousand dollars.
My insurance is more than my car payment, even before that accident and the rise in premium that came with it.

eat up

Arcane Dimensions for Quake.

dude sex