Gears of War 4

Finally got around to beating the campaign
What the hell was that?
Gears 1 campaign:
>Search for Delta Squad
>Continue the mission to plant the resonator
>Run into kryll and crazy stranded along the way
>Go underground, plant resonator, it doesn't work
>Fight your way to the Fenix estate
>Get enough data to plant a lightmass bomb in the locust tunnels
>counter-hijack a train from General Raam and watch the fireworks
Gears 4 campaign:
>Some flashbacks to remind you how good the series used to be
>Steal a generator
>Run into windflare
>Search for Marcus
>Run into windflare
>Search for Marcus again
>Run into windflare
>Search for milf
>Run into windflare
>Get some mechs only at the last second because Kate was being a whiny bitch up until then, even though they would've made everything much quicker and simpler
>milf is dead, oh well
>the end
Seriously, what the fuck? Even Judgment had a more interesting story than that, and Judgment fucking sucked.
Never mind the fact that the whole concept of the Swarm pretty much defeated the point of everything that happened in 3, and now it looks like we're in for another trilogy once again
Is horde mode and multiplayer a disappointment too? I was going to renew my XBL gold subscription to play it, but now I'm not even sure if it's worth it

Gears of war is terrible desu.

Too much Marcus, not enough Baird and Cole

Gears 4 as a whole is fucking horrible. Worst campaign, worst multiplayer and hell I enjoyed Judgement's multiplayer alot more than 4. Horde is repetitive which suffers from predicable enemy types that spawn on certain waves and too many people quitting for no reason. Gears 4 adds nothing and it's just a bigger cashgrab Gears entry from a Jew developer known as The Coalition. Gears 5 will be worse I can already tell.

>hurr hurr baird owns the entire robot force
>woah here have some gundams bro!!!

also fuck horde, people can't join in and it never goes past level 20 before 2-3 people quit.

did you like 3?

It's the stupid XP cards.
They should have set Horde lobbies for the make it to wave 10 or 20 faggots.
Or you should be able to opt into already running games.

Gears 4 is a great port on PC, but fucking Canadians ruin everything as usual.

Its like two assholes on a date.

That was suprising. I enjoyed that alot. The game was trash but some of the bantz was pretty okay.

Yes I did and it's best the series would ever get. I much rather go back to those days now.


"Yeah. It's gonna wait. Save for later. Like a snack."


"You think I'm kidding?"

"I think you're bat-shit crazy, that's what I think."

"Aw. Ain't that cute."

"Like two assholes on their first date."

Probably my favourite banter in the series.

why do like 3 but not 4 that doesn't make sense, 4 is just 3 but more,especially the multiplayer/horde,3s campaign was better that's it.

>liking Judgement
>liking stim grenades
>liking 2 weapon slots
>liking vertical maps in Gears

When was the last time the wind whispered 'hostiles' to you?

>and hell I enjoyed Judgement's multiplayer alot more than 4
Your opinion means fucking nothing

I love Gears 4, but holy fucking shit its about to be out for a year and still no fucking Wingman

I'm a huge fan of the series up until 3 and wish I could try it, but there's no way in hell I'd ever buy a Microsoft console in the current year. PC release with motherfucking crossplay eventually implemented was really cool of them, too bad it's stuck on the Windows 10 store.

I never said I liked the stims and the 2 weapon slots. Gears 4 is up the ass with delays all around, many weapons introduced in the series is absent for no reason, horrible maps, worst weapon balancing the series and catering to the eSports fucks all around. They made this game just for those fucks.

I know if only steam had a monopoly that would be best for pc gaming

Neither does yours you stupid fuck.

Has anyone figured out why hispanics love this series so much?

Gears 1 had a great horror-apocalypse vibe. Everything after just wasn't as good.

Better than having to use Windows 10, yes.

I never did understand why either. Maybe they just really like Dom?

Hispanic guy, can confirm