Single player games suck

>tfw internet router is screwed
>tfw can't play online multiplayer until new one is received
>tfw have to play shitty old retro single player games and browse Sup Forums
how do you fags do it? single player fucking sucks. retro single player is as good as it gets, but it still fucking blows, goddamn.

i think fags that like single player are just not good at multiplayer, is that true? you need shitty brain dead predictable AI to enjoy yourself because you can't handle smarter human opponents that adapt and make shit far more dynamic than SP can ever be. as a primarily MP playing person I find SP to be vapid predictable dogshit.

My internet went out recently, and I was so fucking thankful for all the YouTube videos I had saved. From 20-40 minute reviews, analysis of movies to lets plays, etc

Also my idea of multiplayer is annoying people/shitposting on Sup Forums, so I enjoyed the break and played some old games I had previously installed pirated copies from GoG.

>as a primarily MP playing person I find SP to be vapid predictable dogshit.
multiplayer is literally designed around fast and instantaneous satisfaction loops and faux sense of progression, if you look up game designers talks that's their only objective when making a multiplayer game, you are just a ADHD retarded

I actually agree with OP. I primarily play Fighting Games and in comparison, singleplayer games suck unless they have a good story. It's all just manipulating braindead AI instead of actually reading and interacting with your opponent through mind games.

>single player games
>press X to activate your braindead auto-navigation to quest end
>multi player games
>actually have to participate to win

Unless it's some gripping story with phenomenal characters or a unique format of storytelling, SP games are just utter bores. Doesn't help all SP games have effectively become clones.

>smarter human opponents
>literal children, teenagers, niggers and other scum

Enjoy your lazy, shitty games that coast off "DA THRILL OF COMPETITION" rather than actually being good in any objective way.

>actually being good in any objective way.
Beating AI that were literally programmed for you to beat them isn't being 'good in any objective way'.

Eh I'm not really into multiplayer games. I play vidya to escape reality and have an adventure, not for competition or social interaction.

Aren't multiplayer games without voice chat pretty much just single player games if you imagine the players as bots?

Mp only is the lazy way out.

Isn't having sex with another person pretty much just fucking a fleshlight if you imagine they're a giant fleshlight?

isnt life just a single player game if you imagine everyone around you as npcs?

You can't really throw shade at single player. It's not even a genre; it's bigger than that.
That's like saying movies as a whole suck.

>how do you fags do it?
by literally not being a fag

There's no challenge imo, gotta play against humans

Beating stoners that were literally born for you to beat them isn't 'good in any objective way'.

Sup Forums hates multiplayer because they're bad at it

>waiting to buy a router

depends on what im in the mood for. Sometimes i dont want to tryhard and just want to chill

I understand you're a faggot. Why spread it by making a bait thread?

Reposting a bait thread in rapid succession is faggot shit, OP

The only decent online gaming community I ever knew was for Dragon's Dogma and that didn't even have multiplayer.

Kill yourself. Video games are worse because of faggots like you. Goddamn it, online multiplayer is boring as shit.


Thanks user come join us in our new thread

Only brainlets don't like single player games, studies have confirmed this.

That's how I see life
Most normies are hardly even sentient anyway

That's why the best singleplayer games focus is puzzles and exploration via actual good level design and possibly decent to mediocre combat (2d zelda like, dungeon crawler or metroidvanias for example, in the days we had some games like hexen/exhumed/metroid prime that actually made it work in fps but nobody wants that anymore, just retarded shit shooters, even crap like prey don't even come close).

Shmup are also alright because you need good reflex, memory and pattern reading to survive. The boss can be extremely fun in those games. And no dodge roll bullshit, pure avoidance and positioning or get fucked.

The key to good combat is making sure positioning yourself is extremely important, and possibly giving lots of way to avoid shit (croushing, jumping, moving around, a mix of those, you can even have a dodge roll which only avoid a few specific attacks but no fucking invincibility against the universe). More often than not that also mean you need contact damage outside of shmups.

Basically it's fucked, now good combat is all about playing a shitty rythm game with your dodge/parry key, it's fun for a bit but halfway through dark souls i was already bored of that non existant combat system, monster hunter is a bit better though, they have some interesting attacks sometimes. Sonic mania is kinda interesting despise being far too easy because you can see they really worked on the level design which was surpisingly refreshing nowadays.