Disappointed in ME3

>disappointed in ME3
>willing to give MEA a chance
>brush off shitstorm surrounding the game as everyone overreacting to a few bugs
>it's actually a steaming pile of garbage
Fuck me, I think I'm ready to give up on RPGs now.

Other urls found in this thread:


>disappointed in ME3
>willing to give MEA a chance
Or maybe you're just fucking retarded

>two years and The Witcher 3 still hasn't been surpassed

It's a bad time to be an RPG fan

>it's actually a steaming pile of garbage
It isn't

What's so bad about it? What was the turning point for you to go from 'I'm giving this a chance' to 'It's trash'?

>non existent role playing mechanics
>zero choices to make in the main story
>writing is terrible
>story is forgettable and bland
>characters are so badly written it makes the worst parts of Mass Effect 3 seem better in comparison

>It's a bad time to be a WRPG fan

Fixed that

>characters are so badly written it makes the worst parts of Mass Effect 3 seem better in comparison
this but vetra is my waifu

And you forgot the

>horrible, wooden animations that turn everyone into scary wax dolls
>looks like shit in general actually
>buggy, lazy shit

I for one actually really enjoyed the first couple of hours of it, and I'm not even sure what happened but it sort of lost substance and it became bland. I might give it another shot some day though

>Worst parts of Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3's only flaw was the ending making your choices mean nothing

>brush off shitstorm surrounding the game as everyone overreacting to a few bugs
You've gotta be joking. I can get you falling for a critically acclaimed turd like ME3 was but even Giant Bomb was goofing at Andromeda before release.

When the critics tear apart a AAA game it's a shit game. No exceptions.

I wasn't disappointed in ME3 and still got MEA despite the shitstorm because I wanted it mostly for playing multiplayer with friends.

The multiplayer is significantly worse than ME3, very few classes, garbage enemies that glitch around and have dumb broken grapple attacks, enemies with unavoidable attacks. I don't understand why they didn't just copy ME3

The eyes on almost every character make it impossible to take most conversations seriously. Voice acting is mediocre at the best of times, and being The Room level at the worst. The characters themselves being so boring and clear attempts at remaking the ME1 cast but ended up worse in almost every way. The story so is unfulfilling with a shitty sequel bait ending as if anyone is going to care about what happens next. The writing in general is just awful all round. Horrid UI that makes me believe this game wasn't actually play tested by anyone.

Gun play is alright I guess, but a step back from ME3 for the most part barring the jetpacks.

>tfw kinda want to play the series again and use the EGM on the third game but my autism can't handle not playing the first one but the first one aged like a glass of goat milk in the Sahara desert

Honestly I think it's time for me to dip my toes into JRPGs for the first time. Anyone got good suggestions?

Persona series

j"rpgs" are fucking garbage you stupid casual. they are the the ultimate casual noob shit genre that are impossible to fail at. only subhumans enjoy j"rpgs"

nothing those retarded nips do will ever come close to the golden age of the usarpg

I actually hadn't seem much regarding what critics thought of the game, me being ignorant about it is definitely my fault.

What's the appeal of the Persona series? I hear a lot of talk over Persona 5 but never really looked into it much.

How did the Bioware name fall so far from grace with just one game? Even Inquistion was well liked by critics.

Inquisition was boring as fuck. Even Dragon Age 2 was a better game.

Inquisition was fun

da2 isn't better than anything since it's one of the worst games of all time. inquisition is just boring and mediocre. da2 is a shit fest in every aspect


It was a gradual thing, but many people saw it coming. As soon as EA bought them, everyone panicked and made those pics of EA taking Bioware out back and shooting them. They had a reputation for absorbing and destroying good studios. At first, things seemed okay. EA bought them in 2007 and Mass Effect came out right after with no problems. That was because Bioware made it before they got bought. Dragon Age Origins, widely regarded as one of the last truly good games from Bioware, came out right after and got good praise. Then Mass Effect 2 happened. A lot of people noticed that the game had removed a lot of RPG mechanics, like wearing different armors, and had made gameplay decisions that didn't seem to fit well with previous lore like the heat sink ammunition. Overall though, still a great game. Then Dragon Age 2 came out, and did the shit hit the fan or what? It got absolutely SLAMMED by fans of the first game by being a shallow action game rather than the deep RPG they had before. The game sold tons of pre-release reserved copies though, so fans were understandably upset that they had purchased something very different than what they expected. From there, the trend continued. Bioware increasingly focused on maximizing sales and taking shortcuts to faster releases than they did developing quality mechanics and lore, presumably at the behest of EA. Games like SWTOR and ME:A are the culmination of this steady decline.

Is there even one series out there that EA hasn't completely raped?



That's because it's literally impossible to fuck up Sports games. I don't think I've heard of any controversy surrounding one.

>ok folks lets take the story to a new galaxy and leave the ending of me3 behind
>makes a new story
>its literally a slightly different version of the same story of the first 3 games

they could have literally done anything and we still get the same thing except with space australians


well DA:I was way better than DA2 so there was at least a chance.

Jesus Christ, how do you fuck up this badly with millions and millions of dollars at your disposal?

Star Ocean
Summon Night
Xeno Series
Legend of Mana

Game was kinda fun.
Just had to pretend I was replaying an old PS2 game to get past shitty faces and walking.

Did the animators not understand how Krogan fight? They headbutt the fuck out of each other, not...this

>well, everyone's calling it for the steaming pile of shit that it is
>fuck it, i'll buy it anyway, dab on them haters
You don't deserve to play video games.

Forgive me user, I let my love for Mass Effect blind me to the truth.

Why not just play good rpgs, like the witcher 3, dragons dogma & divinity OS?
Even pillars of eternity and torment numenera are okay. As is wasteland 2
Original sin 2 is out soon, and looks great!

>Listening to marketing shills
>Instead of the entire community which took a fat dump on it

You literally only have yourself to blame for this.

it doesn't matter. da2 ruined the series forever. a stupid fucking monkey like yourself probably doesn't understand the significance of red lyrium and how it forever ruined the moral dilemma between mages and templars. now templars are just as bad as mages HURR DURR HAHA EVERY CHOICE IS THE CORRECT ONE LOLOLOL. go fuck yourself

That's objectively wrong and you know it.

>liking da2
this is how you spot some offsite cancerous faggot. you're not from Sup Forums that's for sure

>first time


Well anyway

Final Fantasy and Shin Megami Tensei are just some examples

>liking DA:I
Don't you have a bull to ride?

Both were shit compared to Origins

What's a decent 3rd person sci-fi shooter in the same vein as Mass Effect? Is Andromeda okay if I go in with really low expectations and ignore all the RPG stuff, or should I just replay ME2?

The only good answer.

>40 million
>5 years in development

That's actually very little for an AAA game developed for 5 years. I smell development hell.

The Technomancer

>Every choice is the correct one
I honestly hate this about recent Bioware games. They don't have the balls to punish the player to the point of a near fail state for making stupid decisions.

Already played it but not with the dagger/gun build.

i don't like dai either, but it can't be worse than da2 which is one of the worst games ever shat out

What if I told you it was.

Gameplay wise DA2 is definite shit, but at least the writing for the characters was better than DAI by a long shot.

waifu faggots are bottom of the barrel in terms of Sup Forums autists.

the writing and characters weren't good. red lyrium ruined the lore forever. the part where your mother gets kidnapped and turned into a zombie sex slave is some of the worst shit i've ever experienced in terms of ineffectual emotional pandering. that goes back to not giving a shit about the characters or family. you're not role playing. you're playing hawke's story. then you have le witty dwarf trope, some stupid whore with a heart of gold and some kawaii uguu~ elf girl. it was shit. it was written and developed by amateurs. if you like da2 even a little bit you're an absolute subhuman

Da2 had better characterization than da3 tho. Da3 feels like it's written purely to be ebin adventure from start to finish. This is the problem with this industry now, they can't sift through things to learn from the bad and retain the good, even in games that are bad, they just make reactionary sweeping changes in a blind attempt to appease everyone and you get games like dai and andromeda that nobody likes.

I will never not be angry at how much they raped Qunari lore. The Arishok would be disgusted by this shit.

Gotta be culture appropriate. They're just misunderstood.

>Da2 had better characterization
what the fuck does this even mean?

disregarded, retard. don't bother replying to my post

Not the same user, but by better characterization I think user meant the characters were more fleshed out and felt more real than the ones in DA:I. I certainly see it that way, the characters in Inquisition were so goddamn boring.


>started playing through the series last year
>while playing the first one MEA get announced
>start putting this into overdrive. want to finish the series before MEA comes out.
>beat 3 like a month before MEA comes out.
>really grinded to get the best ending in 3 thinking it might have something to do with MEA
>excited for MEA
>MEA comes out

at least i enjoyed the trilogy. except for the obvious bad ending of 3

I don't want to buy into the "SJWs have infected the industry" meme too much since I don't think the fringe crazies have that much power but shit like this definitely makes me pause.

You could always look at it as the people in power wanting to virtue signal and appeal to those fringe groups.

The bad end of 3 is honestly a really sad situation because the fans gave Bioware a really easy solution to fix it, at least to some degree, and they didn't take it. Instead deciding to hide behind "muh artistic integrity" and shat on their whole fanbase that thought the end of dogshit. Andromeda deserved the fail the way it did.

Goddamn, this. It isn't even that Witcher has anything but graphics going for it, it's a 7/10 at best and WRPGs still aren't even grazing it.

The Western gaming industry as a whole is just really going down the shitter in recent years. While Japan seems to be making a comeback with some really high quality games.

Seriously OP don't give up on RPGs yet, just look to Japan because there are some great ones like Persona 5 and Tales of Berseria released this year.

Mass Effect 3 had so much more problems than it's shitty ending.

Thanks anons. I'll look into those.

Yeah it looks like Japan is making great games this year if fan reception is anything to be believed. I'll start expanding my gaming horizons.

some one mentioned Persona. from someone thats not a huge JRPG fan Persona 4 was the first JRPG i ever beat. i could never get through any other JRPG. you dont need to play them in order. you can skip the first 3 if you want. or just play 3 or just 5 if you want. etc.

How do you think Anthem will go? Will it save Bioware?

Start with Persona 5 user, it's a good entry point into the series and isn't difficult or anything unless you do the hardest difficulty or whatever. It's my #6 game ever it was so good.

>start with the best game in the series

This will never stop being retarded.

Also Ryder is a giant beta pussy and there's no way to make him even a bit more assertive.

How is that retarded? Unless it's story driven like Metal Gear or something you should. Would you recommend someone plays FF1 over say FF6?

Well, I agree with that. Varric, Isabela, Avelline and Fenris were great and it actually felt like you were developing genuine relationships with them. The friendship/rivalry thing was nice as well.

If you're starting a series and plan to play most of the entries, you should always start at the earliest point. Going back to the previous games in a series that strictly gets better with each entry is stupid because you'll be used to all the general improvements, and the previous games will seem worse for lacking them.

So yeah, if someone was getting into Final Fantasy for the first time, recommending VI over I is retarded.

Divinity OS 2 just came out famalam.

lol this is retarded on so many levels.

>play a shitty outdated version that is almost 100% likely to turn new comers away.

What's stopping them from playing for an hour to see if they like it and skipping to the next one? Oh, that's right. They're too retarded to figure that out and have to be spoonfed like a poopy diaper baby.

It IS possible, actually. "Sports games" nowadays are essentially so pozzed with microtransactions that they might as well be F2P MMOs at this point. If it ain't Ultimate Team or whatever, EA/2K doesn't give a shit.

Currently playing through the series. Holy fuck none of your choices matter at all. Also whats everyone thoughts on Indoctrination theory

Or maybe you can start playing true RPGs instead of Bioware's crap.

Bioware literally pioneered the modern RPG formula and saved the genre before you were born.

I find the Indoctrination Theory to be very interesting with a lot of strong evidence behind it. Shame Bioware never went with it since it was a "get out of jail for free" card they could've used to explain that horrid mess of an ending.

You're wrong and retarded. Fucking kill yourself.

For me Dragon's Dogma will always be the perfect RPG

>Completely blank slate protagonist
>Extensive character customization
>Plethora of playstyles
>Multiple classes with multiple skills to mix and match
>Followers that aren't completely useless (albeit a little annoying Wolves hunt in packs, Arisen)
>Both functional and aesthetic armor to please any type of person.

Can't wait for the re release.

Not impossible. Madden 13 was a ripe piece of dog shit.

>everyone forgetting the last greatest sci-fi rpg was already released in 2010
I dare you to name something that can even compete with this games worldbuilding, lore, characters, story choices and quest flexibility. You probably can't.

Mass Effect 3 cost 40 mil to make and it looks a shit ton better.

I'm not very experienced with sports games, could you explain how it was dog shit?

Indoctrination theory is just "it was all a dream" bullshit that is completely unfalsifiable.

The original plot of "mass effect expends dark energy which is accelerating the destruction of the universe" would have been a better storyline than the shit they went with. Only downside is that it wouldn't have felt "epic" which I'm sure is the reason why EA vetoed it and fired Drew Karpyshyn.

Dragon's Dogma was true gem by Capcom of all developers. Sequel when?

I was gonna call you a retarded faggot but that actually makes sense

A lot of early games from well respected series are touted as being "great if you can get past the dated mechanics or broken gameplay." So yeah, I agree with this user

Play the first game released, if you think the story is worth trudging through any shitty gameplay then do so. If not, skip it on to the next game, while reading a synopsis of the ditched one.

When they drop that shitty Dragon's Dogma MMO in Japan and realize that DD was their most promising IP's in the last decade.

Why was Fallout the only series to actually be inventive and creative with the sci-fi genre rather recycle the same tacky and generic shit seen for decades since the 70's?

Everyone will just savescum/replay for the "correct" choice anyway. And the ones who can't be bothered will probably just drop the game entirely.

What we really need are different outcomes, not better/worse outcomes.

Too unpolished to be called perfect.

>get caught inside the loli Queen's bedroom after witnessing the King strangling her
>thrown in jail, breakout
>guards don't care, King talks to me like nothing fucking happened

>that fucking ending and the absolute pain in the ass the beloved system is