>A well balanced, well thought-out third-person PVP brawler with depth
I never played For Honor but that game looked awful and honestly in terms of PVP this does better than Souls did.
A well balanced, well thought-out third-person PVP brawler with depth
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But how am I supposed to see what moves people do and dodge them with windfall style? It seems way too difficult. Also, there aren't any grabs, what the fuck????
Windfall is shit
Slower attacks have telltales and there's patterns to every fighter's set of attacks. AKA one move is gonna flow into another and into another. So if you see x move, you know it'll flow into y. It's mainly about educated guessing, idk if you've ever played 3rd Strike but it's similar in you gotta see what your opponent is doing and make an educated guess from there. Honestly, sometimes you can just guess and it works too, it's not super effective but you do have a 1 in 4 chance every time.
No it's not lol.
Yeah, but in Third Strike you aren't limited by your "Combat Deck".
Yeah you are lol each fighter has only so many normal and special moves. And they all have priorities of either being a high or low attack. Similar to Absolver.
That's not true. In Third Strike I can do a light punch then a medium punch, or I can do a light punch then a low medium kick. In Absolver, I can only do light punch then medium punch unless I back out of combat and redo my "Combat D*ck"
I'm gonna get this game tomorrow, how is Forsaken fighting style? How difficult is parrying?
Absolver is a fresh new take on a genre that desperately needed it
Depending on how you setup your combat deck and what button you decide to press each time can vary your patterns up but because of a move flowing into another move that actually helps with pattern recognition and therefore it'd help with dodging with Windfall. You can also fake out too.
tell me what avoid can do better than parry and absorb
Not sure since I haven't gotten to those two yet. Absorb seems the most OP, at least when I fight enemies it's OP. I just don't think Windfall is that bad, it's fairly easy to dodge moves and you get stamina back.
Forsaken can be quite a bit to deal with. The Perry is input either left or right, as opposed to the windfall which has a four Direction Dodge. Forsaken is rated the most difficult to play, I haven't gotten around to creating forsaken main yet however.
This game sucks I already uninstalled LMAO
>Parry is left or right but avoid is 4 directions
Don't hate. Being able to hop over leg sweeps and duck under high punches is the most satisfying thing.
Forsaken parries either left or right, depending on where the attack is physically coming from. This makes them a little more susceptible to being ganged up on, but a parry is pretty much the best defensive ability, since it completely stops the fight's momentum.
Khalt's Absorb is the easiest to use, you just flick the stick, but it also gives you the least immediate benefits. It will negate any knock back from an attack and turn the damage white, meaning an attack from you will regen it. It also gives back between a quarter and third of your stamina. Think of Absorb as the rope-a-dope, it's there for you to endure a barrage of attacks and counter attack.
Windfall is for faggots.
Most attacks can be avoided by two or more directions of the "Avoid". For example, sweeping attacks can be avoided with UP and either Left or Right, if not both.
Absorb NPCs are a fucking pain in the ass, though, I always end up cheesing them with break moves.
To bad servers are dowbn like 90% of the time
Yeah, it takes TIME, i don't even bother dodging any move with out long windup
it doesnt stop the move so you can counter while the guy is doing a long wind up on nothing, also it increases your jewel power and stamana much faster when you do it
A lot of wide arc attacks cannot be avoided with left or right, and they can be a little difficult to tell if they're coming high or low. I fought a windfall guy that after losing twice finally figured out my attack string, which is when I switched to my second one that incorporated two wide sweeps that he just couldn't deal with.
My Windfall brothers forget that dodging back exists, forgive them, please.
Its hard as fuck, unless they do a red move or a gold move i cant predict shit
They will learn.
We will make them.
It doesn't though doing the space bar dodge is only good if the enemy is not mid attack because you will be hit anyway
You can also avoid while blocking.
practice on the npcs in the Oration Quarter, the ones that do the kicking bullshit combos, you'll die alot but they are easy to read and practice ducking and jumping with imo
Too bad the combat feels crappy.
I don't care how deep it is if it isn't fun.
Definitely going to be picking this game up over the weekend once I get paid.
My question is, how does this game work? Is it online while you play a story? Or go through some kind of arcade mode? I keep hearing people facing NPCs and players simultaneously.
why does it feel crappy to you? seems pretty rewarding so far, but I play Windfall so I get to have fun in fights, can't speak for absorbfags or darksouls dudes
about 6 H of single player to teach you the game then its all pvp
my one issue is that you stance changes when people move around you, once you get into dodge wars i cant keep up with what stance im in anymore and its just random flailing instead of my strategic attacks, maybe if the stance icons were ontop of your guy in the middle of the screen instead of off to the side
I'll take your copy user, refund it and give it to me
After you level up in PvP, you unlock harder bossfights, too.
>My question is, how does this game work?
You build your combat deck and get good
>Is it online while you play a story? Or go through some kind of arcade mode?
You fight minibosses/bosses, but the 'story' is buries in the lore. Think of the story as more as a personal journey of learning and adapting until you become a true 'monk'.
>I keep hearing people facing NPCs and players simultaneously
The NPCs are always present unless you are near an altar or crossing area between zones, other players join your area based on region from what i can tell, but you can play offline to avoid player to player until you want to deal with that
Yeah I don't see the issue, it has a lot of depth for a game that gives fairly easy access. Moves are responsive, got enemy AI to practice on.
You basically play on a giant map with the objective of having to beat enemy AI and boss AI and players can jump in and out of areas for you to coop with or fight or leave alone.
>honestly in terms of PVP this does better than Souls did.
thats not saying much considering souls is primarily pve
It also sounds like you can create multiple characters. Is that true?
>Little to no customization
>Combat is slow (for move-reading purposes I know, but still slow)
>You can be thrown off ledges
I refunded the game wasnt for me I hated the animations and the sounds in this game wished for more PVE content too
You can but I don't think you will want to given you can have all the styles on one character and re-acquiring attacks is no fun
>stance changes when people move around you
your stance is based on who you are locked onto unless you mean when you attack someone other than who you are locked on to in which case it is relative to them which makes perfect sense
>once you get into dodge wars i cant keep up with what stance im in anymore and its just random flailing instead of my strategic attack
the strategy seems lost at first but that is literally part of the skill of the game, knowing your deck to the point that it is second nature so you only have to read the opponent and outplay them
>maybe if the stance icons were ontop of your guy in the middle of the screen instead of off to the side
the stance is on the bottom under your stamina, the fuck do you mean?
Gotcha, from what people were saying I thought maybe you weren't able to have all the stuff unlocked on one character. Good to know.
Who would suit Forsaken best?
>Little to no customization
lolwut, you can literally customize the entire moveset
>Combat is slow
I've fought a lot of fast folks, I play fast myself by bombarding enemies with constant attacks. Even for slow attacks shit is pretty fast, so I don't know what you're talking about. What do you consider fast combat? Like what game has fast combat to you?
>Can be thrown off ledges
I feel that to a point but.... Mind your surroundings.
PVE is, for all intents and purposes, practically the same as PVP.
the only reason to start a new character is probably to check out the primary skills (parry/dodge/absorb) until you like one off the bat, you can learn all the moves eventually but it will take a while
Ip man, them wing parries my guy
>Little to no customization
visual? muh fashionsouls
in combat? get gud
I play as windfall too. Lets see
1. Dodge is garbage because it goes 2 feet and has no i frames.
2. avoid is pointless because the game spawns 2 or 3 enemies like 50% of the time and you can just get punched by one while dodging one of their attacks. Might as well just block and jab on repeat.
3. The game world is boring as hell. Nothing but masked hobos and rubble.
anyone know how to join a school?
>Has a lot of depth.
Yeah, but its not fun. I don't know what you don't get here. I played it and didn't have fun. The combat feels wrong, the game world is crap, the servers are laggy and I just can't get into it.
>1. Dodge is garbage because it goes 2 feet and has no i frames.
>needing i frames because similar games have it
I only use dodge if there is a need to leave a fight or reposition, but honestly unlocking and running is better at times
>2. avoid is pointless because the game spawns 2 or 3 enemies like 50% of the time and you can just get punched by one while dodging one of their attacks. Might as well just block and jab on repeat.
>avoid is pointless
bruh, get gud. Avoid in group fights is hard to do, but as windfall if you get surrounded you have to push the enemies away and keep switching focus to keep them off of you, if you can't do that then keep repositioning and focus one down quickly
>3. The game world is boring as hell. Nothing but masked hobos and rubble
I like the minimal interaction with NPCs and the visual mystery kind of storytelling it forces on the players, but the aesthetics aren't for everyone.
You have to find a mentor first, only way to be a mentor is to have your own school which is acquired by playing 1v1 matches. The point of a school is to use someone else's combat deck, which probably wont happen for a while and will likely be a thing that streamercunts do with their fans
the only school that isn't player based is the one that gets you Stagger Style, which you have to be lvl 30 to unlock the NPC to fight and then the area to reach the NPC that has the school
im sure this game is fun and all 20 hours in but i just felt like i was watching a bar fill up to click at the right time like I was in witcher 1, except you had more fluidity and mobility in witcher 1. I dont got the time or patience to make sense of this deck building shit let alone remember what my attack sequence and alternates are/link into. this game will be fun to watch some high level autists go at it but not me
This game is weird because it falls into the category where brainlets like you can't pick it up but fighting game autismos laugh at how simple it is
>I need i-frames
It would feel better than dodging and getting clipped over and over
>Get Gud
Eh. I don't feel like it. Even when I do dodge well and shit, it doesn't feel good. I could become king badass and it would still be underwhelming. Again, its just not fun.
>Minimal interaction
You mean none?
>Visual mystery
You mean how every level looks identical?
>get gud
you shouldn't need to defend a game with this term
Come on man every level has a pretty nice aesthetic to it. To say any of them resemble each other in structure or look is shitposting at best
fuck of Sup Forumsirgins your just angry this game didnt flop on launch its kicking dark souls,for honor,blade symphonys, and even legit fighting games asses
fighting games are fine since moves are dished out on a per-character basis. this is a lot different since you have to figure out which moves are good for certain things as well as which moves complement what you have. so you take this complex deckbuilding package and then cram it into a choice of 4 different attack strings that are only ever broken by the Y attack. i guess what im trying to say is that the actual combat part is not involving, or entertaining enough to learn the complex deck building element.
its losing people faster than for honor
Do you have a single number to back up your shitposting?
why is this game melting my CPU?
it's not well optimized at all but I can get at least 48-55 fps on 4790k at 1440p but I'm reaching nearly 90C.
>You mean none
There are actual NPCs to talk to, you just have to find them
if you mean the art style is consistent then yes, but each area has its own feeling and flow as well as visual distinction
>its just not fun
can't make you like something you don't like
>you shouldn't need to defend a game with this term
people complain about things that are skill based and I'm telling them to get better to fix their complaints, but i'm the asshole?
It launched on Tuesday with 18k and now its down to a 12k peak today and now with 7k playing it
Still fake news garbage
How is it fake news look for yourself
>fighting games are fine since moves are dished out on a per-character basis. this is a lot different since you have to figure out which moves are good for certain things as well as which moves complement what you have.
The point of the game is that every player is their own character, you have to see what style they are playing and then learn their combat string, since it is best of 3 you have time to learn most of their moves unless they are smart and know not to let you read them all in the first few rounds.
>choice of 4 different attack strings that are only ever broken by the Y attack.
>not involving, or entertaining enough to learn the complex deck building element.
that's your issue senpai, if you don't care about the system then you won't use it well it is literally that simple
>dude do you ever like wonder why nobody is playing the game which has its servers down??
>also I'll pretend the game never released on GOG because I value saying dumb shit on the internet more than making logical points
Ip Man
>game so shit devs forgot to turn the servers on for 2 days in a row
How do you find a mentor? Does another player have to invite you to their school or something?
lmao your all mad Sup Forums users the game is a success
Its beating For Honor which was shit and its beating your precious Japanese fighting games
You have to find them in your area, so it's random unless they are on your friend's list. If you find them I think there is an option if they are a mentor for you to ask to be a student.
Honestly at this point there is no reason to join a school other than the Stagger school because joining a random person's school to get their combat deck without knowing how good it is makes no sense
Numbers probably dropped because the servers went down again. Seemed like there was a pretty decent boost once the servers came back up again. That's generally where the real fun seems to be anyway. I was playing a sort of vigilante type guy looking for guys being ganked and jumping in to help them out, giving them the thumbs up after the fight was over, and then running off
>people actually managed to make UE4 look and run like unity
holy shit
does their deck overwrite your own deck or can you choose between the two
Are the servers down? A friend seems to be online, but it won't connect for me.
You choose between the two from what i can tell. Here's an example of the school system, though i haven't seen and player to player, but it should be similar
they're down for me, NA
yea, definitely, thanks
just play offline, grind and wreck when the servers are back up
But I want to wreck NOW
patience my dude, perfect that deck my dude
>sitting in the combat deck edit screen
>notice that different stance icons light up when moving around moves
>the game literally tells you which moves connect to which alternatives so you can mix up shit mid combo
jesus how deep IS this game? there's nothing like knowing your deck inside and out
I just have it so every 2 lights combo into a quick heavy so I can keep chaining that way, then do 3 lights when I want to end with a slow heavy
prove you're actually good
>people ITT talking shit about the combat system
At least someone else knows this shit, I figured this out two hours in while i was grinding a marked one. My current deck cycles through all the stances infinitely until i break it with an alt, not going to be great for PvP but I'm grinding out PvE first
that's what i've been doing since the beta
Someone in the /vg/ general mentioned he learned the best way to master combat was using sound and building a rhythm based on the sound of hits. Get yourself a blindfold and learn to fight blind
Oh fuck, I'm not hardcore enough for this
isn't that the point of the meter around your stamina gauge? from what i can tell it is like a timing meter to keep momentum up which is why it jumps around for each move, haven't delved too deeply into this though because in a 2v1 in PvE you don't have time to look at it
I noticed that my combos have a certain rhythm when this one attack had a slight delay compared to the others and it always caused me to mess up the chain
For Honor is shit but at least it has good concept
Absolver is just straight up garbage
>Absolver is just straight up garbage
proof it
>Reach the Arena
>First boss I'm fighting, has a cinematic and everything
>He's easy as fuck and I get his gloves at the end
>Explore around a bit
>Find the Marked girl sitting above the arena
>One straight hour of getting killed before I can defeat her
i played the game and it was shit
Thoughts on my deck? Got it set up so stance 2 is sort of my normal one two combo but using my alternative attack delivers a slower heavy hitting punch that puts me into stance 1 so I can follow the power hit up with a hay maker or cancel out of it by throwing a normal attack that puts me back into stance 2.
Also got it so that stances 3 & 4 are sort of my power move stances where I deliver two wide swings with the alternative attacks while regular attacks put me back into stance 2.