Which fucking idiot thought having to grind healing items was a good idea...

Which fucking idiot thought having to grind healing items was a good idea? I can't think of a game that has a shittier healing system than this.

>He has to grind for vials

git gud you fucking pleb

everyone grinds for vials

you did too

dont fucking lie

You don't have to grind for them though

I only ever needed to worry about vials when i fought some of those dlc bosses. Otherwise it wasn't much of a problem.

Came here to say this

Every other enemy drops them

Bloodborne is the literally the Sushi chef of the gaming world.

Its adherents believe doing boring repetitive shit, akin to cleaning rise, is a hall mark of the activity's superiority.

>can get all of your health back if you hit shit
>complains about not being able to heal enough

>spending more than 5m grinding vials

Only in certain levels. There are levels where almost no enemies drop them so you're forced to grind every time you lose against the boss.

You can get like 450 vials in 10 min if you know what you are doing

which is why you kill them instead of run past them... as you retry on bosses/areas.... multiple times.................

you...... seee..... wheere........ this............ is............. going..................

not really
most bloodborne fags admit that blood vials were shit
they tend to prefer the lack of shields, and mainly the rally mechanic

really though why couldn't From stick to the healing system in DS1? it improved so much on Demon's Souls, and they threw it all away with lifegems in the second game.

The same one that thought going through the shitty chalice dungeons on every character was a good idea, who also thought that repeatedly killing the same enemies/bosses 1 thousand times for the best gems was a good idea.

You must be really bad if you don't have a huge backstock.

Here let me help speed up your grinding though. Nightmare cathedral lantern. Chain visceral the big guys for bullets and vials then kill the corpse wailing on the gate near Ludwig for more vials. I think it nets around 10.

Or you could just git gud

I don't think I ever had to farm for a single vial

Every time I cleared a major dungeon I always went back and spent some of the savings on spare vials, just in case

Name one level that doesn't feed you vials

Arguably every game with consumables. Hundreds if not a thousand games do that.

>HAVE to

No you fucking don't. Get good, or get punished.

It's not even just that. Not only does the notion of running out of vials and having to grind them suck for new or bad players the fact that the BASE cap is 20 from the very start of the game makes the boss fights ridiculously easy provided you go in with 20 every time.

If you EVER run out of bloodvials at all you fucking suck and that's a fact of life my friend. They have a high drop rate, you find them lying around everywhere and they're cheap as hell too. Yall are trash man.

Why are using all 20 vials every boss? How have you not built up a considerable backstock just by progressing through the game? Why don't you just buy a bunch when you have a big cache of blood echoes?

The last one keeps you from overleveling instead of gitting gud ;)

i guarantee you i'm better than you.

id rape your fucking robert deniro ass you fucking reaction image cunt faggot

you would never even deal 1dmg to my characte with your homo r1 spam you cunt

I didn't.
1. Central Yharnam has a pretty high drop rate.
2. Regular drop when co-op
3. After levelling up I always used my spare blood echoes to buy as many vials as possible.

If you need them I can spare a hundred ones.

Never had the grind them once I got the basic mechanics of the game down, which were piss easy to understand. I was easily hitting 99 vials in my stock like, half way through the game.

So gonna go out on a limb and say you kinda suck at fightin'

say that to my face bitch, not only ne and see what happnens

for real though it's just like demon's souls

if you hang around boletaria a lot or keep grinding through the later areas early on then you'll have way more healing items than you'll ever need.

if you don't, then you'll find yourself consciously having to return to boletaria

same is true in bloodborne.


>I was easily hitting 99 vials in my stock like, half way through the game.
>only 99
git gud


The years have not been kind to Clifford.

Damn, Cliffy looks like my ex-wife's husband.

This, some mobs ALWAYS drop blood vials.

2 brick trolls drop 2 each
2 werewolves drop 3 each!

Thats 10 already. Now you can either do it again or run to where gascoigne is and get anoter 6-8.

18 bloodvials in 1 run, that once rehearsed takes about 2 - 3 minutes.

Graveyard with all the gun enemies will net you 20 bullets easily.

You guys just suck

At times my stock was at the limit so I couldn't pick up vials (600, I guess?) due to myself engaging in co-op all the time.

you're a piss weak pretzel skinned cunt and i'd happily fuck your ass with a baseball bat in public

your thoughts on bloodborne are not correct. if you were not finding yourself in need of blood vials, then that means you were dying a lot instead of healing.

your ass is grass kid

anyway, point is you were either losing/leveling (functionally there is no difference) too much and were too strong for what you were fighting, or you're just lying

so fuck off and suck my cock you retard.

you're familiar enough with this process to be able to quantify the amount of blood vials you can produce on a "per run" basis and you are saying others suck??

nah dude. dont. lie. you know this because you did it, because it works, because the game's design guides you toward doing it.

stop trying to be cool, fag.

>make a thread about some obscure game
>don't mention the name of the game
>don't put the name of the game in the filename
>everyone in the thread dances around stating the name of the game outright

Seriously, fuck each and every one of you. If you want people to discuss your fucking obscure game, maybe say what it is so people can fucking check it out. Otherwise fuck off.

it becomes a grind when you have to do a boss and theres nothing inbetween you and them.

if its a difficult one, you will have to leave and grind for more.

or if you have a high tolerance level, go do some chalice dungeons. lvl 3 - 4+ gives fucking loads of echos and you will never run out afterwards

Just buy it.

>Do chalice dungeons
>Every enemy shits out at last 2
>Spend chalice souls on bloodvials do you don't over level yourself

i just dont understand how you have so much time to post when you have to farm all those vials because lack of skill etc etc

>chalice dungeons
>not grinding


>he thinks the game is obscure
>not using reverse image to see where its from
>not directly googling the filename to see what it is
>being this retarded
>in the current year

Just in case you're not baiting the game name is said in the thread, otherwise enjoy this (You)

It borderlines on it. If your goal is to get to the Queen then all the echos and vials are just a fortunate byproduct

but yes, most of it is grind

you expect us to believe you didnt struggle with a single boss at all--never found yourself out of blood vials through the course of the entire game

well, i dont fucking believe you

>gaem is hard
>i will lie about being gud at gaem
>cool cul coool i dcooul

just fuck off man. you're a piece of shit

>all my friends are git gud memers
>find out some use summons for every fight, all for some
If you use summons at all on your first play through you don't have the right to call yourself good at the game. You've purposefully made it easier to avoid "getting good"

if you channeled this rage into getting better at the game farming vials wouldn't be a necessity for you man

It is indeed a shit idea, and the game should start you with the max 20 when you respawn

On the other hand, if you just use buy some every time you're in the hub area you'll never run out and won't need to grind

I do them because I like getting good blood gems and chalice exclusive bosses, bloodvials just happen to go with it

Generally just spending your leftover echoes on them after a level-up/weapon upgrade will give you far more blood vials than you'll ever need, not to mention how often they're dropped. I've only ever ran out of vials when I was trying to do chalice dungeons at a low level or while doing a half-assed speedrun attempt.

im mad at you because you are lying and are not good at the game

your statements about your experience with the game are blatant misrepresentations of your actual experience with it

so fuck off and die

Blood vials are retarded for a variety of reasons, but BBfags are too busy sucking Miyazaki's cock to recognize it.

Why hunter doesn't just suck the blood from dead body to replenish HP.
If he can heal by bathing blood, then he definitely can do it as well.

I mean you could also use this time to farm vials dude. thats like, 0.5% more prudoctive

He's actually injecting his right leg with the vial if you pay attention to the animation. Also I don't know if beastblood is different from the vials, it might be bad for you

You didn't have trouble with a single boss? I couldn't beat Kos or as some call him, Kosm for the first 20 tries when the rest of the bosses took maybe 3-4 times max. The one (or I guess 19) times I did it, it was really fucking lame.

>I can't think of a game that has a shittier healing system than this.
Demon's Souls

Kos was easy for me, I had the hardest time with the chalice bosses

you don't have to level up, use echoes to buy them

>get tons of vials that i dont use because i played the game very slowly and always tried to improve/ look at what i did wrong when I took a hit
>never try to power level, only go back to dream when i find a new lantern
>level up, spend any excess echos that i can't immedadetly level with on vials
>by the fuck_the_snakes.jpg zone i have a mass hoard of vials and, despite having trouble with some later bosses, never needed to go back to zones for the explicit purpose of grinding for echos/vials
>stupid shitposters try to say its a game design flaw when it has a very obvious solution, mostly because they're upset the game is fun

I really hate the "git gud" meme, but come on guys this wasn't that hard to figure out after the first time it happens to you..............

Isn't most of the blood directly from the Daughter of the Cosmos?

It wasn't neither Kos or Kosm.

>game has healing items as a common drop from enemies
>'literally the worst healing system in any videogame ever!'
Have soulsbabs ever played any game that isn't Dark Souls 1-3?

>wasn't neither
So you're saying it was?

>yfw all the stupid reddit-spacing posts are just complaining about the game because they are bad at it

I think Bloodborne is the easiest of the Soulsborne games (or at least of the ones I've played: 1, 2, 2SOTFS, 3, BB. Haven't played Demon's Souls yet) due to how agile and mobile your character is. Due to that I never ran out of vials even when I found some of the bosses hard to beat.
Also, I believe there is nothing wrong about the vials and they fit Bloodborne in a way something like the cestus flasks wouldn't. After all, Bloodborne is Bloodborne and Dark Souls is Dark Souls.

>really though why couldn't From stick to the healing system in DS1?

So far there has been no game that didn't allow you to farm surplus healing items.

People are not bad like you. If you had to farm vials the game is telling you to play something else since you suck. Vials are bad because they promote sloppy play, not because shitters can't beat a easy game and need to farm for health

>Central Yharnam
>Cathedral Ward
>Old Yharnam
>Forbidden Woods
>Nightmare of Mensis
>Hunter's Nightmare
>Fishing Village
That's nearly every level in the entire fucking game that drops Blood Vials. And every single mandatory area is in that list

>warp to the witch's abode lamp
>go outside and fight a couple of those big armoured dudes
>get 8 vials
>buy more vials with the blood echoes you obtain
>rinse and repeat if necessary
>wow such a grind

Blood Vials are fucking everywhere, unless you suck at the game, it's never really a problem. Personally I prefer DaS1-3's system, but grinding for Blood Vials was never really an issue.

>Am now at the point where I can't loot anymore blood vials or quicksilver bullets
>Constantly spend echoes buying paper now
>This was halfway through NG+


I hope OP never plays Shadow Tower Abyss or he may have an aneurysm

>In-game stores sell limited amounts of healing items. Once you buy all of them you can't buy more until yo reach the next store
>Healing items can be found scattered on the levels but they're rare
>They're also very, very rare drops from a few enemies
>Weapon durability is so low it would make Dark Sous 2 and System Shock 2 blush.

Just don't get hit then

are you retards aware you can just buy vials too? like, the enemies you kill to farm them, also give you those things called echoes that you can use to buy them. you can get like 80 vials in one trip if you equip the bonus echo runes, kill the three piggies on the top level of mensis, then blow all the echoes on vials. and that's just one run, which takes a few mins tops. other than that, ALWAYS spend whatever remaining echoes you have left on vials after leveling up, buying gear, upgrading weapons, etc.

Fuck me, forgot to add:
>To repair weapons you need to sacrifice health so basically you're paying the repairs with your healing items.

>>To repair weapons you need to sacrifice health

Vials are indeed a fucking retarded idea that stain an otherwise great game.

There is absolutely no reason vials couldn't just work like estus flasks.
If you are so damn good that you never need to go out of your way to get more vials on your first playthrough, then they are worse than estus flasks because it makes the game easier when you're already having no trouble, since you can get extra healing from enemy drops. Pointless.
And if you do run out, then you need to grind which wastes your time for no fucking reason when you want to focus on defeating whatever is stumping you.
Vials are inferior to Estus in every situation.

You know what, vials might have made sense if you didn't drop your echoes on death, since then your "penalty" would be having to spend more resources to buy vials.
But if you didn't, idiots would complain that From is pandering to casuls so it couldn't be the case.

the worst part is running back to the boss, I'd rather have 0 pots but always have an instant rematch

git gud

>the worst part is running back to the boss
That's one of the parts about the series that I really like. It encourages you to learn the area and figure out how best to swerve enemies and make a bee-line toward the boss. It actually makes speedrunning the game a fun challenge run, since the game has basically been training you to do it whenever you ate shit at a boss.

Exactly what it says: the more damaged the weapon is, the more health you need to give to repair it.
On the other hand you can find rings / armor pieces that allow you to regen health (like a pair of converse tennis, of all things), but it regen too few (late in the game it may take up to 40 minutes to regen all of your health). Also, you can do the opposite and sacrifice a weapon in exchange for healing.


>go through 4 loading screens in total to go back to the boss you were fighting
>have to do it again if you're having difficulties with it

is right. If you're good you have surplus healing making everything easier and if you're bad you have to go through the chore of vial farming. It's bad design.
Also remember that not everyone has a lot of experience playing these games. I played the other souls games before so I went through the game rather smoothly, but some are going to start with that game and they are going to die a lot, and in turn they will need to farm vials. Even an experienced player can get stuck on a boss and will go through his vial stash very quickly.
No matter how easy it is there is NOTHING fun about vial farming.

But heh I forget we're talking about a souls game and if you don't think they are the second coming of Christ you need to git gud.

I always just used blood echoes at the workbench to repair
I dont recall needing to spend health on it

Sup Forums complains about vials in Bloodborne for the same reason it complained about ADP in Dark Souls 2: Sup Forums is shit at Soulsborne.
You guys need infinite healing items and infinite invincibility frames to go through the games, and when one of those things are denied you throw a tantrum

I was talking about Shadow Tower Abyss, user, not Bloodborne.

well fuck, my bad

This is me. I love Bloodborne but i'm average at best. I don't have tantrums, but i do have a shitload of breaks.

>Hitting space bar

the get good meme was invented for people like you

>this post again

You need to get good.

I still can't kill Laurence.


Don't even bother OP, fromdrones can't accept the fact that their games have tiny flaws, so you'll get memed by them telling you to git gud because they are unable to defend this
Just move on

I had issues with the living failures, as I couldn't hold myself from trying to end that shitty fight earlier

why grind for vials when you can just buy them?
they are really cheap

anyways, you can just heal from hitting your enemies