*breathes in*

*breathes in*

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Wait, hold the shitposting.

Misty and Brock are back?

The gangs all here *sniff*

pokemon anime isnt video games

I'm glad Misty is back but fuck, that artstyle is just something else. It feels like it takes away from their character, somehow

They gave misty a little titty enlargement or is it just me


Well they look more like kids now.
They also look like they move more than 2 frames per second.

How the fuck did it manage to become less detailed

Underrated post

Pretty sure it's a special or something. Don't really know though.

it looks worse in screenshots but much much better in motion, its much more active and expressive, the old style was very static

this isn't videogames, this thread belongs on /vp/, talking about the pokemon games on Sup Forums is fine but not the anime

why the fuck are they wearing the same clothes they wore 20 years ago?

Man, what the fuck happened to their budget?

Her tits look the same size, but her shirt appears looser. Also, I just realized how uncomfortable it must be to have suspenders pressing down on your nips like that.

Only like 3 episodes, I think?
Idk they are back when he goes back to Kanto, so how ever long that is.

They're poorfags.

Is it that hard to draw edges insead of curves?

Why does the Pokemon fanbase have the worst Nostalgia fags

It looks better in motion

>20 years ago

They're still all 10 years old. Or maybe 12 if you want to be really generous.

Even pikachu is going apeshit.
That's just too funny.

Top is a frame from one of the movies. And the anime actually has budget put on it.

is that a moustache on ash? can't unsee

except that it doesn't

Notice how action cartoons stopped being a thing unless they looked like garbage (Samurai Jack)?

Cell animation and action was easier to do than flash/computer animation and action.

>Samurai Jack

they simplified the character designs so that they could be more active in the animation

Its either simple designs with a lot of movement and expression or slightly more detailed designs that barely move and are expensive as fuck to animate.

Unless its a movie or something, the slightly less detailed but more expressive option is always better imo, it only looks worse in screecaps

SM artstyle>>>>>>>>>>>>>>XY artstyle

>Cell animation and action was easier to do than flash/computer animation and action.
No it wasn't, it was harder and more expensive, its mostly that flash animators are fucking lazy and they want new shows to be as cheap as possible because they can be

As a Gen oner this has got me hyped as fuck.

Pokemon went to shit after gen 2 so they should just start over

That's a real bad example because the rest of the gi joe movie and series looked like ass.

Genndy Tartovosky has a terrible art style that only worked for Dexter and PPG, senpai.

>Cell animation and action was easier to do than flash/computer animation and action.

shit opinions>>>>>>>>>>>>>your opinion

shit opinions>>>>>>>>>>>>>your opinion

>Genndy Tartovosky has a terrible art style that only worked for Dexter and PPG, senpai.

t.someone that never watched Samurai Jack and now pretends it was shit because the new season was popular for a bit

This isnt any worse or better, you le wrong generation nostalgia fags.

I watched it back then and watch some of the new awful season. The show was always ugly with its jagged character designs.

shit opinions>>>>>>>>>>>>>your opinion

>Genndy Tartovosky has a terrible art style
he's a fucking genius when it comes to animating on a budget, he could make cool shit without having to spend a fortune animating it. Samurai Jack looks the way it does so that they could afford to do all of the cool stuff they wanted on a realistic budget

He's not wrong. Samurai Jack looks as good as an episode of South Park.

I don't watch the show

How did we go from this...

The new seasons of Samurai Jack has some awful looking CG vehicles compared to the old series, so he's not that much of an animation genius.

shit opinions>>>>>>>>>>>>>your opinion

>slightly less detailed but more expressive option is always better
There are ways to make things less detailed and still have them look good, take wind waker for example.
What does that have to do with edges and curves though? Jack had a rather edgy design.


Fuck off OP. It's not even about the game, it's the anime.

Everytime I see an image with Ash and Misty together I get the urge to go and read Ash/Misty fanfiction.

shit opinions>>>>>>>>>>>>>your opinion

You're both literal idiots that probably think flappy mouth anime is an example of good animation compared to Samurai Jack.

It really doesn't matter to me if you think Samurai Jack is poorly animated, but I still want to call you retards to talking about something with any sense of authority when you know nothing about it and know that you really don't know anything about it.

Artificial edgy designs

Bottom looks so lazy. Misty's suspenders aren't even holding onto her shorts

>Wind Waker
>look good

reminded me of the atom bomb anime WEBM

How do you know he wasn't from the start

shit opinions>>>>>>>>>>>>>your opinion

I can't get over how terrible Ash looks with the new artstyle, those weird lines he has underneath his eyes look like a mustache now. Misty's kind of cute though

We need Cell animation back dammit.

to this?

>You're both literal idiots that probably think flappy mouth anime is an example of good animation compared to Samurai Jack.

God no. A lot of anime is cheaply made shit, but that doesn't excuse Samurai Jack for having awful character designs.


Go ahead user.
You could be the next pioneer of this one shit no one uses anymore.

This is terrible

He was always a Mexican, look at his XY design

>Ash is slightly brown
Japan confirmed for lost.

>still no Blu-ray releases of Batman TAS and Superman TAS
Fucking get on this shit already WB

Honestly I always thought Pokemoms style was pretty shit, even as a kid I refused to watch it just because it looked so shitty

cell animation objectifies women, whereas computer animations can be altered on the fly by feminist officials

As a kid I always assumed that Ash was latino or some type of brown race and Brock was black

shit opinions>>>>>>>>>>>>>your opinion

>flashbacks of the pillar men in Araki's current style

They went from homoerotic to staright up gay.

As someone that's been watching the anime consistently since the beginning, yes it does. I was very skeptical at first because it seemed like they were just trying to make the art cheaper or mimic the yokai watch style, but it's very noticeable how much more dynamic some of the animations, particularly facial expressions, are now. I have way more nostalgia for the old style used up through Sinnoh, and even I think the new style is a refreshing change. That being said, you can almost never beat the quality of the movies with episodes from the show.

There is literally nothing wrong with Samurai Jack, you should really learn the difference between something that you don't like and something that is objectively bad

You guys must not have seen the animation in dragon ball super

Because the pioneers used to eat coral.

shit opinions>>>>>>>>>>>>>your opinion

For a while I thought that I was being nostalgic and that computer generated and digital animation was just the natural progression of things.

Then I watched the old Superman cartoons from the 30's again and realized that stuff is way better and more consistent than most animation nowadays.

>*breathes in*
I'm deeply concerned for this guy

pic very related

Ah yes the fluid animation sacrificing actually good art meme.Why don't you just watch stick figure matrix animations?

shit opinions>>>>>>>>>>>>>your opinion

The character shape lacks depth - I'm sorry you like designs made by a retarded child (mentally I'm sure Genndy is a child)

Daily reminder that they're in their early 30s now.

He has always been brown desu

Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian

>The character shape lacks depth
it doesn't need depth, he's a samurai lost in time and we don't even know his name, all we know about Jack is that he's a good guy and wants to kill Aku and get back to the past

As someone that's been watching the anime consistently since the beginning, yeah the new Pokemon anime is pretty much cheap garbage.

shit opinions>>>>>>>>>>>>>your opinion


>*breathes in*
you ok?

Will Ash beat Mega Steelix with an electric move? For old time's sake?

You're watching an anime, not a fucking power point presentation.

>takes the worst looking pic he can find just to prove a weak point
Sure user, whatever you say.

Pokemoms are hot, specially Serena's mom

looks awful

shit opinions>>>>>>>>>>>>>your opinion

What is Pikachu's moveset now, anyhow? I remember being annoyed about how they axed Volt Tackle in favor of Electro Ball.

>Those random lines on his underwear

Awful - no starting point, again, no depth to the character design, lines of nonsense.

>Why don't you just watch stick figure matrix animations?
I would if they still made them, asshole.