Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums
what are some good games for my 10 year old brother?

I set him an account up on my computer, so far i have
Warcraft 3
Monkey Island
PJ64 + roms

pic unrelated

Thats a cute squid. post more

I'll post more animals webms but i need some recommendations for my bro


It's an octopus you big dummy

Those are some pretty good games. Give that little shit the Logical Journey of the Zoombinis, he'll hate it.

unfortunately he has access to video games so he doesnt have to play the shit he's given and build nostalgia around it like the good old days.
I'm trying to get him interested in stuff that isnt Mineycrafta/Roblox/goat simulator crap


bump, cmon do it for the you that was once a kid.
What games were you dying to get that you couldnt?

When I was a wee wew lad I wanted Diablo real bad, because I saw it on my neighbor's computer. They had Descent, too, and that looked like the shit.

My computer only had Magic Carpet 2 :c

Jesus christ man i remember Magic Carpet.
I played the shit out of the Descent 2 demo disk i had as well.

did that nigger steal some lamps

he is the lamps
fuck the ocean

hook him up with more emulators; the GBA has a shitton of great games, the PS2 has such a great library for all kind of tastes and there's the Dolphin emulator for some GC/Wii jewels
Just digging that it'd take months to navigate a backlog like that. Just pick cool shit and pick more according to what his taste is/develops

Half Life 1

There's blood but the game is pretty goofy

He's probably not interested in those fucking old games. Get him Overwatch.

yeah good suggestions

he likes Bastion but surprisingly isnt very interested in first person shooters, not that im complaining.


good list op, I like the warcraft 3 pick. additionally I'd recommend D2. when I was a young lad I remember being really hyped for the following games. morrowind, oblivion fallout 3, half life 2, ep 1, ep 2, portal, halo 2, halo 3, paper mario, paper mario TTYD, wind waker, serveral mario parties, double dash. I only owned a couple of these games and would often go to a friends to play it with them. good times.

is probably right tho. he's going to be interested in what his friends are interested in, and that's going to be overwatch.

>tRemʙMe wJtH teRRoR ʏou ғJMtHʏ ʙJped!

Well then get him some modern cRPGs like PoE or something good like Divinity.
Although those may have a some mature content.

Seconding this, make him emulate God Hand and watch him rage at the first boss

If that's not your speed you could always hook him up with something like Portal, nobody can really hate Portal and it's on just about every platform.


Can you play multiplayer games with him? My brother and I would always play games like Battlefront (original version) together. If so, I bet Portal 2 would be a good buy. Torchlight or Diablo games might be fun as well. Maybe ARK or Subnautica too? If he likes Minecraft I'm sure he would like those games.

man just put some sonic mania, undertale, and 5 nights at freddie.
dose his ass up with autism

Is he allowed to play m rated games?
If so metal gear rising is perfect for anyone


In all seriousness, give him access to some NES/SNES/Genesis/GB/Gamegear games. Ween him on that era while he's young so he'll know what good games are. Jump to PS1/SAT/N64/DC afterward.

>10 year old brother

Just make sure he's not some shit faced little brat who only wants minecraft/CoD before any of us go through the effort


or Age of Empire 2

>When it's coming up from the depths


More like cuddlefish.

SFM was a mistake

That's not SFM.



>only six dragon balls

what do you think im trying to do

I want to die

>another white baby
Just what the world needs.

fuck this timeline

fallout 1 & 2