How do we make this shit go away?

How do we make this shit go away?

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kill todd

pirate all the mods

dont buy them.

why is that so hard for you retards to understand?

businesses care about 1 thing and that is money. if it doesn't make money they won't do it.

pirate the mods/don't buy them
then kill all the jews behind its creation

Let your voice be heard, and quit buying their shit

Fallout 4 is fun, I'm not going to revise my rating based on a completely optional feature.


It'll die in like, a week.
Well, assuming consolefags don't fall for it.

kill the people dumb enough to actually buy mods.

Worked so well with loot crates, dlcs, and season passes, didn't it?

doing nothing is just as bad as supporting it

do people still think "rating bombing" actually does anything?

People buy those though. Loot crates had F2P and mobile games lube people up, and Season passes have last gen's egregious DLC schemes to lube them up.

The last attempt at paid mods crashed and burned. With this attempt, Bethesda might as well be ramming it dry. People won't like it

But we're the minority in this. There are way more stupid people with money who will eat this shit up than there are of us. Then every business will think this is the way to go, and video gaming will get worse all across the board.

If SJWs can affect games despite being a loud minority we can most definitely kill this is we yell loud enough

But SOSHEL JOSTICE WORRIORS may or may not have (((support)))

Say it's sexist and racist. The sjw will bandwagon and get it shut down.


Complain about them taking down sex mods and selling them. Oh wait, no one would publicly complain about that.

This shit isn't going away. Modern gaming is a fucking mess. Maybe I am finally getting to old for video games.
I just want to play a fucking single player game and buy the whole thing at once with out a bunch of added bullshit that is designed to bleed every fucking cent it can.
If I play with people I want to play with the people in the room with me.

How do you think, OP?

At this point your only safe haven are independent games.
Not indie games. Independent.

Kill Pete.

Fallout 4 was okay as a game. It's shit as a Fallout game.

>sooner or later people are going to buy into this shit
>five years from now it will be the norm and questioning it will get you hounded with fanboys that think it's necessary for the mod makers and game devs to make money
>Just like what happened with dlc
>Just like what happened with microtransactions
I want off this ride

nice club, bub.

I thought the slippery slope was a fallacy. How naive I was.

>it will keep sex mods away from children
They're not wrong though.

But I still won't. I'll even stop buying the games in full if need be. If idiots and console games choose to spend their money on this shit, that's their issue.

By not using it, uploading anything to it, refusing to review it, and whenever someone mentions paid mods, just go "Yeah I remember how valve banned them! So glad that Bethesda never tried it again!"

Very fitting that they started Creation Club off with a fucking horse armor joke.

DLC, Loot crates and Season passes are incredibly cheap to implement. Profit margins can be made on less than 1% of people buying, even if 99% of your playerbase absolutely abhors the practice

"vote with your wallet" only works when you have proportionate buying power that can actually make an impact. It means little when there are a horde of casuals who will pay for anything and have been conditioned from adolecence that microtransactions and p2w are not only acceptable but desired

"Voting with your wallet" is an asymmetrical process. It doesn't matter how many people refuse to pay as long as enough people do so to make the endeavor commercially viable. As a concept it's just a way to make people shut up about issues by bestowing an illusory sense of empowerment on them.

Valve was making $1 million per DAY when they tried paid mods. The reason it crashed and burned was because the backlash was so great, mod theft was rampant and Valve/Bethesda didn't have feasible long term plans for how to manage their broken system.

I doubt the consolefags will fall for it. They already have mods so creation club will have nothing for them.

>thinking it will

yeah because lil timmy won't lie about why he wants the bethesda bux.

The only adult mods creation club could even run are nude mods.
Everything else requires script extender or external applications.

>completely optional
Doesn't the latest update force you to download the mods even if you don't buy them?

You don't, they'll never relent despite backlash and like all things in life idiots will ruin it for the rest by supporting it. We live in a generation where it's more popular to pay other people to play a videogame for you, than play it yourself.

>inb4 plebbit

Not the playstation kiddies.

None of the release mods interest me, but it's cool of Bethesda to give 100 free credits, I'm sure I'll get something off it eventually.

>implying anything will ever be sold for under 150 credits

o i am laffin

>we lived to see the era where you have to pirate mods

Spam negative reviews on every bethesda and zenimax game.


Just go retro like I did, user. There's so many retro games you probably haven't even played that you could be playing instead of worrying about all this shit.

I've been doing that for years and I've had a blast. Try it out sometime if you can think of any games you might have missed in the past.

What if we did a hunger strike. We can organize some stream, have a bunch of anons play games as they slowly starve to death.

It would get tons of publicity.

The pipboy mods are only 50 credits you rectangle.

Worth a shot.

Would be interesting, but it'll probably just be strawmanned into oblivion. They'd starve in vain, pretty much.

I'm pretty sure that just about everyone who makes sex mods is against paid mods.

Good luck. You'd have half of them die within three days, and the other half go on for months on end long after everyone stopped caring.

We could crowd source some funding. Buy up all the ad-space within half a mile of Bethesda studios. Then fill it up with anti-paid mods and anti-bethesda propaganda.

There has got to be other communities who are outraged. We could reach out for support.

Serious question, are you twelve years old?

I cannot answer that question.

And it's not just that older games lacked bullshit, either. They were also just better games in general. And if you enjoy collecting, like I do, older games actually had worthwhile physical copies.
