Why isn't Mario Rabbids number 1? Because most people would rather get it for 48 USD instead by buying it at Best Buy with GCU or Amazon.
Mania is digital only and $20 while Mario is retail and digital with a $60 price tag
It's good. Also digital only.
>goty is number 1
What's the issue?
You're confusing Mania with Forces again user.
Because it's the best Sonic game ever made, come at me faggots.
Pfffffft okay
The $40 difference?
nobody can resist the memes
Why did Sup Forums lie about Splatoon's popularity?
What's the third game?
Because there's no Denuvo.
>You're confusing Mania with Forces again user.
Sure buddy you keep thinking that.
Sonic R says hi.
Laugh while you can. Sooner or later denuvo will be wiped off the game and mods will make the PC version the definitive version. Enjoy mocking PCfats while you can, because it isn't going to last.
>people buy nintendo games in public and do not feel immense shame
The only thing good about Sonic R was the cheesy but likeable music. I guess being able to walk around the 3D environments was fun too, at the time.
The visuals themselves are top notch. Probably the best look and atmosphere of any 3D Sonic game until, arguably, Unleashed.
>minecraft beating splatoon 2
wow splatoon 2 really is dying
It's a great game and Mario+Rabbids isn't digital only. That's all there really is to it.
Again, Minecraft is digital only and kids eat that shit up.
Forget Minecraft, some random shovelware is outselling both.
Its called not having autism
What's the third best seller? I never even heard of that game.
Because it's fun
Legit curious has there been a case where the devs have removed denuvo after the shits been released?
it's more popular than zelda and mariokart
>not having 3D 32-bit sonic as your favorite character design
Because it's cheap and it's a good game
you are retarded ?
Overcooked, really fun co-op cooking game.
t. 11 year old
Because most people don't have some kinda weird social anxiety disorder that makes them think others give a shit about random strangers like them.
You paranoid mind cripple.
I already finished the game. Enjoy being a loser edge lord while I already had an amazing time. No one will give even give a shit when you play it in 4 years faggot.
I played it on PS4 you retard.
>multiplats occupying a majority of the top 10
it's pretty funny, people wanted nintendo to be more in line with other systems, and now it is.
>not buying all your games through Amazon and eBay
No having to get out of the house and it's cheaper 99% of the time
It's a cheap, digital-only game. And it's good.
I know you are shitposting but this "opinion" gets me every time
Cute tortoise.
DOOM comes to mind
It's happened several times, usually after Denuvo is cracked so there's no need for it anymore.
>he thinks it will take 4 years to crack Mania
>owni g a Switch
How can some people be so dumb?
They're buying on the premise of future games, like people who bought a PS3 for versus 13, the last guardian, kh3, dmc5... or an xbone for scalebound, phantom dust 2/remake, crackdown 3, new rare games...
Sonic is bad in general.
So why buy now when it has no games when you could buy it later when it's cheaper?
>He doesn't know about Overcooked
Boi you are missing out.
Holy shit, what if we were wrong and Mania outsells Forces?
SEGA does what Nintendon't.
How is Sonic on Nintendo? I thought it was Sega.
because they fell for the media lie that the switch is in high demand and low stock everywhere, and are buying it like retards. Although the precedent has been set that nintendo isn't afraid to cripple themselves fiscally to try and garner more headlines in the media, look at the NES mini, literally everything about it. Controllers being "just too short" to the price to the limited availability, that thing was designed to be a news juggernaut.
>Sonic sells better than Mario on a Nintendo consol.
Replace SEGA logo with Sonic Team logo you dummy.
So here's the dilemma. Is Mario + Rabbids going to get sales like it's an Ubisoft game, or not get sales like it's a Nintendo game.
like this?
Thats better
I feel bad for sonic team. There was a point where they were one of my favorite developers. Last gen they gave me phantasy star universe, nights journey of dreams, and sonic unleashed, year after year. But then they died in 2010 and just started making shit for nu males
so im a neurotic pussy
should i go all digital on my switch?
my next purchases with def be Rabbids and Odyssey and so far I've been completely dig except for Zolda. Biggest dig game i have is Mario Kart and then a few of the little indie shits
now for those who say digital, point me in the direction of a fast, reliable and well-priced microSD card
thx Sup Forums
Puyo Puyo Tetris is breddy gud.
Should rename themselves to Puyo Team and give up on trying to make Sonic games, desu.
One's digital only and one isn't. Console owners still strongly prefer physical. How hard is that to figure out?
I hear those are good but the problem is, i just dont care for puzzle games
Sonic's gay. Always has been.
Is the average IQ of Sup Forums 60?
I don't know why overcooked is that high, I was hoping everyone would know about the glaring performance issues by now. It's not even lag you can ignore, it hurts the controls so much. Ice is unplayable.
>No one will give even give a shit when you play it in 4 years faggot.
Nobody gives a shit anyways because Sega decided to be scumbags.
It's not even the fact that they added DRM, it's the fact that they did so in the scummiest way possible and now, anytime people talk about Sonic Mania, the discussion is going to be derailed by Denuvo and how Sega scammed their consumers just to thwart pirates for what little time it takes for a crack to appear and get distributed.