What was it that made it the one best in the series?

What was it that made it the one best in the series?

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>more content
>better map
>didnt go overboard with reddit humor but wasnt too serious
>color option 1/2/3

Listen, I loved Saints Row 2 but why does everyone act like it was a godsend? Sure it's good but it's not the greatest thing to grace players

Because they have a different opinion than you.

accidental retardation is more entertaining that intentional

>why does everyone act like it was a godsend? Sure it's good but it's not the greatest thing to grace players
No one said or implied that. Just that it's the best in the series. Which it is.

it was fun

>gaudy-ass vato on the cover
>my saint was some aussie running around in bike shorts

The main story didn't consist of le epic randomness like the games after it. SR2 had plenty of serious moments and it mainly left the humor to side activities. Your opponents were serious gangs, not wrestlers or hackers.
It had a shitload of little details like idle animations that let you interact with people around you, having your face on posters after you buy enough stores, having a hidden sex mini game in the gas station bathrooms, etc.
Also, really liked the variation of customization and how you could layer clothing.
The protagonist was deliciously sociopathic.

Get up.

I wish the PC port wasn't awful. I have a good PC but it still runs like garbage and that really turned me off.

How come no one ever got it as rough as him, Carlos and Jessica in any of the sequels?

Because the sequels are softball.

Get the Gentlemen of The Row mod or whatever the fuck it's called also by the guy. It Works fine on my machine

Saint's Row 2 and Red Faction: Guerilla were clearly flukes.

I am using the GOG version on a shitty refurb dell. I have not had any issues.

They could've still have had a brutal death played for laughs.
Red Faction 1 and Armageddon are good.

Saints Row 1 was "okay" redeem themselves with Saints Row 2, saints row 3 was expected to top saints row 2 but it ended up only having less than half of the content saints row 2 had and all the story missions were half assed "activity" missions that are meant to play as side missions.

Saints Row 2 was just really fucking great overall, it pains me that they had the nerve to make saints row 3 and 4, and on top of that, making saints row 4 fucking even MORE half assed than 3, and it hurts knowing there's a broken pc port out there.

Really makes no fucking sense.

It has a great balance between serious and wacky, something that GTA used to be good at but abandoned. One moment you could be covering the streets in shit, the next you're genuinely pissed off because your boy was just dragged through the streets on his face forcing you to put him out of his misery so you want to make the guy who did it fucking suffer. Customization was great, soundtrack damn near perfect, and it's side content was genuinely good instead of un-fun padding that it's become in SR4.
The only true negative is that it can't be played on anything. Console version was coded fucking weird so it gets a strange feedback from the AA and sharpening resulting in a really bad picture, the PS3 version is further fucked because it can't handle multiplats, and the PC version dosn't work well even with mods and tweaks.

It's one of the few games that REALLY needs a re-release. Don't alter it just make it run on modern systems, include all the DLC, and release it. I'd pre-order the fuck out of it twice (one for me and one for my bro)

>4 distinct fighting styles
>Various side activities, each of them with their own cutscenes to give you a reason to do them, rather being thrust immediately without context
>Map that has interiors, verticality, and variety without feeling copy and pasted
>Story that can shift emotions organically
>Replayable missions and cutscene viewer
>Extensive character creator that was dumbed down for later releases
>Easter eggs that were placed with care
>Weapon variety for both firearms and melee
>Police isn't as easy to get away as the sequels where you just walk inside an owned business and the cops disappear

>4 distinct fighting styles
Let me stop you right there. Each fighting style is the same shit in a different skin.

You must have a CPU with EXACTLY 3.2 ghz of clock.
Any less or any more will make it literaly unplayable.

The objective ranking is
Red Faction > = Guerilla >>> Armageddon >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2


I wish Red Faction: Guerilla didn't endlessly spam you with hordes of enemies. I just want to use a sledge hammer on buildings.

>Oh you were enjoying the fun part of the game? Nah, fight these 20 guys instead.

Is 2 really that bad?

Here is a comparison that I saw the other day:
>Red Faction: Poor man's Half Life
>Red Faction 2: Poor man's Halo

Universal love for GTA San Andreas, Saints Row 2 expanded on almost everything GTA San Andreas did and at the time it was amazing, a shame that the PC port is broken beyond repair.

>Your opponents were serious gangs
>literal biker samurai
>literal african magical shaman

>biker samurai
Sorta what the Yakuza actually is.

>African magical shaman

Saints row 2 I feel had a balance between goofy and serious moments.

Those were better than

>literal wrasslin' tards
>literal cannon fodder
>literal emo twinks and datagrrrl skanks
>literal aliens for the billionth fucking time

Didn't know there was a GoG version, did they really somehow fix it? I tried the steam version and it's still fucked, even with SRpowertools if you nail the speed right the driving makes it unplayable and it stutters every few seconds. The last time I actually was able to play it on PC was like 8 years ago on a shitty dual core.

Why does this game run like literal ass?

Like i can barely get 15 FPS on with stuttering meanwhile SR3 runs withoat any problems
And yes i installed Gentlemen of Saints row but the issues is still not fixed at all

Nope. I tried both recently both ran exactly the same. Shitty.

>and it hurts knowing there's a broken pc port out there.
I'd rather play the PC port because i can't fucking aim with a controller and autoaim is boring.

perfect balance of serious and funny
fun characters
stillwater had nice unique districts
great options for character creation and customization for clothes and cars
fun side activities that gta4 was woefully lacking
overall lots of fun

>a biker themed gang
>Jamaican drug runners
I mean it's still Saint's Row, but it's better than the shit we got after.


Because they didn't go full retard, NEVER go full retard. Saints Row 2 is how video games should always be handled. Not taking yourself too seriously doesn't mean turning into a literal circus. This especially bad in modern settings, because anything with comedy attracts numales writers eager to insert as many references and memes as possible so that they can socialize about it later on their social media platform of choice.

Song about some gangster bitch, and pimp walk with a cane did it for me.

Customization wasnt simplified and dumbed down
Clothes were better and there were more body types

i prefer the weird later ones personally, the first couple were too much like a rip off of gta (that are better in some ways) when they went into full parody i think they nailed it

I personally believe Saints Row 3 is the best.
Just very original, had a funny story, and fun gameplay.

but user, that isn't SR4

To be fair, SR1 was
>Fast and the Furious
>Real niggaz
>Colombian drug runners

The best thing about open-world games is when they offer a lot of things to do, and change, but still keep the core mechanics fun.

Similar to Dead Rising, there's several places you can go to, stuff to get, stuff to earn in order to keep it fresh through the playthrough.

>forcing diversions into missions which were lacking already
look at this opinion, look at it and laugh

I devil may care story but not in a way that constantly nudges you and winks.

They weren't babying you by constantly telling you you are doing crazy shit. The gamer reached his own conclusion that he was doing cool shit and was enjoying himself.

The team that made the game changed. Still violition, but some different employees. That'll change any game.

It didn't need to jump the shark every mission. It had more than three missions. It found it's own groove finally.

>The main story didn't consist of le epic randomness

It did consist of exactly that and the humor it had was consistently bad through out most of if not the entirety of the game, everything it did right was either gameplay(when it worked), variety of missions and activities, and customization for your character. The story and humor is a shit.

Damn those are some nice missions

this guy is who I believe made SR2 good, he was lead designer along w/ Scott Phillips who took control for SR3 and SR4. Scott Phillips made the franchise kill.

James Tsai is cute

Why do contrarians think calling something overrated makes them sound smarter?
People are allowed to enjoy things.

he looks more lively and like he really cares, which cant be said for Scott

Holy shit based James

Haha no sweetie, I'm the nexus of refined opinions.

I actually liked duking it out against so many dudes, because I got to feel the environment around me devolve.

Same, I even installed the Gentlemen of the Row mod and the game still runs at 30 fps max.

>mfw playing Red Faction 1 for the first time and seeing those destructible enviroments

It wasn't trying so hard.

>best in the series
That's debatable. SR2's movement and combat is clunky as fuck compared to the games that came after it. I agree that the story, missions, and overall style of SR2 is the best but gameplay is the most important part and SR2 does not have the best gameplay.

the nexus of refined opinions probably doesn't really encompass the opinions of many people if you think about it.