Lobby time before downtime
UNI Thread
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Stream went over a few things, nothing we didn't really know of already. Went over a bit on frame data with some visual examples and had themselves a tournament between the staff.
They also went over the perennial question of "what the hell do these colored squares" mean. The crew seemed pretty well-prepared in the their Q&A letter segment where someone was torn between maining Yuzuriha or Phonon and wanted to know their footsizes as a tie-breaker and the answer was promptly given.
Room: vidya
Pass: vee
which stream was this
Okay someone said last week that NA already announced a localization but I looked at Aksys and didn't see anything. Show me.
French Bread's stream earlier this morning on their official Twitch channel.
Localization was announced at EVO or somewhere around that time. We ain't got a specific release date of course so that's probably why you're not seeing anything.
>no hilda
She's shit, what else is new
The stream also celebrated Enkidu's birthday and pointed out how Amnesia must have the requirements of being able to drink and be able to float on the ground
Truth hurts.
She's not a good influence to kids
Who else can float besides Hilda?
Technically speaking Gord, Chaos, and Enkidu all float when they dash. They joked about how Yuzu, Nanase, and Byakuya might be affiliated with them based on that.
You're right, I guess I've just never noticed.
She definitely floats but she doesn't "run" since she has little hops/dash like Akatsuki does.
And as Kamone and Byakuyaman shows, character wallpapers for phones were released. Maybe they'll give us those plates now too.
I remember they did a poll a few years ago asking about what characters people wanted to see, but I never followed up on it. Did they mention that in the stream or any past streams?
fun games
>Asking about what characters people wanted to see
I assume this is following the stream that showcased all the characters they wanted to add in the series? Either way, I personally have no clue since that was nearly 3-4 years ago. They haven't mentioned them yet but they did mention how many people were surprised about the length and content of the Chronicle Mode with all the non-playable characters they showed off in them. The only thing resembling a popularity poll seems to be from UNIEL's localization time period.
Nice seeing you again. Now that you use your meter more liberally, you should get into CVO-ing to finish people off. Sion definitely has the easier supers to link together. And now I stand against this wave of Akatsukis alone.
Crossover Cast member reveals on September 15th as well as more news during Tokyo Game Show
It's high roller night in the lobbies.
Being a purple rank must mean that you just see what the other player's notations are. That or walkup just loves playing people with the fastest pokes in the game
absolutely 0 chance of having akatsuki in there but eltnum is pretty much guaranteed
>but eltnum is pretty much guaranteed
On what grounds
Why would Eltnum be guaranteed and not Akatsuki? It's not like she's a UNI character, so adding her in would be adding in a character from a 5th series, which they said they weren't going to do anytime soon.
I hate fighting Akatsuki
Honest karateman
I never knew both players could have vorpal