Do you like him yet?
I like his tight little ass
Pyra pls.
Boy thighs
So when is it coming out?, december?
This mad cunt is taking his waifu to paradise and you're going to help him.
That outfit still looks stupid
Are you implying they're going to hold hands?
I don't care for him, but that's okay, because I can play as Tora and his adorable sexbot instead.
That shit's already confirmed. We're going to take it to the next level holding hands while staring deeply into each other's eyes
Yes, I love /ss/.
They said somewhere it was coming out around the holidays didn't they? Simultaneous worldwide release too I think.
>Worldwide release
I think people are taking this for granted. We had to wait 6 FUCKING MONTHS after XCX released for it to come out in the west. We're getting it in the same general time as Japan does. Thank fucking god.
It's probably because the game sells like 5x more in the west than it does in Japan. For some reason Japan just doesn't like Takahashi.
Truly a product of masterful engineering.
This collage is getting a little silly.
>tfw news
ost reveal when?
>japanese in charge of character design
Why put that little piece of art there and not the bigger art at 8:17
I'm more partial to this cat myself.
Dev interview stated that all 3 big groups, NCL, NoE and NoA are working together to make the game feel the same across all regions.
At E3 they were only a week or 2 away from including English in the demo.
The OST has been finished for quite awhile now too.
I think it's only a matter of time before were get an announcement on release date.
Ask the guy I stole most of it from.
>that design
Holy shit there man, this game has a teen rating, not AO
The only real problem I have with the design is the shorts and MAYBE the shirt (but I'd honestly settle for the former).
Has clothes/armor changing been confirmed yet?
Hell, you know who he kinda' reminds me of? Pic related.
Might not just be Pyra.
Why must you bring back painful memories like this
I'm sorry user. For me it was all over after MML1, but 2 wasn't bad either. Maybe... it's better this way.
I wait until I have played the game
I wasn't paying attention to those notices the first time through. Though eventually the game will come out, there'll be a full portrait, fanart will get made, and my dick will stay erect forever.
>waiting until after you've played the game to form opinions
You may be on the wrong board user.
Stop being a reasonable human being
>fanart will get made
Xenoblade never gets a lot of fanart though
Xenoblade never had conventionally cute designs before. Previous characters have been cute in design and concept, but neither their ingame models nor their official art did them justice.
There's this.
I've never hated him.
I hate his shitty ass outfit but your equipment changed appearance in Xenoblade and Xenoblade X so it'll most likely do the same here so it's a non-issue.
There's what? He's wearing the exact same clothing?
Armor better still have unique models because I'm never going to get used to that design.
Cosmetics shop
Oh I didn't notice that! Good catch user! Perhaps there's hope for our little poorly-clad Mega Man wannabe yet.
You'll be stuck with it in Smash Bros.
Very late November or some time in December are literally the only places it can go. It's way too close to September and they wouldn't put it in October or early/mid November since Super Mario Odyssey would eat it alive.
It's either that or delayed till 2018 but it seems like they're really trying to make 2017 for whatever reason. I imagine we'll get a Xenoblade direct soon.
If he somehow got into Smash then there's a chance he might have a swimsuit alt like Shulk has or hopefully an alt costume of equipment from the game, so maybe not.
This is the worst protagonist design I've ever seen in my entire fucking life. Even the pizza cutter dude from FFT is a better design than this.
How does he walk? His armor covers his knees.
>Even the pizza cutter dude from FFT is a better design than this.
That's objectively incorrect. His outfit is shit but it's mostly because of the scuba helmet and whatever the fuck those pants are.
The FFT design is cluttered with like a million irrelevant objects for no reason.
So you're saying Fiora in official art isn't cute?
>not mum
Is that a fucking vibrator
Not Pyra or Poppi levels of cute. She's much more plain-cute.
If things go well, 2019.
He looks like he really doesn't want to be wherever the fuck he is.
Nia is CUTE!
Oh hey, she actually has some non-shit porn now. That's a grand total of 4 pieces of fanart.
you can't leave a man hanging like this user
shota doujins when
It's the most recent Xenoblade art on Tumblr.
Well there goes my hopes
Seeing as how the only other porn of her is LITERALLY shit it's a marked improvement.
>Xenoblade doujins
You'd probably have better luck looking for unicorns.
I hate what this game stands for, and I'll never not be angry the writer sold out.
I'd still fuck him though.
Look at the icon on the cosmetics shop. it looks like actual cosmetics, not cosmetic gear, there's even a bakery, a fishmonger, a butcher, a knick knack store and one other that's just what the fuck is with these stores.
These are just the outside stalls.
I strongly dislike him but if you can swap his gear I guess it's alright since the rest of the characters look cool. Hopefully you can choose main control character too as in Xenoblade. Won't play it for a while though, still have half of Xenoblade and the entire X left to play.
>I strongly dislike him
What is there to strongly dislike? Aside from his outfit being kinda goofy we barely know anything about him, and what we do know doesn't seem bad.
Can anyone explain the combat system a bit more to me? I haven't played 1 and I skipped X because the combat seemed pretty boring but after watching the footage from gamescom it seems like its more interactive and a bit more like a traditional arpg in this one.
His outfit is absolutely horrible, but since that will change throughout the game that's not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is his proportions. What's up with his tiny body and giant feet and hands? Is he a different species?None of the other characters look like that. Perhaps it's just this particular armor making his hands and feet appear huge, but then he's just puny as fuck. His design is horrible to the core and no armor will save it.
Regarding personality I'll assume he's a standard early teenage anime hero.
His art is different from his actual model
Eh, I just can't get worked up about any of this design or art style stuff.
It's certainly better but still clearly over-dimensioned compared Shulk. And what's the deal with the sword people? Are they just decorations that run around doing the channeling animation or are they actual party members that can be targeted by enemy abilities?
Forgot the link
In single player RPGs stuff like that is extremely important to me. The world is the most important aspect, but it comes down to the character as well.
In 1, you have a hotbar from which you can pick an arte to use, each with different effects and shit, and in the middle there's a special arte that fills up with each hit you deal.
It's very reminiscent of MMOs except there's no MP.
You also can charge up three bars on the top left of the screen and perform a chain attack, in which you take control of everyone and use consecutive attacks.
In X, it's pretty much the same, except you can jump mid combat and change weapons on the fly. You also don't have chain attacks anymore but you have Overdrive, which is super OP since it multiplies your damage by a metric fuckton if you know what you're doing.
In 2 the hotbar is dropped for a skill-tagged-to-button approach, and while it retains being able to change weapons like in X, we're not sure if you can jump in combat.
Chain Attacks are back, Overdrive is dropped, Cooldowns are no loger time-based but they work like the special arts in the first game, but you can't move around while attacking like you used to in the first two games, so positioning is more crucial.
The flow of the combat in 2 goes like this
>hit autoattacks to build up artes
>hit artes to build up blade artes
>use blade artes in succession to go up a skill tree and seal one of the opponent's moves
>use chain attacks to break the orbs that appear around the enemy after sealing one of his moves
There's more but we don't know what exactly yet.
Also I think you get bonus damage if you use an arte as a finisher in the auto attack combo.
Artes charged up at the beginning of battle are confirmed too.
Posting some poorly made gifs
That's after upgrades, I explained the basics here.
Notice how I didn't even mention second/third cooldowns or combos for XCX
You got the one where she shadow boxes for a bit?
The Blades are powering your abilities, and elemental abilities are actually cast by them rather than the Driver.
>You got the one where she shadow boxes for a bit?
Is this the most anime idle animation for a girl?
The perfect Hime
About 27:40. You can also find Tora and Poppi dancing a little earlier in the same minute.
i can't stand the mmorpg feel combat this series has taken on
But that's all THIS series has ever done.
>i can't stand the mmorpg feel combat this series has taken on
You must be on the wrong thread buddy
>Tora and Poppi dancing
Honestly, XC2 is the one that feels the least MMO-ish one from what we've seen.
Even if it's because of the lack of the hotbar and cooldowns not being time-based anymore.
Why do you care? Why should you care? They are going to fuck this up I guarantee you that. Why do you even bother asking if you know this is a poorly developed generic anime character. Literally a step down from what we had in the original.
>poorly developed generic anime character
Didn't know the game was out already
The running animations are pretty MMO-like though, but I get what you mean. It feels more like the characters are a part of the world, and that the world is actually alive.
Xenogear/Xenosaga is why this franchise exist. Why shouldn't I expect some standard RPG combat?
This thread inspired me to pick up chronicles where I left off, just after you arrived at the hamster town. I've run a sausage party team of Shulk, Reyn and Dunban for a long time but now I should probably think about switching in someone else.