Is gigabit internet worth it?

Is gigabit internet worth it?

I would assume 50/50 is fine.
That 50 upload speed is actually pretty sweet sounding. Most are like 10 or less.

gigabit isnt exactly worth it but like 200 Mbps is worth it. If your two choices are those, then yea its worth it.

No. That $40 plan will handle youtube at 1080p as well as any online game you play. Torrenting and downloads will be plenty speedy; a movie will take ~40 minutes, a game will be about an hour.

Upload speed is pointless unless you run a youtube channel or stream on twitch. Otherwise no residence needs really any more than 5Mbps upload.

What if i'm putting HD movies on dropbox?
Is 50 mbps upload good enough?

Depends on what you're paying. For $70, sure.

I get municipal 1000/1000 in my city for $40, it's incredible. Comcast is throwing a legislative tantrum.

6.5 MBps, divided by 4 for RTT if using wifi, AT BEST speed. That's trash, shit deal, those are both fairly bad deals, are you stuck choosing between those two? I'd take the more expensive one desu if you stream a lot or play games.

What is a better option?

>Option 1:
200 mbps download
35 mbps upload

>Option 2:
50 mbps download
50 mbps upload

I need to be able to stream netflix in 1080p, game with a solid connection, and upload movies to cloud for sharing.

Well it's 50 down 50 up, so it'll take just as long to upload as it did to download.

>tfw 50$ CAD/month for shitty ass 1.3MBps connection
fucking Canada literally has the worst, most overpriced internet in the world (minus Australia(

Yes and no. Gigabit is good if you're downloading a lot of stuff but you gotta remember that some websites throttle or limit your download speeds.

So that obscure JAV clip might download at 20KBps for a 40MB file. If you were downloading that from file sharing of course it would be faster.

Also if you're going to be uploading heavy data then the 50/50 cap is enough, even though 800MBps upload speed sounds nice, you should just save your money.

>tfw I pay 70 dollars for 150/15
being a commifornian is suffering

Both are the same for what you want to do, but I'd pay the extra $10 for 150 more Mbps.

Honestly, probably the 50/50. 50Mbps down is enough to do all of that.

If you live with anyone else who uses the internet, you'll want the 200Mbps option. If you go with the 50/50, if they're on skype or whatever, your netflix will buffer or your ping will spike.

He said he wants to upload movies tho. Big difference between 35 and 50

>Speeds up to 940 Mbps

If you're interested in Gigabit, see if you can ask around if anyone is actually getting that speed in your area, often Gigabit connections are only 200 Mbps, or at least by my shitty provider.


I enjoy it.

>Not enough for netflix + skype
You're retarded, 30 is enough for multiple netflix streams and gaming while on Skype, i did exactly that for two years before upgrading because i wanted better downloads, 50mbps is more than enough for casual, low bandwidth use like video calls and streaming

pretty sure that's just a thing for anyone not living in a city/town. I live in a relatively small town and i get like 120 down 10 up for about $100. and it includes tv


>tfw 35 mbps upload
I feel bad for all these peasants with 10 or lower upload. Good upload is the mist underrated thing ever.

Is 35 up even a lot?

Think about it this way, Comcast's $80 plans still cap at 10 mbps up

That ping and speed from yours to neighbors house

Nah Canada gets fucked in the cities too, I've never seen as good of prices for internet in Canada as my American friends get, and neither do my Canadian friends.

is that supposed to be a lot of money...?

Up until you hit the data cap or get throttled in my case. Fuck all my JAVs are downloading super slow.

Not really unless you share with a bunch of people who Netflix, twitch stream and torrent constantly.

After 100mbit you don't notice much change except on the odd steam download or unless your plan on torrential while doing other shit.

It's just a shit deal compared to what you can get elsewhere

I pay 12 for 100/100 wth are those prices

I love you

At least you're not getting charged $10 for every extra 50GB you use.

At least you get """free""" health care

you fucking kidding?

my damn ISP, a local one with no alternatives, has like 3 tiers that are so expensive for shit speeds.

i hate it, i want like 69.99 1Gb speeds wtf america?

i pay 79.99 for 60 down/ 6 up
and again, zero other ISP i can get

Plans are not a flat fee across the country. OP probably lives in a cheap apartment and when he typed in his adress the company (Verizon) recognized that and tailored the plan prices to be more affordable based on OP's expected income. A gated community in a suburban area would see these same plans for much more

probs good for (popular) torrents

but i dont even saturate a 100mbps connection from most sources

Internet is cheaper in cities no matter how cheap your apartment is. Its because they don't need to spend as much on cables.

What I wouldn't give for that kind of deal in my area. I live in the southernmost area of Texas, and our options are limited. Basically, either Spectrum (Time Warner) or AT&T U-Verse (and not the fastest version). Since I got divorced and moved in with my mother, the speed has actually dropped, and I've only moved half a mile away! I pay for 20 Mbps, but I only get that speed when the usage in our area is low (after midnight, usually).

Even in my old house (now, my ex wife's house), the best I ever got was 40 Mbps, even though my plan was for 50. I get different excuses every time I call about it.

To my knowledge, there are no other options other than satellite internet and dialup in my area.

>implying 80% of a gigabit is a gigabit
>those hidden data caps


Pay for unlimited mobile data, jailbreak your phone, and run everything off that.


They're going to scrap those unlimited plans soon, then reintroduce them at a higher priced plan.

>sub-1Gbps speed for $70/mth

Fucking hell which 3rd world country do you live in?

Where I come from 1Gbps Fibre only cost $40/mth

not really imo unless you have devices that are constantly streaming all the time (a large family maybe?) the 50/50 is more than enough for anything. HD streams rarely use more than 6.

If you had a comcast exec tied up in your home, whereabouts unknown, what would you do?

>They're going to scrap those unlimited plans soon
It's too late. As soon as one tries it all the customers will leave

Average worldwide spees is under 30 mbps, so no, that's not 3rd world

i'd love symmetrical up/down

My options are 100/35 and 50/50
Both $40

Pls help decide

Were I paying for my phone, I would definitely do that. My financial situation sucks. A lot.

dude i pay a lot more than $40 for 15mbps/1mbps

I pay 50 for 50/50 and it's great. Usually websites won't let you max out the connection, anyway. Make sure your hardware can support 1 Gbps if you take fios.

I live out in the country, like literally just one other house in my general area. The internet guys out here have been doing some sort of weird technosorcery because we went from 5 mbps internet to 30 mbps in two years, and now another internet provider is offering 50/50 through Telus phone lines.
Any other Ruralfags here? What the fuck is going on?

Try living with a 8/1 speed. Thanks southern France.

here, can i move to wherever you are
im only ten minutes outside a large town, there's no excuse

I get 100KB/s up for $80 a month. Keeping a decent ratio on private trackers is suffering.

Shit, what town?
Mine has some independent competition in the city but it's not astronomically chapter than Comcast :/

>be ausfag
>have garbage internet because government decided to fuck up our planned new internet infrastructure so they would have a hot button political issue about some bogus budget crap they made up to help them win the election
>people actually fucking fell for it and now our "brand new" infrastructure is so shit it will need to be replaced in 5 years and is barely any faster than what we already had
>it didn't even end up any cheaper because they were fudging the numbers on their budget using bullshit estimates and it will end up costing more overall once they end up having to replace it in a couple of years
I fucking hate being the troglodytes who were technologically illiterate enough to fall for it and I hate the pieces of shit who ruined one of this country's most important infrastructure projects just so they could be elected and effectively set this country back several years in terms of our digital infrastructure.

I have 100 Mbps download and upload with a 5 ms ping to my closest data center.
How do I do?

I doubt you'd get any faster unless the house you get is in the right location. I get my internet from a wi fi tower.

>mfw my first internet speed was 0.5 Mbps
>then 2
>then 4
>then 8
>now 20
Literally unlocked internet speeds as I advanced in life.
That 50 50 one is perfect. You can put around 20 mbs on qbit, 5 for your wifi and the rest for yourself.

For the price, at least in boston, it beats literally all the competition. It's really nice getting GB size files from shit like mega and steam in fucking seconds.

what the fuck is happening in this thread? most people acting like this is a normal deal? i'm in a very large city in az and i have to pay (only two carrier options) $80/mo for fucking 35/5. they don't even offer gigabit yet, and in the parts of town they do its $119. damn i didn't know i was going to end my night so depressed

The more i hear of australia, the more it sounds like a terrible country to live in. No offense.

>I pay 90$ for something this guy pays 40$ for
what the fuck, dude. I don't even live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, I'm in a town on the east coast of Florida.

That sucks buddy, I'm and I get the 50/10 deal for around $60. And I'm from a third world country.
I'm honestly surprised no germans have posted their Chad internet.

I live in spic central Van Nuys, California and I get about 70mbps down and 6 mbps up for $40 a month. It could be way worse..

Do enlighten me, why do men leave the house for their wives when they divorce?

Get him to open the box

Maybe she was the breadwinner

>70 bucks for gigabit net

I pay 20 bucks for mine. What kind of third world hellhole do you live in?

Holy hell. Is this how much you pay in US for internet ??
In France I pay like 2 euros per months for the equivalent of your 69$ subscribtion. Why is this so expensive in your country ??

HAHAHA Kill me


Get a better job

It's a normal deal in the New York area

The worst thing is that this is $50 a month.

>Other fees

lots of providers insist that you pay extra if you hit some nebulous cap, which usually is something like 500gb a month

Cheer up user, it's enough for the cuck porn you guys like so much over there.

what third world country is this?

That's robbery

You think he has it bad? I pay that amount for a service that is literally 1000 times worst and its the "cheapest" service where I live.

The kikes who own the ISPS all teamed up and only work in specific areas so they don't have a monopoly throughout the country, but they effectively do. Nobody is going to do anything about it too. With Jews, you lose.

A lot of US states have caps, don't they? C'mon now

lol is that AT&T?

the United States of Comcast, of course

Who here Spectrum master race?

Bumfuck nowhere midwest states. Given the extremely low population density it's far more excusable than other countries

It's Verizon DSL. My building sucks.

God I would fucking kill to have Verizon back. Verizon sold my whole fucking area to Frontier and it has just been an awful shit show since.

>had Time Warner internet paying 40 for 50mbps
>spectrum takes over
>get bumped up to 100mbps for no additional charge


Yes, because the faggot Australians didn't fight it over there, so our ISPs saw that they could make money by placing artificial caps on an essentially unlimited resource. We should send our military down there to freedom those shitcunts. Then kill everyone at AT&T.

Depends on the company.

The highly recommended ISP where I live has 50gig/month data caps for $60 a month. Or for $200/month, I can have a 1 TB datacap. Oh and it doesn't roll over. I hit that cap within a week and that was me trying to be conservative with my data.

I switched to the lesser ISP, pay $80/month and don't have a data cap. It makes me want to start my own ISP. How fucking hard could it be?

Pic related are the taxes. It looks like the only major one is the "lease" of the router, which looks like an additional $10 a month... if I'm reading it correctly. I'm more worried about the monthly rate increasing when "the promotion period ends" though.

That shit still exists?

that's about what AT&T offers me where I live. they can fuck themselves because my cable company offers me 100 mbps for the same price as AT&T. the downside is I only have a 300 gig data cap though and if I go over it three times they automatically bump me up to a higher, more expensive plan

Are there really fucking data caps for every service now? I live in California

Fuck AT&T. They raised my mom's rates for no reason.

Read the contract.

If they don't outright tell you there is a data cap, there might be one hidden.