>There are no modern games that can ever truly replace Halo 2 and 3
There are no modern games that can ever truly replace Halo 2 and 3
Other urls found in this thread:
Titanfall 2
>trying to start a comfy Halo thread on a fucking Thursday
I know this feel Xbro
>Titanfall 2
No Co-op or custom games fun though. I fucking hate the KDA in this game aswell.
I can't wait for Halo 6.
>you will never be an autistic 15 year old obsessing over Halo Lore again
tf2 WAS a subsitute. But that was before it went F2P.
I want to believe Trump will unfuck Halo, but I don't.
>Nostalgic over Halo
Oh fuck wait, how old am I
You're a full decade older than when Halo 3 released.
Planetside 2 was also a good substitute but the devs were fucking retarded and squandered any potential the game may have had to take off. The infantry combat was fucking great though.
ALMOST, it isn't even September in burgerland yet.
Loads of good games seemed to get fucked over by devs.
*clears throat* Ahem
Anybody else play this?
But pic is the best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2?
Is there any way possible to retcon Halo 4 and 5?
Like post-343 Halo.
I enjoy it, but many of the maps have that terrible unfinished aesthetic, and the fact that it shares a space with that campaign really sours me on starting the game.
I been playing Reach again for the past couple of weeks.
>Weeklychallenge: Win 50 games of MP
>3 days later 48/50 won
>You have been temporarily credit banned
>"uh.. ok at least it's saturday I can win the last 2 tomorrow then and get my 30434 credits"
>Still creditbanned
Why the fuck do I get creditbanned. Did I win too much or something. I just want to grind to inheritor.
Are you talking about the multiplayer? It's still alive along with Halo 3?
They recently released all the DLC for free I think.
There's hope, Halo 6 and beyond will
>be Master Chief focused
>drop squad combat
>be self-contained
>have a new writer
>not have the same art style as Halo 4 and 5 since Kenneth Scott won't be involved this time
>have black undersuits
>split screen and lan
>all mp content at launch
>have Forge at launch
>have File Browser at launch
>have AI in Forge
>dev made BTB maps
Yes it is.
>>drop squad combat
I wouldn't mind the old style thing were marines follow you blindly to their self inflicted doom by flipping your hog off the map with the fuel rod you gave them.
>humans built a fuck huge monolithic ship with a shittone of new spartans on board
>coincidentally in the same place when he drifted off to at the end of 3
>local covenant don't know shit about what even happened there
>who the fuck is didact
>who the fuck is warden
>why the fuck is cortana crazy
fucking how even
Point, you.
Counterpoint: Not for Bungie.
Yeah I want that back, I missed when Marines use to follow you around, it led to actually having ammunition in the campaign, something Halo 5 was lacking.
Yeah it's got almost 4k players at 5am here in the uk
Halo 3 usually hovers in the few hundreds area.
All the map packs except noble are free now
Destiny 1 had fantastic gunplay very reminiscent to the Bungie Halo series, although it was definitely lacking in story until Taken King, but even that couldn't salvage it.
Destiny 2 is looking like what Bungie really wanted Destiny 1 to be. Halo-like gunplay and a solid story (could be wrong, we have no idea yet). Co-op and multiplayer was great in the beta, and the raid should be good too if the leaks are true.
>Destiny 2 is looking like what Bungie really wanted Destiny 1 to be.
Minus all the Bungie old guard who got kicked out during Destiny 1.
> master chief wakes up in the ship after halo3
>"What a weird dream"
Any modern FPS can replace halo because those games were objectively dog shit.
The ONLY reason you think otherwise is nostalgia.
Noble is now free, m8
>No co-op
Frontier Defense is like a month old.
God tier atmosphere
God tier soundtrack
God tier writing
Solid gameplay for a console shooter, and surprisingly expansive
The halo trilogy are on pair with shooters like half life.
wtf really? I'm sure there is a paid pack. I paid for it a couple of weeks ago when I started playing again.
>except Noble
But Noble is the best because of Anchor 9.
Bastards. They know.
Favorite map from the Reach DLC was definitely Highlands though.
>Halo-like gunplay and a solid story
>Destiny 2
Gunplay isn't anything like Halos
>queero kill everyone near you ultimate skills
>power ammo instead of weapon drops
>weapons that feel more like a call of duty game then halo
>jet-packs and dashes closer to Reeeeach
It feels closer to a weird janky mix of Overwatch and Call of Duty
Thank fuck we're actually getting it on PC. I haven't even bothered to get an XBONE specifically because the last few Halos have been shit, but if what you're saying about Halo 6 is true, then there's a chance it could bring this series back from the dead.
I'm sure the writing is so fucked it won't be redeemable.
low effort, you'll have more success with praising Halo 5 at the expense of the past games because fags will chime in with "great forge", "best multiplayer", etc.
Sarah Palmer is a great character, or something.
Kill yourself
>Solid gameplay for a console shooter
the fact that gameplay is the last thing on your list below everything subjective is hilarious.
Good atmosphere is about the only thing I'll agree with. Halo 1 was no doubt pretty good for it's time, but 2 and 3 were just regular console garbage.
I recently played through them.
And no, it's cause they're fucking good
Meant for
>but 2 and 3 were just regular console garbage.
Want to explain why? Not every shooter needs to be a fucking quake or doom clone.
Thank god the for MCC on the Xbone.
Destiny gunplay is nothing like Halo though, you've obviously barely ever played Halo, if you've played it at all
>Always have to ADS otherwise range and accuracy is ass on every weapon
>Can't jump and shoot weapons reliably at all unless using a shotgun
>Loadouts, not an Arena FPS
That boat has probably sailed.
Also I don't think we're going to escape squad combat, which fucking sucks. I would even prefer just singular missions from the perspectives of other characters because I don't give much of a fuck about Chief anymore.
Also playing as Blue Team members could technically be "Chief-focused" anyway if they actually plan on characterizing them instead of relying on the books like they always do.
I mean in terms of arena shooters Overwatch is easily on par with halo 2 and 3, and I also enjoy Halo 5s gameplay very much.
Can you name one thing that 2 and 3 did that 1 didn't already do? You're only praising the next-gen console versions because that's what you grew up with.
The way Frankie talked about it pretty makes it seem like they're dropping it. He stated that fans loved Blue Team and liked Osiris but wanted the Chief and plan to make future games more fun to inhabit the universe as the Chief and take a step back from what they did in Halo 5. That really sounds like they are dropping it for Halo 6 and beyond.
God can you believe they compared the campaign to republic commando
Dual wielding
Destructible vehicles
Fucking Online play
>Can you name one thing that 2 and 3 did that 1 didn't already do?
Sure thing
>larger battles
>more enemy variety
>not re-using the same room and hallways for every fucking level
>more unique environments
>larger and higher quality soundtracks
>multiplayer maps that aren't football field sized
>buffing the players movement speed
>because that's what you grew up with.
Jesus christ grow the fuck up with this shit. Not even 2 replies in and you're already throwing the LE UNDERAGE meme.
Most of Reach's default maps were shit but the DLC maps were pretty rad.
They're all backwards compat now because mcc is dead
>You could take out incoming missiles with Grenades.
I 'member.
So fucking mad.
I dunno, I really enjoyed the flow of Reach's maps. The DLC maps really were a cut above though.
Only map that I fucking hated was Boardwalk. No matter what I did I just got schwacked on that map.
What do you mean MCC is dead? Like they shut down the servers or just that no one plays it?
Why are Quakefags so autistic?
If you haven't read this then prepared to feel that way again.
A large amount of them seem to believe that every single shooter that doesn't have you carrying a arsenal of 10 weapons and running around at 60mph in a giant labyrinth of brown corridors is shit
New soundtracks
Urban combat levels in 2
New weapons
New armor
List goes on and on famalam
no way in hell
hipfire is not even as accurate and there is the typical fps airborne penalty
Player volume is a fraction of what it was a year ago.
I like that they did backwards compat, gives people a reason to hop back on with what's left of the old halo community
I've played a ton of Destiny, and while there is a lot I like, Destiny feels like the background is just that. In Halo, especially from 2 on, there's this very 'lived-in' feeling to the environments. Destiny is just Hey ruins cool.
Destiny has terrible world design compared to Halo, however. Here's some reasons why:
>enemies are barely vocal and have no character
>enemy behavior is all similar - they pace or stand there, no longer interacting with each other like in Halo
>enemies drop glowing gay loot
>numbers splashing on the screen with every shot
>no marines
>seeing other players on a planet doing a separate mission is gay because you sense that you're playing a game then
>barebones plot that makes Halo CE look like a literary masterpiece
>Ghost is fucking garbage compared to Cortana
>you're just a "Guardian" not someone interesting like da Madda Cheeb
>lack of vehicular combat
It could have been so much more, but instead they decided to make an MMO for consoles.
DOOM (2017)
I think Microsoft got on their ass, that's why Halo 6 and beyond will have all of that stuff.
>Weapon pick ups
>Power weapons
>Everyone starts out with the same weapons
>Maps designed for multiple gametypes
>Regenerating Shields
What do you mean by on par?
>Overwatch is easily on par with halo 2 and 3
>Not knowing how to hide shitposting.
Get out.
>2 and 3
>not 1
end yourselves xbots
Cortana going crazy was something everyone knew was coming since the concepts of Smart and "DUMB" A.I.s were introduced in the Halo novels and comics before Halo 2 even came out.
Halo 1 mp is a broken mess
thats a phrase i havent seen in awhile
>They said they were gonna make all Halo DLC free
>He paid for it anyways
Pc destiny map's felt very halo 3 - ish, symmetrical, lots of team shotting. I mean don't get me wrong fellas it's worlds apart from Halo but team shotting is so fucking strong now it seems, reminiscent of 3.
>he never played Blood Gluch or Sidewinder with system link in 16 player multiplayer mode
>"broken mess"
Playing with more than 4 people fucks up the spawns.
Yes its a broken mess.
>mfw I'm still engrossed reading all of the weird shit about Halo stuff
Stopped at 2 and it's amusing to see where it went. Grunts and Elites look fucking stupid now though, and Jackals are weird and overweight.
I've been filling the void with Halo Online, just missing the friends.
Never happened to me or my buddies, so no.
Happened to me when playing in lan parties, also happened when I used to play it on PC in HS with classmates, and it still happens when you play the MCC, so yes
I'm talking about classic Halo on the original Xbox. Never had it happen once. Maybe you and your friends had buggy Xboxs, or defective copies of the game. Never happened in a single LAN party ever. The worst persistent bug we had with 16 player full matches and ONLY ones to that capacity was maybe 2 in 20 games we'd have one or two of the games crash and that was after maybe a solid 3 to 5 hours of gaming.
While I'm not a fan of 343's art and aesthetics, I do appreciate that they use bright and vibrant colors for their games and that their armor is shiny. It's very reminiscent of Bungie's Halo 1-3.
Not him but the PC versions of Halo 1 and 2 were never really that great in comparison to the original Xbox versions of those games.
>fantastic gameplay
>bullet sponge farmer
4's campaign with 5's multiplayer would've been a good game, unfortunately the other half of both of those are complete dogshit.
But 4's campaign was shit though. Story is fine, but holy fuck the weapon veriety.
Knights are some of the most tedious cancer fucks to fight in the entire series, and you're basically just forced to use the fucking light rifle 24/7 because all the Promethean weapons are garbage.
Not him but on the weapons part for most of the missions ignoring the third and last mission I was able to use a lot of UNSC weapons dropped, I also used support weapons and power weapons so I didn't need to always rely on the Light Rifle except for at least 2 missions.
I would unironically cry tears of joy.
>there are no modern games that can ever truly replace the modern FPS game of the mid 2000's that started the cancer of modern FPS's
Darn it.
Tighter controls
arena maps
button combos
MLG support
The fucking BR