Should I get a Vita or a Switch?

Should I get a Vita or a Switch?

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It's cheaper overall if you like the library.

where to buy vita i never see them ANYWHERE

You can literally get them for ~$100 online including shipping

The only worthwhile shit the Vita has is weebshit, if you're into that I guess. You might as well just get a Vita TV if you want to play the games on it.

i want a new vita not some slut vita filled with cummies

They're new though. Not refurbished or anything.


OP here

What are the essential Vita games?

Look for yourself you fucking idiot.

$200 on amazon motherfucker you lie huh bitch?

Persona 4 Golden

Wasn't the guy before but is price really an issue compared to a $350 dollar console?

dude a memory card costs like $100 dollars what the fuck is this

I wanna feed her fish

is that weird?

Just get a Switch dumbass, nothing in the Vita's library beats ongoing support and releases

This has to be a bait thread. There's adapters.

I remember being mad af when Sony announced memory card shenanigans. They reap what they sow.

Vita is only worth getting if you can find one on 3.60 or lower firmware and hack it.

no thanks bitch i have playstation plus and already a fucking huge library of games unlike no games switch

>What are the essential Vita games?
Nothing that isn't available on other consoles.

requires cfw

Anything 'essential' is already on another system with scant few exceptions. Shiren the Wanderer is one that isn't IIRC, which I probably don't.

Switch. I have a vita and there is fucking nothing to play not to mention the console is basically dead.
At least with a Switch theres the possibility of something fun to come out in the future

Just get the physical games?

and waste money on games i already own? no thanks pal

Wtf are you going on about? How do you own the games if you don't own the system?

What do you think he's doing right now?

playstation plus crossbuy

>many more games at disposal
>hackable, homebrew
>backwards compatible with some digital PSP games

>pay2play online
>barely any MP games
>memory cards are stupid expensive, needs hardware mod to support micro SD
>no 1st party support
>most games have better versions on PS4

>few games, but good ones available as of now
>will have plenty of 1st party support in the coming months and years
>easy local multiplayer
>free online until 2018
>native micro SD support so cheaper storage
>better versions of wiiu games if you skipped on that shit

>pricey, system+one game will net you $360
>not hackable, will take years to get proper backup loaders done
>no BC
>paid online once 2018 arrives, only "advantage" is NESflix but at least it is $40 cheaper than PS plus

>>pay2play online
you fucking what, nigger? the rest of it is correct, but that's just blatantly untrue bullshit, unless your dumb ass thinks PS+ is 'paid online'.

Watching over us vigilantly.

Pic related.

God speed, Lee Goldson.

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

>essential Vita games
Excellent ports: Virtua Tennis 4, Muramasa: Demon Blade, Dead or Alive 5+ with the 544p patch, Digimon Cyber Sleuth, and One Piece: Unlimited World Red
Exclusive titles: These are being ported to the PC like crazy, but for now, Hotshots World Invitational


I dunno. Does sodomizing his neighbour's dog count as losing his V-plates?

A switch are you fucking retarded? I own a vita and that fucker is dead as shit.