Is this the normiest JRPG there is?
Is this the normiest JRPG there is?
Kingdom Hearts
Is OP the biggest fag there is?
Asking the real questions here.
What do you mean normiest? Sure, it's popular, but the game isn't your typical JRPG.
You serious? But that's not FF7 or Pokemon. The only popular JRPG that deserves it is Chrono Trigger.
Not sure how it's normie as it was different from the other JRPGs I've played when I was in grade school.
Not when FF15, KH and P5 exist.
It's entry level "I'm such a hipster" RPG.
normies dont play rpgs they play sports games and shooters
okay faggot
then tell me what games aren't considered for normies according to this shitpile of a board.
Dwarf Fortress
That's not Chrono Trigger
>Not FF7 or early Pokemon
Which is, itself, the normiest of all the "too complex for normies" games.
they're a close match
You fucking elitist retards are embarrassing. The most fuck normie rpg is the one fucking normal fags would play. Like goddamn Pokémon.
FF7 and Pokemon
>niche series
Try not just being a walking pile of memes for once. The only hipsters when it comes to EarthBound are the modern contrarian hipsters who push dumb memes like that on anything that's always been popular. Mother series didn't get the hipster rep until shitty indie games all started being compared to it and mouthbreathers too stupid to form their own opinions immediately had a kneejerk negative reaction to it. Before the 2010s, EarthBound was liked by all the same people who liked FF, CC, and all the other big name jrpgs.
a dumb question, of course he is