Why do we love Marie? Is it because she saved DOA?
Why do we love Marie? Is it because she saved DOA?
6 when
she's a cute child
I like her fight style the most.
And her school girl/harem outfits are 10/10 and another reason why I play her.
Bro, the Japs need to stop making little girls in video games so fucking sexy, it's bad enough they already are IRL.
Yeah, not even a lolicon but this needs to stop.
Yeah those damn little girls need to stop being so sexy.
t. totally not FBI
Best thing she brought were the bestiality SFM porn she and Honkers are in
DOA was already doing well without her.
Announcement in December.
The only reason I want 6 is for the story mode and I hope these 2 are the focus of the story
And now it's doing weller. What went right
As someone who's been with the series since 2U, looking at the same copy pasted model for years gets incredibly stale
Am I the only one who thinks she and Honoka ruined DoA?
I doubt they'll be the focus, though I do think they and Nyotengu will be on the cover. All memes aside, if they continue to do group shots for the cover, as they've done for 4 and 5, it seems likely they will be, as new characters usually are, and this will be their first official game where they're part of the lore and not just dlc add-ons.
She saved DOA now she will save senran kagura. Soon she will save us all
Doesn't matter. They saved SFM.
Mirai is sexier.
No. Waifufaggot tears will continue to flow but at the end of the day she didn't negatively affect the gameplay in any way.
Also I'd say everything AFTER her is what partially ruined DOA because traditionally only final bosses would have fighting styles full of anime magic explosions. The VF characters were the last good guest characters.
this desu
Best of both worlds, then?
I wouldn't say they ruined it. It's true that Honoka doesn't really add anything new, but her moveset will likely expand in the future to make her more interesting. And Marie may have drawn in some new fans, but most players who like her for what she looks like were probably already DOA players, likely the ones who obsess over how they'll never see 16-year-old Ayane's nipples and camel toe ever again.
It was a good choice to divert from the tit galore. Little variety puts more life to the other girls too.
I'm getting this for Ayane mostly, but I'm sure I'll play all the DOA alums a lot.
>Why do we love Marie?
Because of all that guro and ryona SFM porn with her.
I wonder why the fuck a jap and a swedish have the same face there.
Because of her succulent belly button
google "pestilencesfm" with Marie Rose
Is this the end?
Who cares about that baby when perfection like tengu exists?
Marie is sexier.
Why do we love Marie? Just to suffer?
ITT: pedos making excuses
>Best thing she brought in was the futa SFM porn she and Honkers are in
Fixed. Contrast is the best.
Nyo is a disservice to the original Tengu (the actually good one) and fills a niche that's already filled by Leifang AND Kokoro
Talk about redundancy
shes fun that's why i love her
Marie dominates Kasumi is my fetish
Disregard that, I suck cocks.
Hey man, I like Marie now, but I never liked Ayane. I resent that generalisation.
Hitomi was my old favourite.
Good man