Why is it OK when Japan does progressive shit, Sup Forums?
Why is it OK when Japan does progressive shit, Sup Forums?
They do it because it's hot, not because it's """progressive""".
what's progressive about that? are they (male)?
They aren't doing it to push an agenda, they're just doing it.
Well, I wouldn't post a NSFW pic, you know.
I recognize this artist, finally doing another nukige?
Just searched the panda for any new Aogiri Penta uploads and came up with squat. Guess this is another upcoming CGrip to put on my radar.
then I require a source
Forgot to mention I find the demon's shit-eating smile hilarious
"Yes I fully know and expect you will fuck me in the ass, you pervert!"
The post right above yours had the artist's name, you nigger.
i recognize that homo!
I already knew aogiri penta but I couldn't find out what it was.
I know now thanks to
LMAO They actually have the OP movie on Youtube
>that shitty resolution
Because they do it for their dick, through dick unity.
>cut-off part of demon's head
No thanks
C'mon guys. I'm trying real hard to not let Japan turn me gay for cartoon boys.
You can download the demo version here, babe
It's literally not gay if you're attracted to their feminine traits.
Already on it.
This sounds a lot like Onmyouza
What if you are attracted to the cute benises?
You're bisexual then
>Japanese homosexuality
>fun between people
>western homosexuality
We should go back to make it illegal to be a faggot.
I feel bad for straight people.
Because they are mentally ahead of nearly everyone else in the world.
I want to hug and tell the homo how cute he is
Ideas are not what drives these designers. It is the dick, the erection within that lusts for all that is cute, beautiful, and sexy. That is what moves them to action. It is more open and honest than any liberal ideology ever could be. If only the world would learn to embrace it.
>Help! I'm oppressed!
>Gay marriage was very recently legalized and people have become far more accepting of homosexuals
>Help! I'm still oppressed!
It's the same thing with women and minorities. I don't understand it. America is probably the best it's ever been when it comes to this kind of stuff, but we still get people who act like we're still living in the fucking 1950's.
Through dick, unity
Because slippery slope is not a fallacy.
I think any non-retarded American realizes what you said is true.
The guy who invented that slippery slope shit probably didn't know the concept of inertia
Fucktards dont realize why trump won hint: it was the endless whining about things like muh oppression which are blantantly not true in the majority of america. The poor me card is getting real old real fast. Guess what dumbfucks im a nerd that cant get any girls to give two shits about me but I aint whining about muh oppression 247 365. Fuuuuuuuck
Also I dont even give a shit about politics and didnt even vote for red vs blue bullshit
>you will never be a cute succubus trap
Fuck, man
>wanting to be one
>not wanting to cuddle with and fuck one
In another world, I'm sure we would get along.
In another world i hope both of you are nailed to the cross.
>new aogiri penta game
In that world I hope you nail me in the ass with your dick :)
5 minutes.
it was a stake, not a cross
Not really though, it doesn't release for another month.
If you mean throwing you off a building then sure.
Fuck off nosferatu.
sauce is in the thread you lazy bum
Are you actually retarded?
(C91) [Mayoineko (Ameyama Denshin)] Shinsekai Yori no Hanayome - A Bride From the New World (Kemokko Lovers 7) [English] [desudesu]
>He can't instantly sense traps
Hey buddy, let me give you some advice. Take a civics class in high school. If AP US Government is offered, take that.
Because they're not doing it for any social or political reason, they're doing it because it's their fetish.
That and they completely understand the difference between fiction and reality.
>Not a single aogiri penta VN has been translated
give me a link you fucker not whatever it is you just posted
get the fuck out of here homo and absolutely do not post any more images
desu senpai a world where everyone is a cute girl or a cute trap sounds pretty awesome to me, that's pretty progressive
traps need big manly cocks though or they will never be sated
Meh that somewhat ruins the appeal to me. Big dicks should only be on manly dudes.
Succubus (male) > notBridget > Saber (male)
i meant that there needs to be manly dudes to fuck the traps
trap on trap is just pure gayness
semen demon (male) >= saber(male) = bridget
>being so scrub that he wants a link with the English source
I got you my man.
I think was an attempt to do jousu sanmai or whatever it's called a long time ago. Nothing came of it.
it's alright imo
the worst is straight trap on female, utterly irredeemable
>The poor me card is getting real old real fast.
No kidding. I'm sure sick of listening to Trump voters whining on and on.
shit taste
what do you think of reverse trap x trap
Is that an incubus or a Succubus (male)?
I didn't know you were into traps Ambassador Kosh
So sexualizing boys and making them dress like girls.
Daily reminder that traps are gay
**I've fapped to plenty of Yadokugaeru myself
It's not really progressive if it's the idealized kind of trap and not the average kind.
and converted to png
for your fapping
>idealized trap
They're not even idealized traps, since they don't pass as women and look like effeminate women.
progress can only go towards the direction of the ideals/idealized forms, no matter how much some insane idiots shout and try to make it the reverse.
i said straight trap on female is garbage, didn't i?
women are gross. cute men are objectively superior.
if the thread lives long enouth ill post text removed one
>whining about whining
>pg 22
>instantly recognize what it is just form the filename
oh you BEAST what a horrible person you are
I really hate how SJW faggots have tried to co-opt the term "trap," and apply it to any and all trannyfaggots.
Most of those trannys look absolutely nothing like females, and are thus not traps. Put some fucking effort into it you blue-haired men in drag
SJWs hate "trap" because it implies trannies aren't real women
What do you mean?
this thread needs less SJW BS and more cute boys
>I'm trying real hard to not let Japan turn me gay for cartoon boys.
>Japan turn me gay for cartoon boys.
To begin with, why should Japan do that?
give me the source i haven't seen that one
Where is the gameplay?
Godspeed user.
You apparently have never seen SauceNAO either.
in your pants