Installing this game now because I'm tired of FF14

Installing this game now because I'm tired of FF14.

What am I in for?

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Playing an Orange because you quit an Apple.

You quit WoW (when it was still good) for Diablo 2, basically.

Diablo copy with a massive tree filled with passive effects that you will have no clue of how to progress

Jew simulator with additional irrelevant mini-game where you mindlessly mow down mobs with single button.

diablo 2 hd

first 10 bad builds


You'll uninstall in a week

its good follow a build guide if you don't want to waste a fuck ton of time its easier to learn how to play if you follow a build imo make sure you pick the league when you choose a character don't play standard

Bretty solid campaign where whatever bullshit build you want works for about 9 acts.

Late game is boring. This league is a snoozefest.

There are tons of builds online and their website allows you to make filled out skill trees that you can share.

Is there any classes that are so bad they shouldn't be played at all and are there any classes that are so OP they should be played?

I don't want to fall for the meme of "play what you think is fun" and end up screwed later.

This pretty much. It's trash, go to a casino instead.
>use a third-party software to use a third-party website to trade
>and people defend it and ask for more
Excellent game design. Stay away from this garbage and the people who play it, they are all braindead zealots.

You can make any class terrible but they all have builds that can get to the endgame.

Wait so everything is centered around a fucking online market?

You'll have to drop money on stash tabs, especially if you want to smooth the trading process. Aside from that, your character will become pointless after something like 6 months, because there's no reason to play the Standard leagues.

Pick duelist, find a big fucking sword, have fun til you hit ~70.

You cant make most builds work with what you find yourself, you need to trade a lot. Well, it is possible to play solo self found, but that requires extensive game understanding and particular ways to build which you might not be interested in.


Starting with an SSF build would probably be the better idea anyway, so they can build some currency to fund a real build.

The trick is to pick a good starter build. Sunder and Facebreakers are pretty good with minimal investment.

>What am I in for?
FUCKING LAGSPIKES 24/7 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE you can list things with a third party app but anyone can just go to the website and buy anything from anyone easily desu all you really need to level with any speed is just decent two handers and sunder all the leveling weapons are only like 1 alch and you'll find that for sure leveling tabula is like 7c

Yes, everything is centered around, a third party website that indexes threads from the official trade forum and their contents. In order for you to set up your own shop you need to either buy a premium tab or make your own forum post where you list the things you want to sell and dowload a third party program to organize and flag you as online.
It's an absolute shit show and the developers refuse to fix this situation.

Basically while its downloading, go through

Classes/Builds and look at the videos for a skill you want to use.


I've never used and im 320 hours in the game and did completely fine, I just like finding shit myself it's more rewarding.

That sounds fucking stupid. I just want to play and not have to RP as a god damn merchant just to get anything done.

No, the online market is a footnote you can completely ignore.

All the website does is literally list what people are selling and you click a button on the website and it copies a text you can paste ingame to tell them you want to buy the item. It's convenient as fuck

Why don't they just have an in game auction house? They could even make it so you have to still trade with someone instead of just hitting buyout if that's what they want

ssf masterrace

You know what would be even more convenient? Have it implemented into the game so I don't have to bother with it.

That's the problem with PoE in general. There's tons of GBG refuses to implement either because they're lazy or too proud to. Shit like loot filters have been requested for years to no avail to the point that the community has to go and do it for them.

Play on Elysium Instead, its an entry level Private Server for the good version of WoW, when people had less than 7k health and Honor actually meant shit

Already uninstalled the game. Don't want to have to relearn min/maxing and all that shit for a new game. I'll just stick to FF14.

>Charged Dash STILL can't be used unarmed
What the fuck are they doing???