How come it failed?

It's only been out a year and it's dead as can be. Rumors are that only one dev is even working on it actively anymore.


He also banned the most rated steam review since it was negative.

I'm a little new/retarded. Who is "ennsta"? A dev I'm guessing?

lead dev after this one got canned for wasting tons on hardware that didn't work.

Shitty graphics, crappy models, atrocious balance, shoddy animations. That game makes DoW3 look good.


Huh. Seem like winners. Also is that a "mohawk" or is he just overcompensating for his receding hairline?

I thought the graphics were serviceable, although at lower settings it looked like muddy ass so I guess I see your point. I only played a couple of days and the balance was what really got me. Eldar were ridiculous and seemed to only ever win or get very close games. Orks were at the shit end of the stick, and loyalist marines seemed to job to Chaos hard. The thing that really got me was how fast the community was to mock anyone who pointed it out. "Eldar OP" was even a meme.

The voice acting was okay, though.

Fucking hell, literally all they had to do was copy Space Marine's multiplayer and add vehicles. Idiot developers are too proud for their own good these days.

The reason "Eldar OP" is a joke is if you post that on the forums the furry mod will ban you.

Hell their Youtube channel hasn't uploaded a video since July 21.

The what? Jesus.

You know, I wish I could have justified playing this game more and possibly even giving them money, but when many of the players outright said "Don't spend money on this game, it's going to die soon." and the devs seem so incompetent and unwilling to improve their product, it sucks. They could have just copied other games, given it some 40k flare, and people would have jumped on board.

What really killed is lack of content, no dreadnoughts, terminators, bikes, aircraft.

The mod is a furry with ban privs, you can guess how that worked out.

they somehow managed to have graphics that look more plastic than the models

Because who the fuck even plays warhammer anymore

Why is there a discord that the devs are in even
That seems like a fucking retarded idea

GW has been doing really well financially, especially with the release of 8th edition, so evidently a lot of people.

Because they are that incompetent, its Mass Effect Andromeda leve; of fucked up.

why does warbros only play dead games

I want to play some actual shit with you autists not this crap and warfarm

Of course they have PR on damage control

I figure it's a curse of playing games from here. Risk of Rain is comfy though.

... What?

I'm not super pro-GW- I still loath their decision to completely scrap Warhammer Fantasy, and Primaris Marines are fucking retarded- but financially they are doing alright. You can look at their stocks, which have been up, and the nosedive their bigger competition has taken, namely Warmahordes. Then there's /tg/ being one of the more active boards on Sup Forums, where they have like three /40kg/ threads a day.

those guys are literal autists
not even the fun kind

The small amount of Orks that still play continues to let me enjoy the game. I really wish Painboys weren't continually inadvertently nerfed though. Plus, so much stuff is overlooked when it comes to balancing gear. The devteam been downsized to skeletons too.

daily reminder that BRO is a shitter guild whos too pussy to face BLOPS

Did they add open world yet?

>got wrecked so bad he makes up stories

We're alive user, currently in BDO at the moment. Swing by the steam group to see what we're doing.


What is this
is this memes? Am I being memed on?
Are you guys part of the 20-30 players still in this game?

All this needs is some Yakety Sax.

not really a fan of mmos, that's why I haven't bothered making an account and joining

It was funny when they had literal fanboys on this board

Half the guilds in EC sound the same
There's four diffirent "bro" guilds (not even kidding. and they all hate each other)
Theres blop
and theres boop

I dont even know who comes up with these shitty names.

Do tell.

BRO was first, as I had that reserved since 2013.

who is "I"

>THQ teases Dark Millenium Online
>40K MMO
>Hype as fuck but THQ dies
>Eternal Crusade kickstarter begins
>40K MMO
>Not going to fund a kickstarter so I wait
>Goes from MMO to Planetside clone
>Then to a ripoff of Spacemarine MP with larger teams
>Then suddenly goes to Early Access on Steam
>Garbage update after garbage update as the devs moan and whine about how making a game is hard
>Their first major kickstarter update was to try and place the cash shop with limited time hero power upgrades in their ALPHA
Games Workshop spent decades kicking away everyone from using their IP and as soon as gaming hits the mainstream crowd they let anyone who can download gamemaker use their IP and make absolute dogshit with zero quality control.

Take a wild guess as to who could reserve the Warbros name and choose a tag for it, user

Dude I don't know, I'm not part of this community. Jeff Hickman?

In that case, why did you ask?

Because it could be relevant to to conversation. You know, why the game is in its current state.

Wia, you fuck, is that you?

The game could be silly at times.

No, it's me, Swaggermeistress.
I had the top viewed review for the game

So do you have anything to add, or did you already?

I'm not sure what you want me to add. Most things that I would say have been said, the game is a flaming wreck but we had some fun despite that.

God the vehicles were so shit.

>Warhammer Fantasy video games just keep getting better and better since the dead of that setting
>Warhammer 40k video games just keep getting worse
Just kill 40k already GW. I also really fucking miss Warhammer Online, all the classes were fun as fuck, I never rerolled as much as in that game.

rerolling is all I do in the warhammer online private server, getting to max level feels like it would take too much non-scenario grinding since anything after t1 is semi-dead.

Plasma best gun.

That's pretty good, like Battlefield 1942 physics